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CFC Regulation Implementation CFC Pledge History.

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2 CFC Regulation Implementation

3 CFC Pledge History

4 CFC Participation History

5 Ideas to Strengthen the CFC

6 Established by charter September 1, 2011 by Director John Berry Purpose was to advise the Director on strengthening the integrity, the operation and the effectiveness of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) to ensure its continued growth and success Co-Chaired by two former members of Congress: Beverly Byron (D- MD) and Tom Davis (R-VA) 26 Additional Members including: 4 LFCC Representatives 4 PCFO Representatives 4 Federal Employees 4 National and Local Charity Representatives 4 National and Local Federation Representatives 2 Federal Employee Association Representatives 4 Accountability Organization Representatives CFC-50 Commission

7 Held 4 Public Meetings (videos available at September 13, 2011 – Washington, DC December 6, 2011 – Washington, DC March 2, 2012 – San Antonio, TX May 29, 2012 – Washington, DC Report Issued July 20, 2012 24 Recommendations Draft Regulations Issued for 60 Day Public Comment Period – April 8, 2013 Incorporated Commission Recommendations Requiring Regulatory Changes 1,382 Comments Received Final Rule Issued April 17, 2014 Revisions Made Based on Public Comments Effective January 1, 2016 CFC-50 Commission

8 CFC Stakeholder Relationships in 2015 OPM LFCC PCFO Donors Charities National/International Charity Applications Local Charity Applications CFC Contributions Materials & Events Pledge Forms

9 CFC Stakeholder Relationships in 2016 OPM CCA LFCC OC Donors Charities CFC Contributions Applications & Fees Outreach Activities Charity Fairs

10 2015 CFC Boundaries (147 Zones)

11 2016 CFC Boundaries (40 Zones)

12 LFCC Responsibilities 20152016 Select PCFOSelect OC Review Local Charity Applications Review Local Charity Applications (online and pre- screened by CCA) Name LFCC Chair/Co-Chair and Maintain Minutes Adjudicate Local Charity Appeals N/A Review Local Marketing Materials Determine Recognition Items/Awards Review Audit of PCFON/A LFCC Training (online)

13 LFCC Responsibility Changes in 2016 Minimum of 3 LFCC Members Per Zone LFCC Chair and Co-Chair Terms Limited to 3 Consecutive Years No Longer Responsible for Audit and Corrective Actions of PCFO Members Must Complete Annual Online Training Reduced Application Review Responsibilities

14 LFCC FAQ’s Which LFCC is responsible for the audit of the 2014 and 2015 campaign periods? How do LFCCs negotiate changes to the boundaries? What is the process by which the consolidated LFCCs develop bylaws, select chairs, etc.? Can the LFCC develop its own rules? Can LFCCs still use Loaned Executives?

15 Loaned Executives Established in 1971 via Executive Order 11584 “Loaned Executive program permits temporary assignment of Federal employees to work directly with the voluntary organizations in conducting the combined campaign within the Federal service.”

16 LFCC Responsibility Changes in 2016 Any Additional Questions Related to the LFCCs?

17 OC Responsibilities 2015 (PCFO)2016 (OC) Apply to LFCC Assist in Charity Application Receipts/Completeness Reviews N/A Enter Data in Charity RegistryN/A Prepare/Distribute Local Marketing Materials Arrange CFC Events and Fundraisers Arrange CFC Events Train Loaned Executives, Agency Coordinators and Keyworkers Processes Pledge Forms, Cash, Checks and Credit Cards N/A Disburses CFC Funds to CharitiesN/A Engage CPA for AUPsN/A

18 OC Responsibility in 2016 Does Not Process Pledges or Disburse Funds* Does not Complete AUP Does Not Arrange Fundraising Events * No Longer has to be a 501(c)(3)

19 OC FAQ’s Can an LFCC hire more than on OC? Is the LFCC required to hire an OC? What happens if the OC spends more than the OPM budget cap? Will OPM consider the variances in the cost of doing business in different zones?

20 OC Responsibility in 2016 Any Additional Questions Related to Outreach Coordinators?

21 CFC Outreach Now and Future % 2014 & 20152016 - 20202021+ Paper Pledge Forms & Charity Lists  Cash  Checks * * Fundraising Events  Charity Fairs Loaned Execs Keyworkers Agency Coordinators * E-Checks Only

22 Current CFC Disbursement Process

23 New CFC Disbursement Process

24 CCA Responsibilities 2015 (PCFO)2016 (CCA) Receive Local Charity Applications/Conduct Completeness Reviews Assign Charity Codes Maintain CFC Website N/ACompiles and Posts UG List N/ACollects Fees Processes Pledge Forms, Cash, Checks and Credit Cards Processes Pledge Forms, Checks and Credit Cards Reconciles Payroll Receipts Disburses Designations to Charities Disburses Funds to Charities Prepares Campaign Results

25 CCA Responsibility in 2016 Processes Pledges from All Employees Served by a Shared Service Center Collects Fees Develops and Maintains Online Charity Application System Automates Completeness Reviews

26 CCA FAQ’s Who hires the CCA? Will there be a CCA for each zone? How will the CCA reimburse OCs?

27 CCA Responsibility in 2016 Any Additional Questions Related to Central Campaign Administrators?

28 OPM Responsibilities 20152016 N/ASelect CCA(s) N/ADetermine OC Budgets Review Charity Applications Adjudicate Charity Application Appeals Conduct LFCC and PCFO TrainingDevelop Online Training Modules N/ADetermine Fee Structure Publish Annual Calendar of Events Provide Campaign Oversight

29 OPM Responsibility Changes in 2016 Contracts with One or More 501(c)(3) entities to serve as CCA Determine Annual Fee Structure Develop Online Training

30 OPM Responsibility in 2016 Any Additional Questions Related to OPM?

31 Changes for Participating Charities 20152016 Send Application to OPM or Local Campaign Send Application to CCA Varying DeadlinesOne Deadline Paper ApplicationsOnline Applications Denial Letters Sent Via Certified Mail Denial Letters Sent Via Email All Expenses are Deducted from Designations Application, Listing and Distribution Fees 25-Word Statements256 Character Statements FSYPs Not EligibleFSYPs are Eligible

32 New Charity Application Process National Application Deadline Electronic Submissions Only Fees are Due at Time of Submission Online LFCC Review No LFCC-Level Appeals 3-Year Application Cycle

33 New Charity Application Process New Audit Thresholds Total Revenue (Per IRS Form 990) GAAS Audit GAAS Audit or Review Account IAW GAAP Certification that Controls are in Place $250,000 or More $100,000 - $249,999 Less Than $100,000

34 Charity Application Cycle Full Application Required Once in a 3 Year Cycle for Returning Charities Required of New Charities Required of Charity That Did Not Participate in the Prior Campaign Period Verification Application Required Twice in a 3 Year Cycle Consists of Certifications and IRS Form 990 (or pro forma version)

35 Charity Application Cycle CodeFull ApplicationVerification Application 10000 – 3999920162017 & 2018 40000 – 6999920172016 & 2018 70000 – 9999920182016 & 2017 Final Methodology to be determined. A sample process:

36 Charity Application FAQ’s Has OPM determined the fee model? When will it be announced? Will paper application be permitted? Who will do the completeness reviews?

37 Charity Application Changes in 2016 Any Additional Questions Related to Charity Applications?

38 Key Dates in New Campaign Timeline (Subject to Change)

39 2016 by Functional Area Campaign Oversight OPM sets campaign policies OPM Sets Fees and OC Budget Limits LFCC for Each Zone LFCC Set its Own By-Laws LFCC Names Chair and Co-Chair (term limits) LFCC Maintains Meeting Minutes LFCC Selects OC LFCC Members Complete Annual Online Training LFCC Members Review Charity Applications LFCC Recruits Loaned Executives (optional)

40 2016 by Functional Area Charity Eligibility OPM Prepares Video Training CCA Operates Call-Center CCA Administers Online Application Process CCA Collects Fees CCA Conducts Automated Completeness Review OPM Distributes Application Review Assignments to LFCCs LFCCs Review Applications Online CCA Assigns Codes to Approved Charities OPM Reviews All Appeals CCA Issues Final Approved Lists

41 2016 by Functional Area Marketing/Outreach CCA Maintains Single CFC Website and Social Media OPM Approves National Theme/Artwork LFCCs Hire OC OC Develops and Disseminates Local Materials LFCC Selects Local Incentive Items and Awards OC Distributes Local Incentive Items and Awards OPM Engages National Leadership LFCC Engages Local Leadership LFCC and OC Trains Agency Coordinators, Keyworkers and Loaned Executives

42 2016 by Functional Area Pledge Processing CCA Develops and Maintains E-Pledge System OCs Print and Distribute Paper Pledge Forms and Charity Lists Donor Mails Paper Pledge Form to CCA Donor Sends Payroll Copy to Payroll Office CCA Process Paper Pledge Forms, E-Checks and Credit Cards CCA Issues Pledge and Donor Reports to Charities CCA Receives Funds from Payroll Offices and Distributes to Designated Charities CCA Reconciles Payroll Receipts CCA Reimburses OCs for All LFCC-Approved Expenses

43 Transition Physical Assets – Provide complete inventory of physical assets purchased with CFC funds to LFCC for review and verification – Determine which will be needed by current PCFO to complete responsibilities for 2014 and 2015 campaigns – Determine which can be used by the LFCC for the new region and arrange for transfer

44 Transition Physical Assets (cont.) – Determine which of the remaining assets have been fully depreciated and may be disposed of – Remaining assets should be sold and funds distributed as undesignated funds in the 2015 campaign – Assets being used by PCFO should be sold upon completion of duties and funds transferred to CCA for expenses

45 Transition Pledge, Receipt and Distribution Records – All records must be transferred to OPM in Excel format – Complete pledge data (donor name, Federal agency, amount pledged, organizations pledged to, contact information, release information, etc.) – Complete, detailed receipt and disbursement information

46 Transition PCFO retention requirements Must still retain records in accordance with regulations Campaign PeriodDate Documents Can be Destroyed 2011April 1, 2016 2012April 1, 2017 2013April 1, 2018 2014April 1, 2019 2015April 1, 2020

47 CFC Budget/Expenses CFC budgets must reflect the expenses incurred to administer that activities related to that period. Examples of items that must be included in the 2015 budget are: – Agreed Upon Procedures (to be incurred in 2017) – Staffing, postage, etc. for distribution of 2015 funds to designated charities (2016-2018) If needed, LFCCs can approve revised 2015 budgets to include these items. PCFOs will not be reimbursed by the 2016 CCA for expenses related to the 2015 CFC.

48 2015 CFC Expense Timeline ActivityDate LFCC Review of 2015 ExpensesJanuary – March 2016 1 st Distribution of 2015 FundsApril 1, 2016 IPA Performs 2015 Audit Guide ProceduresSummer 2016 2 nd Distribution of 2015 FundsJuly 2016 LFCC submits 2014 CFC Audit Documentation to OPM September 2016 3 rd Distribution of 2015 FundsOctober 2016 LFCC Final Review of 2015 ExpensesJanuary – March 2017 Final Distribution of 2015 FundsMarch 2017 LFCC submits 2015 CFC Audit Documentation to OPM September 2017

49 Transition Any Additional Questions Related the Transition to the New CFC?

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