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Integrated Navigation Systems

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1 Integrated Navigation Systems
16 April 2017 Integrated Navigation Systems Navigation equipment integration with emphasize on INS DNV rules and experiences




5 DNV Rules for Nautical Safety
DNV have a long history for additional Nautical Safety notations 1983: NAUT A, B and C notations introduced 1986: W1-OC introduced (NAUT-B replaced). Introduced for ship owners to document compliance with the IMO solo watch keeping trials. 1991: W1 introduced (NAUT-A replaced) Setting further requirements to be in front of the development 1998: IMO solo watch keeping trials terminated 2001: W1-OC changed to NAUT-OC and W1 to NAUT-AW To avoid the misconception with IMO solo watch keeping trials 2003: NAUT-OSV Introducing guidelines for Offshore Service Vessels 2006: NAUT-OSV guidelines converted to rules 2010: Major update of NAUT-OC/AW and qualifier ICS 2012: Major update of NAUT-OSV requirements

6 DNV Nautical Safety – Class notations
Nautical Safety General vessels NAUT-OC Ocean Areas and Coastal Waters NAUT-AW All Waters Nautical Safety Offshore Service Vessels NAUT-OSV(T) Tropical Waters NAUT-OSV(A) Artic/ Harsh environment Nautical Safety Navy Vessels NAUT-NAVY Naval vessels compliant/not compliant with SOLAS Nautical Safety HSC NAUT-HSC High Speed Craft

7 DNV Nautical Safety – Class notations
Objective Reduce risk of collision, grounding and heavy weather damage through enhancement of the reliability of the Bridge System The Bridge System comprises four essential elements The technical System The human operators The human-machine interface The procedures Subjects for approval Technical system HMI

8 DNV Rules & Requirements – Networks in general
16 April 2017 DNV Rules & Requirements – Networks in general Network Integrated Bridge equipment to be in compliance with Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.4 Single point failure –tolerant Integrity and autonomy secured through components Protected from network overload Etc. Only functions and processes being important for vessel operation may be connected to bridge equipment or use the same network In case of total network failure One ARPA fully operational One ECDIS fully operational All information required by SOLAS V/19 easily accessible in WH. Exemption may be granted in case by case Access only for authorized personnel Internal External

9 DNV Rules & Requirements - Network Based Integration of Navigation Systems - ICS
Qualifier ICS supplementary to NAUT-OC/AW/OSV Purpose To enhance the availability of essential navigational information at the workstations for monitoring and navigating & maneuvering, To provide flexible management of tasks being adaptable to various bridge team scenarios To provide a consistent and unambiguous human-machine interface on MFDs, To enhance the level of mode awareness and situation awareness of the bridge team, To enhance the integrity of essential navigational information displayed, To ensure proper data management of sensor data and other data being processed and displayed by the INS. Distribution of functions on workstations Minimum 5 MFD for supporting ARPA ECDIS CID AMS

10 DNV Rules & Requirements - Network Based Integration of Navigation Systems - ICS

11 DNV Rules & Requirements – ICS Network
Redundant and independent Cables and network components belonging to redundant networks shall be physically separated Each network shall function independently Protection from network overload The performance of the network shall be continuously monitored Resume to normal operation after power failure Uniform time tagging Resistant to electromagnetic interference No CCTV information

12 International performance- and test standards
MSC. 252(83) – Revised Performance Standards for INS Adopted 8 October 2007 For equipment installed on or after 1 January 2011 IEC – Modular structure for INS - Edition Specifies minimum requirements for INS to comply with MSC.252(83) Design Manufacture Integration Methods of testing Required test results Contains 4 modules Module A Requirements for integration of navigation information Module B Task related requirements for INSs Module C Alert arrangement Module D Documentation requirements

13 MSC.252(83)/IEC 61924-2 Purpose of INS Purpose 252(83)/IEC 61924-2
Enhance the safety of navigation by providing integrated and augmented functions to avoid geographic, traffic and environmental hazards Provide “added value” for the operator to plan, monitor and/or control safety of navigation and progress of the ship by combining and integrating functions and information Integrity monitoring by evaluating inputs from several sources Present correct, timely, and unambiguous information to the users and provide subsystems and subsequent functions within the INS and other connected equipment with this information. Support mode and situation awareness Keep workload within the capacity of the operator Enhance safe and expeditious navigation Complement the mariner's capabilities Compensate for the mariner’s limitations Accommodate user Purpose 252(83)/IEC Support proper and safe integration of navigational functions and information Use INS instead of stand-alone equipment Promote safe integration procedures

14 MSC.252(83)/IEC Includes IMO A.694(17) / IEC 60945: 2002 – General requirements for GMDSS and navigation aids IEC /2/3/450 – Interface test standards (450 – Ethernet) IMO MSC.232(82) / IEC 61174: 2008 – ECDIS performance and test standards IEC 62065: 2002 – Track control systems test standards IEC 62288: 2008 – Navigational displays test standards IEC 62388: 2007 – RADAR test standards IEC 62616: 2010 – BNWAS test standards IMO MSC/Circ.982 – Guidelines on ergonomic criteria for bridge equipment and layout IMO MSC.191(79) – Performance standards for navigation displays IMO MSC.302(87) – Bridge Alert Management performance standards ISO 11674: 2006 – Heading control test standards

15 MSC.252(83)/IEC 61924-2 INS comprises Route planning
Route monitoring (Minimum) Collision avoidance (Minimum) Navigational control data Navigation status and data display Alert management (Minimum)


17 Thank You for Your attention!
16 April 2017 Thank You for Your attention! Safeguarding life, property and the environment

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