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+ Intro to ISTC 605/705 Department of Educational Technology & Literacy.

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1 + Intro to ISTC 605/705 Department of Educational Technology & Literacy

2 + Course Objectives Identify the broader societal and cultural issues, ideas, and trends surrounding Web 2.0 technologies Understand the current impact of Web 2.0 technologies within the field of educational technology Select appropriate Web 2.0 technologies for use in instructionally appropriate settings Describe the technological underpinnings of a variety of Web 2.0 technologies Manipulate/configure/customize Web 2.0 technologies using scripting and markup languages such as HTML, CSS, XML, Create an online learning environment using a variety of customized Web 2.0 technologies

3 + Course Strategies Readings and discussion Web 2.0 Exploratorium presentations Hands-on lab sessions (HTML, CSS, XML) Final project: create a customized Web 2.0 learning environment

4 + Course Texts (approx. 410 pages read)

5 + Topics What’s 2.0 about Web 2.0? Instructional Design Models for tech integration Social learning Learning management Informal learning + social identity Policy and ethical considerations Getting under the hood: HTML, RSS, XML

6 + “A new paradigm” (Lankshear & Knobel, 2007) One-way (transmission) vs. two-way (interaction) Top-down design vs. user design Formal vs. informal Individual vs. collaborative “learning about” vs. “learning to be” “applications” vs. “ethos” Participatory culture (Jenkins, 2006)

7 + Technologies Blogs Wordpress Blogger Social bookmarking Diigo Social networking Twitter Edmodo Learning management Blackboard Coding languages HTML CSS XML Wikis Wikispaces Virtual environments Google Earth Second Life Visual representation Prezi Wordle Multimedia Voicethread GoAnimate Animoto


9 + Activities

10 + What is Web 2.0? Collaboratively create a concept web around the center node: Web 2.0 Include anything you can think of that you currently relate to the concept Web 2.0


12 + What is Web 2.0, take 2 Using, create your own, individual concept web around the central node (idea), Web 2.0 Include anything and everything you can think of that relates to Web 2.0

13 + Final Reflection


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