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MET CS 405/605 Human Computer Interface Design. Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Command Line  Menu Selection  Form Fill  Direct Manipulation.

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Presentation on theme: "MET CS 405/605 Human Computer Interface Design. Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Command Line  Menu Selection  Form Fill  Direct Manipulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 MET CS 405/605 Human Computer Interface Design

2 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Command Line  Menu Selection  Form Fill  Direct Manipulation  Anthropomorphic

3 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Command Line

4 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Command Line  Powerful – access to system functionality  Flexible – options and parameters  Limitations  Commands must be remembered  Commands are obscure and cryptic  Better for experts to use  Error rates are high

5 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Menu Selection  A set of options from which the user must choose  Offer cues for user recognition  Breaks the complex into small steps

6 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Menu Selection

7 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Form Fill  Capture user information  Easy movement around the form  Provide for error correction  Indicate required fields  Provide explanatory messages for fields

8 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Form Fill

9 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Direct Manipulation  Allows direct interaction with the UI  Visible and continuous representation of task objects  Requires physical actions to manipulate  Operations are rapid, incremental, reversible  Users “feel” directly involved  Easy to learn  Click here to go to the class web page here  Get rid of your files by dropping them into the trash!

10 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Anthropomorphic  For example - gestures, facial expressions, or eye movements

11 Week 5 – Design  Interaction Style ~  Blending Interaction Styles  Choosing the Most Appropriate Interaction Style

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