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GIGABYTE Z97 Motherboards #1 in Performance GIGABYTE recently launched their full range of Intel® 9 series motherboards and already they are a clear winner.

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Presentation on theme: "GIGABYTE Z97 Motherboards #1 in Performance GIGABYTE recently launched their full range of Intel® 9 series motherboards and already they are a clear winner."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIGABYTE Z97 Motherboards #1 in Performance GIGABYTE recently launched their full range of Intel® 9 series motherboards and already they are a clear winner in overall performance. Here is a list of their current performance records to date. 9 world records at launch (5/11/2014) that still remain unbroken World’s highest DDR3 memory frequency at 4.56GHz Destroying last year’s record of 4.4GHz Highest Achievements at Computex 2014 8 world records set during live competitions Event: GIGABYTE VIP Suite, Taipei 101 - Set new Aquamark3 Single GPU World Record - Set new Aquamark3 Dual GPU World Record Event: GIGABYTE Press Conference - Set new memory frequency World Record at 4.5GHz Event: Intel’s Unleash the Beast Competition - Won 3 out of the 6 LN2 stage competition Event: G.SKILL OC World Cup 2014 Finals - Set new 3DMark05 2x GPUs World Record - Set new 3DMARK2001 SE World Record

2 Event: Kingston HYPERX OC Takeover World Finals - 1st and 2nd place at the Memory Clock stage (Team GIGABYTE / Team AU) - 1st and 2nd place at the Intel Intel XTU stage (Team GIGABYTE / Team AU) - 2nd and 3rd place at the SuperPI 32M stage (Team AU / Team GIGABYTE) - Set new memory frequency World Record at 4.56GHz (Team GIGABYTE) Event: HWBot Anniversary OC Gathering - Set new Unigine Heaven – Single GPU World Record (At the time of the competition) - Set new Unigine Heaven – Dual GPU World Record GIGABYTE Z97 Motherboards #1 in Performance

3 9 WORLD RECORDS AT LAUNCH 6/26/2014 1. AQUAMARK – 1x GPU World Record - TEAMAU Score: 572575 marks 2. AQUAMARK – 2x GPU World Record – SOFOS1990 Score: 568574 marks 3. 3DMARK06 – 1x GPU World Record – TEAMAU Score: 57085 marks 4. 3DMARK05 – GPU 1x World Record – TEAMAU Score: 74192 marks 5. 3DMARK2001 SE – 1x GPU World Record – TEAMAU Score: 190478 marks 6. UNIGINE HEAVEN – 3x GPU World Record – TEAMAU Score: 9192.02 DX11 Marks 7. 3DMARK03 – 3x GPU World Record – TEAMAU Score: 301064 marks 8. 3DMARK03 –1x GPU World Record – TEAMAU Score: 253373 Marks 9. UNIGINE HEAVEN – 2x GPU World Record – SOFOS1990 Score: 8513.75 DX11 Marks

4 GIGABYTE VIP Suite, Taipei 101 6/3-6/6 2014 -Set new Aquamark3 Single GPU World Record -Set new Aquamark3 Dual GPU World Record

5 GIGABYTE Press Conference 6/2/2014 - Set new memory frequency World Record at 4.5GHz

6 Intel’s Unleash the Beast Competition 6/3/2014 - Won 3 out of the 6 stage competition.

7 G.SKILL OC World Cup 2014 Finals 6/3-6/6 2014 - Set new 3DMark05 2x GPUs World Record - Set new 3DMARK2001 SE 2x GPUs World Record

8 Kingston HYPERX OC Takeover World Finals 6/5/2014 - 1st and 2nd place at the Memory Clock stage (Team GIGABYTE / Team AU) - 1st and 2nd place at the Intel XTU stage (Team GIGABYTE / Team AU) - 2nd and 3rd place at the SuperPI 32M stage (Team AU / Team GIGABYTE) - Set new memory frequency World Record at 4.56GHz (Team GIGABYTE)

9 HWBot Anniversary OC Gathering 6/7-6/9 2014 - Set new Unigine Heaven – Single GPU World Record (At the time of the competition) - Set new Unigine Heaven – Dual GPU World Record

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