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Module Briefing Professor Peter Wright Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Module Briefing Professor Peter Wright Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module Briefing Professor Peter Wright Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes

2 Clerical Matters  Programme Specifications  Module Choice  Timetables

3 Degree Regulations  Each taught module 15 credits  Normally credits awarded only if pass mark of 50 is achieved  Credit accumulation Taught modules120 (8 modules) Dissertation 60 Masters180

4 Programme Specifications  ECNT15Business Finance and Economics  ECNT02 Economics and Health Economics  ECNT07Economics  ECNT36Financial Economics  ECNT23International Finance and Economics  ECNT31Money, Banking and Finance  ECNT53Finance

5 Programme Specifications








13 Module Choice: Semester One  ECN6510Microeconomic Analysis  ECN6520Macroeconomic Analysis  ECN6540Econometric Methods  ECN6570 Modern Theory of Banking and Finance  ECN6580Health Economics  MGT6105Modern Finance  MGT6097 Corporate Finance  HAR6260 Economic Evaluation of Health

14 Module Choice: Semester Two  ECN601Applied Microeconometrics  ECN602Applied Macroeconometrics  ECN604Business Finance  ECN605 International Trade  ECN6002Development Finance  ECN6530Advanced Mathematical Economics  ECN6620International Money and Finance  ECN6650Industrial Organisation  ECN6660Monetary Economics  ECN603 Asset Pricing  HAR6240 Health Service Research Methods  HAR694Valuing the Benefits of Health Care

15 Module Choice: Semester Three  ECN6800MSc Dissertation  HAR6012MSc Dissertation (Health)

16 Changing Module/Programme  Add/Drop (modules)  until end of week 2 in each semester  Form from SSID  Louise Harte signs forms  Change of Degree  Change of status form (SSiD)  Peter Wright must sign these

17 University Registration  Thursday 26 th September  Sports Hall No.1, Goodwin Sports Centre for on-line registration at the times given opposite, and to collect your U-card. 11.45-12.30 U-Z 12.30-13.30 S-T 13.30-14.00 M-R 14.00-15.00 K-L 15.00-16.00 H-J 16.00-16.45 C-G 16.45-17.30 A-B  Activity Room No.1 for Health Service Registration until 18.00

18 Semester Dates Autumn Semester [Intro Week 23 September - 28 September 2013] Monday30 September- Saturday 21 December 2013total 12 weeks [4 Weeks Christmas vacation] Monday20 January- Saturday 8 February 2014total 3 weeks Spring Semester Monday10 February- Saturday 5 April 2014total 8 weeks [3 weeks Easter vacation Easter Day 20 April 2014] Monday28 April-Saturday14 June 2014total 7 weeks

19 Week 1 Monday 30 th September 10-12 Statistics RevisionMappin LT3 Thursday 3 rd October 9-11 Statistics RevisionPsychology Building, PS-LT G30 Friday 4 th OctoberEnglish Language Evaluation Mappin LT2 Lectures start next week! Please check the timetable carefully

20 Filling in Postgraduate Unit Form  Room Sir Fredrick Mappin Building LT02  Best guess of the optional modules that you wish to choose Family name  A-ICharlotte Hobson  J-Q Louise Harte  R-ZPeter Wright

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