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Vaccine Reminder Program Delivered by TeleVox Sponsored by Pfizer

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Presentation on theme: "Vaccine Reminder Program Delivered by TeleVox Sponsored by Pfizer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vaccine Reminder Program Delivered by TeleVox Sponsored by Pfizer

2 Corporate Overview Founded in 1992, located in Mobile, Alabama
Internet and Telephony Applications 365 Employees 16,000 Customers Worldwide Service to over 60,000 physicians, dentists, and orthodontists 400+ Hospital Accounts 100+ MCO Accounts Acquired by West Interactive in March 2007 Founded in 1986, located in Omaha, Nebraska World leader in outsourced communications 47,000 Employees, $2.5 Billion in Revenue

3 TeleVox Features Unmatched Calling Capacity (up to 300,000 calls / hour) Voice, SMS text, , and fax messaging Complete postcard design, print and mail services 100% Human Voices (Yours or Ours) Identification/Language Options Display Client’s Caller ID Name & Number Interactive Response Options Answering Machine Detection Summary, Detail & Web reports HIPAA-compliant data transfer

4 Program Overview Vaccine Reminder Recall Program delivered by TeleVox
PostcardPlus Outreach mail+phone approach Bi-lingual postcard followed by bi-lingual automated phone call Better outcomes than mail or phone reminders alone Available to managed care, public health and immunization organizations Available as an ongoing, monthly compliance program Single data file from client initiates each campaign Complete reports provided directly to client after each campaign Fully sponsored by Pfizer Vaccines

5 Immunization Outcomes
61% Difference Vs. Control Group Immunization Outcomes 61% Difference Vs. Control Group Tracy A.Lieu, MD, MPH; Angela M. Capra, MA; James Makol, MD; Steven B. Black, MD and Henry R. Shinefield, MD

6 Pfizer-Approved Postcard
Back of card (address panel) 5x7” postcard, folded & sealed Pre-printed, ready for distribution TeleVox prints client’s return address TeleVox addresses to parents/guardians Front of card

7 Pfizer-Approved Postcard
Engaging image Simple message in English & Spanish HIPAA compliant Financial Disclosure Inside of card

8 Pfizer-Approved Script
Hello, I’m calling on behalf of [must insert organization name] with some important information about your child’s health. [Optional Language #1: If you would like to hear this message in English, press 1. Hola. Estoy llamando de parte de [must insert organization name] con información importante sobre la salud de su niño. Si desea eschuar este mensaje en espanol, presione 2.] Our records indicate that your child [Optional Language #2: between [X] and [X] years or months of age] may have missed a recommended vaccine shot. Optional Language for Supplemental Dose (Catch Up Script Only in green text) [Optional Language #2A: Our records indicate that your child between [17] months and [57] months of age may not have received a recommended vaccine shot that is included in a recently updated shot schedule.] [Optional Language #2B: Our records indicate that your child may not have received a recommended vaccine shot that is included in a recently updated shot schedule.] [Optional Language #3: Also, your state requires that children have certain vaccine shots for entry into day care.] Please contact your child’s doctor or health clinic to check that your child is up to date with all recommended vaccine shots. If you would like to opt out of this and future vaccine reminder phone calls from [must insert organization name], please press 9. [Optional Language #4 - For Managed Care/Health Plans Only: [must insert organization name] covers all recommended childhood vaccines to help ensure that your child is protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.] [Optional Language #5 - For Managed Care/Health Plans Only: If you have questions regarding health benefit coverage for childhood vaccines, please call [customer service at the number listed on the back of your health plan identification card] or [insert telephone number].] [Optional Language #6 - For Managed Care/Health Plans Only: [must insert organization name] also covers annual well child visits for children ages 2 through [X]]. [Optional Language #7 – Only if Optional Language #6 selected - For Managed Care/Health Plans Only: If you have questions regarding health benefit coverage for childhood vaccines or well child visits, please call [customer service at the number listed on the back of your health plan identification card] or [insert telephone number].] [Optional Language #8 - For State Immunization Programs OR Local Health Departments Only: [must insert organization name] offers all recommended childhood vaccines to help ensure that your child is protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.] Financial support for this communication has been provided by Pfizer. No patient-specific information has been or will be provided to Pfizer. Again, this call is being placed by [must insert organization name]. Thank you for your time, and have a good day.

9 HouseCalls Report Summary reports detailing the results of the reminder campaign are available immediately after the campaign is completed. Detailed reports with member-specific call status are also available after campaign completion.

10 Steps to Implement Review postcard, script and data requirements internally (Client) Execute Service Agreement (Client-TeleVox-Pfizer) Implementation (Client-TeleVox) Determine campaign frequency, calling parameters, target population, timeline Identify and Record Script Selections Provide training on file upload and report generation Client approves message (Client-TeleVox) Pfizer approves campaign (Client-Pfizer) Data file submitted, cards/calls scheduled (Client-TeleVox) Postcards mailed (TeleVox) HouseCalls delivered (TeleVox) Reports accessed via secure website (Client)

11 Questions/Discussion
Jeff Charnock: (251) (office) (251) (mobile) (251) (fax) ( )

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