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Latest results from MINIBALL at REX‐ISOLDE

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1 Latest results from MINIBALL at REX‐ISOLDE
Overview physics case Last REX-ISOLDE campaign Perspectives with HIE-ISOLDE Peter Reiter IKP, University of Cologne for the MINIBALL collaboration 3RD EGAN Workshop 24th – 27th June, 2013, University of Liverpool

2 Shell Model Physics with MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Perspectives Shell Model Physics with “Island of inversion” N=20 Coulomb excitation & transfer reactions (Darmstadt, Cologne, Munich) 26,28,29,30Na 29,30,31,32Mg Phys. Lett. B, 700 ( 2011) 181 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, (2010) Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, (2009) Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) Towards the doubly magic 78Ni with Coulomb excitation and nucleon transfer reactions around 68Ni (CERN, Leuven, Munich) 66,67,68Ni 67,68,69,70,71,73Cu 72,74,76,78,79,80Zn Phys. Rev. C 84, (2011) Phys. Rev. C 82, (2010) Phys. Rev. C. 79, (2009) Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, (2008) Phys. Rev. C. 78, (2008) Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, (2007) Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) transfer reactions at N=28 (Darmstadt, Munich) 46Ar

3 Shell Model Physics with MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Perspectives Shell Model Physics with Towards the doubly magic 100Sn (Lund, CERN) 106,107,108,109,110Sn 107,108In 100,102,104Cd Phys. Rev. C 87, (2013) Phys. Rev. C 86, (R) (2012) Eur. Phys. J. A (2012) 48: 105 Eur. Phys. J. A 44 (2010) 355 Phys. Rev. C 80,  (2009) Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, (2008) Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) g-factors in Te isotopes (Darmstadt, Madrid) 132,134,136Te B(E2) measurements around 132Sn (Darmstadt, Munich) 122,123,124,128Cd 138,140,142,144Xe 140,142,148Ba

4 Shapes & collectivity with MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Perspectives Shapes & collectivity with Shapes and collectivity in the rare earth region (Darmstadt, Saclay, Oslo) 138,140Nd 140,142Sm 142Gd 144Dy Collectivity near Z=50 (York, Darmstadt) 116,118Te Shapes and collectivity between Kr and Sr (York, Cologne, Munich, Orsay, Liverpool, Grenoble, Saclay) 72Kr 88,92,94,96Kr 93,95,97,99Rb 96Sr Nucl. Phys. A 899 (2013) 1 Phys.Rev.Lett. 108, (2012) Phys.Rev.Lett. 98, (2007) 4

5 Shapes & collectivity with MINIBALL@REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Perspectives Shapes & collectivity with Shapes and collectivity in light Po, Rn nuclei (York, Jyväskylä) 206Po 202,204Rn Octupole collectivity in heavy Rn, Ra isotopes (Liverpool) 220,222Rn 222,224Ra Nature 497 (2013) 199 Shapes in Hg, Pb, Po nuclei (Leuven, Liverpool, Jyväskylä) 182,184,186,188Hg 188,190,192,194,196,198Pb 196,198,200,202Po 5

6 mass separation in GPS/HRS 800 RIBs available New
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives RIB Production: 1,4 GeV protons various targets ionization mass separation in GPS/HRS 800 RIBs available New Astatine beam production and ionization spectroscopy S. Rothe et al., Nat. Commun. 4:1835 doi: /ncomms2819 (2013).

7 Isomeric beams @ ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Isomeric ISOLDE technique based on in-source laser spectroscopy (Fedosseev, V. N. et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 02A903 (2012)) set the laser frequency to select and maximize the production of the isomer of interest 6- 1+ (g.s.) 68Cu 6- (g.s.) 1+ 70Cu 3- 722 242 101 g-Spectroscopy with Cu isomer beams: I. Stefanescu et al. PRL 98, (2007), E. Rapisarda et al. PRC 84, (2011) new case 123Sn beam T. Kroell et al., experiment IS524 7

8 RIB preparation @ REX-ISOLDE
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Charge breeding: cooling and bunching of the RIB in the REXTRAP breeding to higher charge states in the EBIS to A/q<4.5 breeding time up to 400 ms A/q selection RIB REX-ISOLDE Re-acceleration acceleration of the ions in the REX-LINAC beam energy: 0,8-3,0 MeV/u Acceleration up to Ra achieved 8

9 Coulomb excitation setup
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives MINIBALL Coulomb excitation setup segmented Si detector for particle detection (DSSSD) 16 rings (front side) 96 strips (back side) angle coverage: θlab = 16-55° ΔE-E measurement possible (pad) N. Warr, et al., Eur. Phys. J. A (2013) 49: 40 9

10 IS524 - Coulex of 123Cd Physics aim:
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives IS524 - Coulex of 123Cd Physics aim: Enhanced quadrupole collectivity observed in 122,124Cd (IS411) S. Ilieva et a., to be published Coupling of odd neutron to even core è reveals which orbitals contribute to collectivity Additional finding from JYFLTRAP: Level scheme needs major revision as 11/2- isomer is not at 316 keV but 144(4) keV A. Kankainen et al., Phys. Rev. C 87, xxx?? 591 250 409 347 374 (123) (9/2+) 691 (5/2+,7/2+) 591 (9/2-) 440 (5/2+) 463 (5/2+,7/2+) 409 Below the Z=50 proton shell closure, the Cadmium isotopic chain with 48 protons remains highly interesting for the nuclear structure physics. The neutron-rich even-even Cadmium isotopes have been successfully studied with γ-ray spectroscopy following “safe” Coulomb excitation (IS411, IS477). Surprisingly they show signs of collectivity larger than predicted by modern shell-model calculations [1, 2]. Aiming for a better understanding of how collectivity may arise in the hole-hole nuclei it is essential to study the odd-A nuclei here, where the roles played by different orbits can be determined. In a first campaign, the isotope 123Cd has been investigated because its level scheme was believed to be well known. Recently, mass measurements with the double Penning trap JYFLTRAP were carried out in order to investigate isomeric states in nuclei near the doubly magic nucleus 132Sn. For the 11/2- isomeric state of 123Cd the time-of-flight ion cyclotron resonance technique yielded an energy of 144(4) keV [3] which is in conflict with the energy of keV determined in a previous study [4]. Obviously, a revision of the level scheme is necessary. In parallel, the Cadmium isotopes have also been investigated by COLLAPS (IS497). Their results for the long-living ground state and 11/2- isomer obtained with laser spectroscopy will complement the results of the Coulomb excitation experiment leading to a comprehensive picture of 123Cd. 11/2- 316 116 (1/2+) 116 3/2+ 0 H. Huck et al., PRC 40, 1384 (1989) A.-L. Hartig, Th. Kröll, et al, TU Darmstadt

11 IS524 - Coulex of 123Cd PRELIMINARY First Coulex of odd Cd isotope
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives IS524 - Coulex of 123Cd First Coulex of odd Cd isotope at REX-ISOLDE Beam intensity: ≈ 9 ·104/s Beam composition: - 100% Cd - RILIS beam - ratio g.s./isomer varied by RILIS setting (thanks to B. Marsh) - ≈ 66% 123mCd and ≈ 33% 123Cd PRELIMINARY The exotic isotope 123Cd was produced at ISOLDE using the RILIS ion source to provide clean Cadmium beams and post-accelerated by REX. A beam of 123Cd composed of both the ground and the isomeric state with an energy of 2.85 MeV/A was delivered to the MINIBALL set-up. For Coulomb excitation of the beam particles a 64Zn target with a thickness of 1.55 mg/cm2 was used. Both the scattered projectile and recoiling target nuclei were detected with a double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSSD). The MINIBALL spectrometer was used for detecting γ-rays from the de-excitation of the 123Cd and 64Zn nuclei in coincidence with events of the DSSSD. The set-up allows for Doppler correction of the γ-rays with respect to the particles detected on the DSSSD. In the Doppler corrected γ-ray spectrum, shown in Fig. 1, several transitions originating from 123Cd are observed. From these data, a level scheme can be constructed using γγ-coincidences. After establishing the level scheme, a determination of the B(E2) values will be possible offering a deeper insight into the evolution of collectivity along the Cadmium isotopic chain. Energy [keV] Observables: cross section (è B(E2)’s), g -ray angular distributions (è spin/parity), ... First results: New transition observed: 463 keV, ... Branchings and intensities are not consistent with level scheme in literature Analysis by Anna-Lena Hartig (MSc project) [Th. Kröll, S. Ilieva, S. Bönig, M. Thürauf, M. Scheck]

12 Oblate shape in 72Kr CD+PAD Considerable efforts over 5 years
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives Oblate shape in 72Kr - a rarity that gives a deeper understanding of effective nucleon-nucleon interaction Spokesperson: B.S. Nara Singh, IS478, proposed in 2007 104Pd 2 mg/cm2 CD+PAD 72Kr at 200 MeV Considerable efforts over 5 years – beam development and several attempts ~ 28 % effect ~150 counts in 710 keV line May 2012 IS478: Shape determination in Coulomb excitation of 72Kr Unlike prolate deformed nuclei, the oblate ones are rare across the nuclear landscape [1]. Consequently, very limited data exist and the underlying mechanism responsible for the emergence of oblate deformation in nuclei is not well understood. In the A~70 region of shape co-existence [2], the first excited 2+ state in 72Kr is a special case because all the existing experimental and theoretical information indicate an oblate deformation for this state [3,4]. However, no direct experimental evidence has been found to date to confirm these expectations (see the contribution on page 6. of this newsletter). In an attempt to obtain the sign of the spectroscopic quadrupole moment, utilizing the re-orientation effect [5] (c.f. Fig.1), and thereby to determine the shape of 72Kr residing in this state, we initiated a low-energy inelastic Coulomb excitation study of 72Kr using a beam produced at REX-ISOLDE. After extensive efforts from the target group to develop the beam [6] and several attempts using Miniball to study 72Kr using Coulomb excitation, in May 2012 we successfully collected the first data. The 2.85 MeV/u beam was used to bombard a 104Pd target of 2 mg/cm2 thickness and the γ rays were detected using the Miniball setup. The γ-ray yield (~150 counts) seen in Fig.2 for the 2+0+ transition in 72Kr is comparable to that seen in the work presented in Ref.[5], which in turn suggests that the sign of the spectroscopic quadrupole moment can be obtained. B.S. Nara Singh, U of York for the IS478 collaboration

13 A.Görgen et al. Univ. Oslo ISOLDE IS495 (July 2012) beam
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives Shape transition and coexistence in neutron-deficient rare earth nuclei: Coulomb excitation of 140Sm configuration mixing caclculation J.-P. Delaroche et al. Phys. Rev. C 81, (2010) A.Görgen et al. Univ. Oslo ISOLDE IS495 (July 2012) beam A MeV RILIS 2105 Miniball target 94Mo, 2 mg/cm2 Prolate Oblate ground-state deformation Gogny HFB 0+ 2+ B(E2) Qs 4+ (0+) Doppler correction projectile Doppler correction target

14 preliminary IS495: Differential cross sections – GOSIA analysis
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives IS495: Differential cross sections – GOSIA analysis preliminary M.Klintefjord, et al., Univ. Oslo

15 Mixed symmetry states in N=80 isotones Present situation & Predictions
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives Mixed symmetry states in N=80 isotones Present situation & Predictions QPM, IBM Shell model The second part of IS496, aiming at Coulomb excitation of neutron-deficient, radioactive 142Sm, was conducted from June 28th to July 1st 2012, subsequent to last year's measurement on 140Nd. Both experiments will help to investigate the evolution of the E2 transition strengths of the first excited 2+ states in the N=80 isotonic chain. This allows the study of the effect of shell stabilization of the collective isovector valence-shell excitations [1, 2]. In order to be able to interpret the data around the Z=56 subshell closure the missing transition strength of 142Sm is necessary. It is also required in preparation of future HIE-ISOLDE experiments for both isotopes (proposal accepted), where higher-lying mixed-symmetry states will be investigated. A newly developed RILIS ionization scheme for 142Sm was used and the fraction of isobaric contamination was determined in a combination of laser-on/-off runs and short thick target runs, where the decay lines could be observed. Coulomb excitation data was taken for about 34 hours. The beam ions were impinging on a 1.4 mg/cm2 48Ti as well as on a 2 mg/cm2 94Mo target with 2.85 MeV/u. Fig. 1 shows the random-background subtracted gamma-ray spectra, Doppler-corrected for A=142 beam particles as well as for target recoils. These spectra What is the predictive power? QPM: single 2+ MSS of 140Nd SM: fragmented 2+ MSS of 140Nd Identify and quantitatively study MSSs of 140Nd and 142Sm Single 2+ MSS of 132Te, 134Xe, 136Ba Fragmented 2+ MSS of 138Ce QPM and SM reproduce situation in N=80 C. Bauer, N. Pietralla, et al, TU Darmstadt

16 140Nd,142Sm – MINIBALL 140Sm 142Sm 140Nd 142Sm
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives 140Nd,142Sm – MINIBALL 140Sm 142Sm 140Nd 142Sm show only the transitions from the first excited 2+ states to the 0+ ground state in 142Sm, 48Ti and 94Mo, respectively. Using normalization on the well-known target excitation cross-sections, the Coulomb-excitation cross-section of 142Sm could be determined. A successive analysis by variation of the transitional and diagonal matrix elements with the computer codes CLX and DCY [3] determined the B(E2;2+1→0+1) value of 142Sm preliminary to be 29(2) W.u. 140Nd result C. Bauer, et al., Phys. Rev. C in press

17 Results: new B(E2) values N=80 Isotone: 140Nd and 142Sm
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives Results: new B(E2) values N=80 Isotone: 140Nd and 142Sm n p 50 1g7/2 2d5/2 2d3/2 3s1/2 1h11/2 82 This result deviates from recent QPM calculations for N=80 isotones, which yield 22 W.u. [4], while it is in agreement with state-of-the-art large-scale shell model calculations, yielding 27.4 W.u. [5]. This finding provides a benchmark for the foreseen investigation of the effect of shell stabilization of the quadrupole isovector valence-shell excitations. comparison with quasi-particle phonon calculations (N. Lo Iudice et al., PRC 77, (2008)) large-scale shell model calculations (D. Bianco et al., PRC 85, (2012))

18 Change in nuclear structure in neutron deficient Po isotopes
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives Shape coexistence Generalized seniority Change in nuclear structure in neutron deficient Po isotopes Laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE (π1h9/2)2 N = 116 T.E. Cocolios et al. PRL 106: (2011) Transition expected around 200Po A.M. Oros et al NPA 645:107 (1999) N. Kesteloot, et al., Univ. of Leuven R. Julin et al JPG 27:R109 (2001)

19 Coulomb excitation 196,198,200,202Po 196Po 198Po 200Po 202Po
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives Coulomb excitation 196,198,200,202Po N. Kesteloot, et al., Univ. of Leuven 196Po 198Po 605 keV 2+0+ 198Po 463 keV 2+0+ 196Po 871 keV 2+0+ 94Mo 556 keV 2+0+ 104Pd - a slide with the Doppler corrected (and background subtracted) gamma spectra for all 4 isotopes that were measured during the beam time in September The spectra in black are Doppler corrected for the projectile, the spectra in red are Doppler corrected for the target. As you can see, the first 2+ state is populated in all four isotopes. In 196,198Po also the first 4+ state is populated. In 196Po there are some more lines visible. This is due to the fact that we had 50% beam contamination of 196Tl. Investigation of these extra lines is still ongoing. After the data analysis and analysis with Gosia we will be able to extract the B(E2,0+-2+1) values for all isotopes and the sign of the diagonal matrix element of the first 2+ state. In 196,198Po we will be able to extract some more matrix elements coupling also the 4+1 state. In all the spectra there are a lot of X rays. The origin of these X rays is currently under investigation but certainly in the lightest isotopes we can assign part of these Xrays to the E0 transition between the excited 0+state and the ground state. 200Po 202Po 677 keV 2+0+ 202Po 666 keV 2+0+ 200Po

20 224Ra (+120Sn) Coulomb excitation
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives 224Ra (+120Sn) Coulomb excitation Heaviest REX-ISOLDE beam - B(E3, 0+ ↦ 3-) L.P. Gaffney, P. A. Butler, M. Scheck, A. B. Hayes, F. Wenander, et al., Nature 497, (2013) doi: /nature12073 20

21 Permanent EDM violates both T & P symmetries
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives Permanent EDM violates both T & P symmetries Atomic EDM moment ‘For a NR system made up of point, charged particles which interact electro-statically with each other and with an arbitrary external field, the shielding is complete.’ L.I. Schiff, Phys. Rev. 132 (1963) 2194 Theoreticians search for loopholes in: relativistic effects (electron) finite-size effects of nucleus can break the symmetry (nucleus) magnetic interactions (electron–nucleus) non-EM exotica in electron-nucleon interaction Nuclear pear-shapes can enhance the “Schiff moment” by ~ 3 orders of magnitude Search candidates are odd-A Rn (TRIUMF) and Ra (ANL, ISOLDE)

22 221Rn Results so far George O’Neill, et al., University of Liverpool
Outline - Physics case Coulomb excitation - Perspectives 221Rn Results so far 221Rn, 6x103 ion/s 30 hour beam time 120Sn target, 2 mg/cm2 Kα1, Kα2 7/2+, 0 keV 223.5 keV 22.5 keV Kβ1 223.5 A Coulomb excitation experiment was carried out between 31st August and 2nd September 2012 using the highly efficient gamma-ray detector array MINIBALL. A beam of around 5x Rn ions/second accelerated to 2.85 MeV/u was delivered to the MINIBALL array, and impinged on a 120Sn (2.0 mg/cm2) target for around 30 hours. Although there was a relatively low beam current, correlations made between the particles detected in the CD detector and gamma-rays detected in MINIBALL allow an event-by-event Doppler correction and a random background subtraction, leading to a very clean spectrum that can be seen in figure 1. The initial beam current was lower than anticipated; however, three clear gamma-ray peaks can be identified at 201.0, 223.5, and KeV. Work is on-going with regards to analysis of the spectrum. It is of interest to note the large number of x-rays, which would be expected in this nucleus, as there are highly converted transitions, adding to the normal counts from atomic processes. A new silicon detector, SPEDE, for conversion electron measurements will be installed at HIE-ISOLDE. This device will enhance the experimental set-up to include simultaneous conversion electron and gamma-ray spectroscopy. Analysis of this odd mass nucleus will give quantitative information about the octupole correlations, with implications on the search for permanent atomic electric dipole moments. 201.0 289.3 George O’Neill, et al., University of Liverpool

23 SPEDE - SPectrometer for Electron DEtection
Outline - Physics case Perspectives SPEDE - SPectrometer for Electron DEtection Si detector in backwards geometry Allows conversion electron spectroscopy – complete picture

24 The MINIBALL T-REX setup
Outline - Physics case Perspectives The MINIBALL T-REX setup T-REX: Si detector array for Transfer experiments at REX-ISOLDE large solid angle (58% of 4π) position sensitive PID (ΔE-E): p, d, t, α, … and e- from β-decay (!) Technical details: Barrel: 140 mm ΔE / 16 resistive strips 1000 mm E / pad Backward CD: 500 mm ΔE / DSSSD 500 mm E / pad RIB V. Bildstein, K. Wimmer, Th. Kröll, R. Gernhäuser et al. (funded by TU München, KU Leuven, U Edinburgh, CSNSM Orsay, TU Darmstadt) 24

25 d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40)
Outline - Physics case Transfer reaction - Perspectives d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40) J. Diriken, P. van Duppen, R. Raabe, et al.; IKS-KU Leuven for the IS469 collaboration

26 d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40)
Outline - Physics case Transfer reaction - Perspectives d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40) proton gated g-spectrum g-transitions up to 5800 keV p-g-g coincidence analysis p-gprompt -gdelayed analysis High resolution of MINIBALL allows to resolve states and to analyse angular distribution J. Diriken, et al.; PRL submitted

27 d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40)
Outline - Physics case Transfer reaction - Perspectives d(66Ni,67Ni)p – the 68Ni region (N=40) -1 np1/2 ng9/2 nd5/2 nd5/2 Partial level scheme,17 levels identified and characterized J. Diriken, et al.; PRL submitted

28 for the IS536 collaboration
S. Bottoni, S. Leoni, et al.; INFN -,Uni. Milano for the IS536 collaboration Neutron-rich nuclei with A ≈ 100 are of particular interest for the study of nuclear structure and shell evolution toward the neutron drip-line. The region around N=60 is characterized by shape transition from a partial sub-shell closure at N=56 to a stable deformation at N=60. Such behaviour is confirmed by experimental studies of the 21+ energies as well as the 41+/21+ energy ratios, which clearly show an onset of stable deformation at N=60 in different isotopic chains [1-2]. Furthermore, several rotational bands have been observed in nuclei with N≥60, as a confirmation of the well-deformed structure in this mass region [3]. The available experimental data are usually limited to yrast states while information on non-yrast states is needed to further study this phenomenon. The combination of radioactive beams and cluster transfer reactions may represent a powerful tool to investigate neutron-rich nuclei at moderately high spin and energy. The weakly bound 7Li is particularly suitable for this purpose: owing to a separation energy of ≈ 2.5 MeV, 7Li easily breaks up into α and t clusters, which have a significant probability of being captured. Such a process has a high and positive Q-value, so that the transfer usually takes place at high excitation energy favouring the population of medium-high spin states, as observed in direct kinematics 7Li-induced reactions [4]. The experiment presented in this work aims at studying n-rich 98,99,100Sr isotopes. It has been performed in November 2012 at ISOLDE, using the MINIBALL-T-REX setup [5]. A 98Rb beam, with average intensity of 105 pps, was accelerated to 2.85 MeV/A and directed onto a 1.5 mg/cm2 thick 7LiF target. Sr isotopes arising from t-transfer to 98Rb are uniquely associated with α emission, whose detection in the CD detector produced a clean trigger for the 7Li(98Rb,αxnγ) process. A very preliminary analysis shows that the emitted charged particles were well separated in the Si detectors (Fig. 1), while the γ-rays detected by MINIBALL, in coincidence with α particles, clearly indicated the effective population of several states in Sr isotopes. A detailed analysis is ongoing. This experiment is the first example of the employment of (7Li,X) cluster-transfer reaction for spectroscopy studies of nuclei far from stability. It provides a method which can be widely used in the future with the new generation of radioactive beams. Dear Peter, please find attached the slide you asked for. Sorry for the delay.  I give you the ppt so that you can modify it according to your need. I decided to make only one slide to be compact and for the sake of simplicity. Let me say few words to guide the understanding of the slide. On the left side there are some details of the experiment as well as the motivation.  Special attention is paid to cluster transfer reactions and to the advantages of using them. Basically they are supposed to be a powerful tool to populate medium-high energy and spin states in neutron rich nuclei. That’s actually what we observed, at least for the spin. As you probably remember in the 98Rb beam there was a strong component of its beta decay 98Sr. This is specified in the title since the reaction took place on it as well and gammas can be seen. On the right side you can find some spectra from the off line analysis. The first picture shows the E-DE matrix for identified particles in the foreword CD detector. Protons and lithium are mostly elastic, with few gammas in coincidence with the second. Alpha and triton, instead, correspond to triton and alpha transfer from 7Li to the beam. They are in coincidence with several gammas that allowed us to identify the final product after the neutron evaporation. The corresponding gamma spectra are shown in the bottom. 2 and 3 neutrons evaporation channels have been observed for both transfers and, in the case of triton transfer, the 3n channel can be seen up to spin 6-7. The cross section for such processes is being studied in these weeks as well as the dynamics. We observed a different population of the residues gating on different alpha energies. This suggests that the transfer took place at different excitation energy giving different evaporation residues according to the spin of the heavy compound. It’s worth noting then we also observed some differences in the channels populated for 98Rb and 98Sr. For instance the -3n channel is not present in the case of 98Sr. Such a fact will be further investigated .An attempt to distinguish the cluster transfer from the fusion break-up will be also done. The experimental cross sections will be compared with DWBA calculation for the transfer process, within a cluster model approximation, and the neutrons evaporation will be evaluated via statistical evaporation models (hopefully). Finally the nature of the state populated will be investigated. In particular their structure will be studied, looking for a systematic in the population of excited states by such a reaction method and across N=60, where shape transitions and coexistences are expected.

29 2015 HIE-ISOLDE intensity upgrade energy upgrade 2016 1.2 MeV/u 3
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives HIE-ISOLDE intensity upgrade energy upgrade 2015 1.2 MeV/u 3 MeV/u 5.5 MeV/u 10 MeV/u 8 MeV/u 2016

30 Summary REX-ISOLDE versatile accelerator MINIBALL physics case covers
Outline - Physics case Island of Inversion - Perspectives Summary REX-ISOLDE versatile accelerator MINIBALL physics case covers nuclei up to Radium First years: Shell model physics Recent developments: - Coulex with isomeric and heavy beams - transfer reactions & g-ray spectroscopy Major perspective: HIE-ISOLDE l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

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