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Agenda  Context.  Welfare Reform impact on City West.  Our response.  Processes and systems developed and how they work.  How we've used the data.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda  Context.  Welfare Reform impact on City West.  Our response.  Processes and systems developed and how they work.  How we've used the data."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda  Context.  Welfare Reform impact on City West.  Our response.  Processes and systems developed and how they work.  How we've used the data – “So What?” factor.  Impacts we're having.

3 Context - Welfare Reform  Single biggest, most significant and wide-ranging change in more than a generation.  Increased levels of risk and significant financial implications.  Challenging wider environment (unemployment, recession).  Hard hitting impact on customers.  Still great levels of uncertainty (Universal Credit).

4 Welfare Reform in Numbers £2,000,000 1981 1568 £1.025m £467 11,000 7,000 (63%) 2,307 £423,618 £250.23

5 Our Response

6 Our Response Developing Intelligence  Critical part of City West response from the beginning, developed with 3 principle aims: 1.‘Understand what is going on’. 2.Communicate information and impact to customers and staff. 3.Direct activity, resources and support.  City West has developed new processes and integrated systems to achieve this.

7 How new processes have helped us understand Welfare Reform  Capturing data from customers.  Data sharing with Council.  Improved interdepartmental working.  Embedding of ‘Making Every Contact Count’.  Surveys on Welfare Reform.

8 Qlikview  Business Intelligence Software.  Analyse data to provide unprecedented levels of insight.  Technical and skilled internal team to develop functionality.

9 How we use the data. The “So What?” factor  Target communication  Direct strategy and activity as well as resources (identify hotspots)  Monitor and evaluate impact

10 Impact we are having Understanding of Welfare Reform  Customers (down to individuals).  Business (arrears, collection). Managing impact of Welfare Reform  Customer affected less.  Targeted communication.  Helped 250 customers ‘right size’.  Helped customers access £300,000 of additional benefits.  Helped 250 customers receive DHP.

11 Questions? Chris Fray 0161 605 7236

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