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CrossPointe Mien Baptist Church. 080. Yie Mbuo Se Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Yie mbuo se zoux ziepc nzaangc jaax nyei baeng. Oix souv wuonv, aengx.

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Presentation on theme: "CrossPointe Mien Baptist Church. 080. Yie Mbuo Se Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Yie mbuo se zoux ziepc nzaangc jaax nyei baeng. Oix souv wuonv, aengx."— Presentation transcript:

1 CrossPointe Mien Baptist Church

2 080. Yie Mbuo Se Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Yie mbuo se zoux ziepc nzaangc jaax nyei baeng. Oix souv wuonv, aengx zuqv mborqv jaax lui houx. Cau hmien mangc ziepc nzaangc jaax hingh jiex nyei geh. Buonc mingh buonc daaih yiem mbuo nyei wuov ndaangc.

3 080. Yie Mbuo Se Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Oix zuqc muangx dongh ninh paaiv mbuo nyei waac. Zuqc zuov jienv muangx longx nzatc mbui nyei qiex. Mbungh jienv zoux ei jienv Ninh paaiv nyei waac. Mingh wuov ndaangc mborqv baaic mbuo nyei win-wangv.

4 080. Yie Mbuo Se Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Mingh mingh yie mbuo mingh. Mingh mingh, mingh wuov ndaangc. Mingh mingh maiv daaux nqaang, bungx hnyouv Ziouv Yesu. Yie mbuo hingh jiex, yie mbuo hingh jiex.

5 120-G. Yie Oix Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng 1. Yie oix zoux ziepc nzaangc jaax nyei baeng. (X3) Gan jienv Ziouv Yesu mingh. 1. Yie oix zoux ziepc nzaangc jaax nyei baeng. (X3) Gan jienv Ziouv Yesu mingh.

6 120-G. Yie Oix Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Maiv dungx gamh nziex gunv zoux zingx-ginx. (X3) Maiv nyaev gorngv Ziouv nyei mbuox. Maiv dungx gamh nziex gunv zoux zingx-ginx. (X3) Maiv nyaev gorngv Ziouv nyei mbuox.

7 120-G. Yie Oix Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Nz. Oix zuqc diev kouv naanc yaac a’hneiv gan Yesu mingh Oix zuqc diev kouv naanc yaac a’hneiv gan Yesu mingh. Nz. Oix zuqc diev kouv naanc yaac a’hneiv gan Yesu mingh Oix zuqc diev kouv naanc yaac a’hneiv gan Yesu mingh.

8 120-G. Yie Oix Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng 2. Mingh tin-dorngh wuov maiv zeiz hungh heic. (X3) Corc maaih ziex nyungc kounx hnyouv. 2. Mingh tin-dorngh wuov maiv zeiz hungh heic. (X3) Corc maaih ziex nyungc kounx hnyouv.

9 120-G. Yie Oix Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Maaih deix gingh borqc oix hoic mbuo daic. (X3) Dungx muangx meih ziouc duqv hingh Maaih deix gingh borqc oix hoic mbuo daic. (X3) Dungx muangx meih ziouc duqv hingh

10 120-G. Yie Oix Zoux Ziepc Nzaangc Jaax Nyei Baeng Nz. Oix zuqc diev kouv naanc yaac a’hneiv gan Yesu mingh Oix zuqc diev kouv naanc yaac a’hneiv gan Yesu mingh. Nz. Oix zuqc diev kouv naanc yaac a’hneiv gan Yesu mingh Oix zuqc diev kouv naanc yaac a’hneiv gan Yesu mingh.

11 73. Muangc Oc, Muangc Oc 1. Muangc oc, muangc oc, Ziouv Ye^su nyei sing-qiex. Ziouv heuc yie, yie a’hneiv nyei zoux ei. Yangh mingh, yangh mingh, yangh nitv fatv Ziouv Ye^su. Gan jienv mingh yie ziouc maaih baengh orn.

12 2. Yie haiz, yie haiz Ziouv Ye^su nyei sing-qiex. Ziouv heuc yie zoux, yie gaanv jienv zoux gong. Gan mingh, gan mingh, gan jienv Ziouv Ye^su mingh. Gan jienv mingh, hnyouv ziouc duqv njien-youh. 73. Muangc Oc, Muangc Oc

13 Daux Gaux Jouh Tin-HunghInvocation Tin-HunghInvocation

14 169n. Maaih Jaax-Zinh Nyei Fai? Se gorngv mbuo nyei ziangh maengc zuqc daic, maaih jaax-zinh nyei fai? Jiem nyaanh, fai dongh meih oix nyei maaih haaix nyungc eix-leiz.

15 169n. Maaih Jaax-Zinh Nyei Fai? Se gorngv ih hnoi mbuo nyei qiex dangx, maaih jaax-zinh nyei fai? Jiem caux nyaanh, dongh meih maaih camv dorh duqv mingh nyei fai?

16 169n. Maaih Jaax-Zinh Nyei Fai? Gorngv ih hnoi Njoux Yesu nzuonx daaih, meih oix hnangv haaix zoux? Zuqc buangh Ziouv Caux jienv wuom-mueic, yietc liuz zuov jienv daic. Gorngv ih hnoi Njoux Yesu nzuonx daaih, meih oix hnangv haaix zoux? Zuqc buangh Ziouv Caux jienv wuom-mueic, yietc liuz zuov jienv daic.

17 169n. Maaih Jaax-Zinh Nyei Fai? Meih oix zuqc guangc nzengc loz-maengc, bieqc daaih zipv siang nyei ziangh maengc. Yiem Ziouv Yesu dongh korh lienh meih, Ninh Yietc liuz hnamv meih. Meih oix zuqc guangc nzengc loz-maengc, bieqc daaih zipv siang nyei ziangh maengc. Yiem Ziouv Yesu dongh korh lienh meih, Ninh Yietc liuz hnamv meih.

18 Daux Gaux Fongc Horqc Offertory Juangc Jienv Daux Gaux Corporate Prayer Daux Gaux Fongc Horqc Offertory Juangc Jienv Daux Gaux Corporate Prayer

19 Zunh Doz/Sermon Heed Not the Truth but Can’t Get Enough Lies Numbers 13:25-14:10; John 8:45 Zunh Doz/Sermon Heed Not the Truth but Can’t Get Enough Lies Numbers 13:25-14:10; John 8:45 Zeuz, Yauzsing

20 Heed Not the Truth but Can’t Get Enough LiesIntroduction: As the old saying goes, “people heed not the truth but cannot get enough lies”. If this is true, then should we stop telling the truth? No! We need to say what people need to hear and speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). John the Baptist's message from the wilderness was not, "Smile, God loves you." It was “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? (Matt. 3:7). Prophets foretell God’s people what He wants them to hear; not parroting or telling them what they want to hear. Jeremiah was not put into a miry pit for preaching, "I'm OK, you're OK." It was for crying against the adultery, idolatry and other wickedness of his nation (Jer. 7:8-10). Noah's message from the steps of the ark was not, "Something good is going to happen to you." He condemned the world and was a preacher of righteousness (Heb. 11:7; 2 Pet. 2:5). Jesus Christ was not crucified for saying, "Consider the lilies, how they grow," but for saying, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites...children of hell...fools and blind guides... White sepulchers...generation of vipers…” (Matt. 23:13-29) Jesus spoke the truth and his enemies wanted him killed (John 8:40).

21 Heed Not the Truth but Can’t Get Enough Lies A. The truth/Zien waac mbuox nyienh 1. God told Moses to send out 12 men, one from each tribe, to spy out the land. After 40 days, they came to Moses and all Israel in Kadesh to give report. They all had the same facts, but Joshua and Caleb had faith (Num. 13:30; Heb. 3:19). They spoke the truth regarding the land and the Lord’s promises (Num. 14:6-9). They wanted to go and possess it. 2. Jesus said, “I am the way, the TRUTH and the life” (John 14:6). There is no truth apart from God (Ps. 31L5). 3. “It is impossible for God to lie” (Heb. 6:18). 4. “God, who cannot lie…” (Titus 1:2). God’s word is truth (John 17:17)

22 Heed Not the Truth but Can’t Get Enough Lies B. The rejection/Nyienh maiv tingx 1. The Israelites rejected God by not listening to His servants Joshua and Caleb (who trusted God). 2. The Israelites rejected God by refusing his appointed leaders. They questioned God’s goodness and love for them (Num. 14:1-4). 3. The Israelites rejected God by listening to the bad report. They looked at their own strengths and their enemies instead of focusing on God (Num. 13:31-33). 4. We reject truth by walking in the darkness (1 John 1:6).

23 Heed Not the Truth but Can’t Get Enough Lies C. The lies/Jaav waac mbuox nyienh 1. Satan is the father and author of all lies (John 8:44). The devil does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. 2. The majority of the spies (10) gave bad reports of the land which they spied (Num. 13:32). They lied, exaggerated, and gave contentious descriptions which was ultimately to attack God, the giver of the land. 3. When we lie, we let Satan control us (Acts 5:3). Peter said to Ananias and Sapphira, “why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back some of the price of the land?“ They took upon themselves the moral character of the one who is behind all lies, the devil himself. 4. When truth is rejected, the result will be that men will believe what is false; just as it will be when Satan works through Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:11-12). C. The lies/Jaav waac mbuox nyienh 1. Satan is the father and author of all lies (John 8:44). The devil does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. 2. The majority of the spies (10) gave bad reports of the land which they spied (Num. 13:32). They lied, exaggerated, and gave contentious descriptions which was ultimately to attack God, the giver of the land. 3. When we lie, we let Satan control us (Acts 5:3). Peter said to Ananias and Sapphira, “why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back some of the price of the land?“ They took upon themselves the moral character of the one who is behind all lies, the devil himself. 4. When truth is rejected, the result will be that men will believe what is false; just as it will be when Satan works through Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:11-12).

24 Heed Not the Truth but Can’t Get Enough Lies D. The acceptance/Tingx yaac maiv hingh 1. We accept lies by listening to lies (Num. 13:32), by acting upon lies (Num. 14:1), by wanting to return to our previous ways of life or sinful way of life (Num. 14:2), by questioning God (14:3), and by rejecting God-given leadership (14:4). 2. We accept lies by thinking that following God’s way is a loss of our dreams or that we make mistakes in “leaving Egypt” to follow God (Num. 14:1). 3. We accept lies by focusing on the negative or comparing ourselves to the world (Num. 13:33). We accept lies by speaking lies that are contrary to God’s Word. 4. We accept lies by not fully trusting God and His word.

25 Application of Principle to Practice: 1. People in general do not heed the truth but cannot get enough of lies. Jesus spoke of the Jewish leaders that they were of the devil, for they do not believe the truth when it is spoken. He who is of God hears the words of God. For this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God (John 8:42-47). 2. Those who listen and practice lies are not of God (Rev. 22:15). A life dominated by falsehood will not receive the reward of kingdom inheritance. Apostle John said, “no lie is of the truth” (1 John 2:21). 3. Believing God and listening to Him is a choice. We must decide as David did - “I will walk in Your truth” (Ps. 86:11) 4. When Jesus was on Earth, He told the truth yet many believe him not (John 8:40,45). We could believe in Him because He is the Truth (John 14:6) and His word is truth (John 17:17).

26 63 Nzung-Nangv 1. Faix fim oc, Meih nyei m’zing mangc haaix nyungc (2x) Lungh zaangc diex, Longc hnyouv hnamv meih. Ninh hiuv duqv meih mangc haaix nyungc. Faix fim oc, Meih nyei m’zing mangc haaix nyungc 63n. Faix Fim Oc, Meih nyei m’zing

27 63 Nzung-Nangv 2. Faix fim oc, Meih nyei m’normh muangx haaix nyungc (2x) Lungh zaangc diex, Longc hnyouv hnamv meih. Ninh hiuv duqv meih muangx haaix nyungc Faix fim oc, Meih nyei m’normh muangx haaix nyungc 63n. Faix Fim Oc, Meih nyei m’zing

28 63 Nzung-Nangv 3. Faix fim oc,Meih nyei nzuih gorngv haaix nyungc (2x) Lungh zaangc diex, Longc hnyouv hnamv meih. Ninh hiuv duqv meih gorngv haaix nyungc Faix fim oc, Meih nyei nzuih baengx gorngv haaix nyungc 63n. Faix Fim Oc, Meih nyei m’zing

29 63 Nzung-Nangv 4. Faix fim oc, Meih nyei buoz zoux haaix nyungc (2x) Lungh zaangc diex, Longc hnyouv hnamv meih. Ninh hiuv duqv meih zoux haaix nyungc. Faix fim oc, Meih nyei buoz zoux haaix nyungc 63n. Faix Fim Oc, Meih nyei m’zing

30 63 Nzung-Nangv 5. Faix fim oc, Meih nyei zaux mingh haaix ndau (2x) Lungh zaangc diex, Longc hnyouv hnamv meih. Ninh hiuv duqv meih mingh haaix ndau. Faix fim oc, Meih nyei zaux mingh haaix ndau 63n. Faix Fim Oc, Meih nyei m’zing

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