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Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. Proprietary and 1 Wireless Access in 2006 and Beyond Matt Kolon Mobility Architect.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. Proprietary and 1 Wireless Access in 2006 and Beyond Matt Kolon Mobility Architect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. Proprietary and 1 Wireless Access in 2006 and Beyond Matt Kolon Mobility Architect

2 2 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Agenda  Mobile technology overview GSM, GPRS/EDGE and transition to UMTS WCDMA CDMA and CDMA2000 transition to 3G WLAN and mobile integration  Planning considerations for wireless access

3 3 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Intranets/ Internet PSTN/ ISDN WiFi/WiMax Base Switching Station (GSM/EDGE) UTRAN (WCDMA) Mobile Packet Backbone Network IP Multimedia Subsystem Access Point Site Router Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Base Station Controller (BSC) Service Domain Host Subscriber Server (HSS) Emergency Alert System (EAS) Call Session Control Function (CSCF) Media Resource Function (MRF) Transit Switching Center (TSC) Mobile Switching Center (MSC) Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) Multimedia Gateway WLAN Access Server Gateway GSN Media Gateway Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Radio Network Controller (RNC) Mobile Packet Networks

4 4 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL GSM GSM WCDMA HSCSD GPRS EDGE Wireless evolution: 3 major streams CDMA IS-95A CDMA IS-95B 1xRTT1xEV-DO1xEV-DV CDMA2000 3xRTT 2G2.5G 3G Multiple phases WirelessBroadband WiFiWiMAX

5 5 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL GSM evolution to 3G GSM 9.6kbps (one timeslot) GSM Data Also called CSD GSM General Packet Radio Services Data rates up to ~ 115 kbps Max: 8 timeslots used as any one time Packet switched; resources not tied up all the time Contention based. Efficient, but variable delays GSM / GPRS core network re-used by WCDMA (3G) GPRS HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data Dedicate up to 4 timeslots for data connection ~ 50 kbps Good for real-time applications c.w. GPRS Inefficient -> ties up resources, even when nothing sent Not as popular as GPRS (many skipping HSCSD) EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution Uses 8PSK modulation 3x improvement in data rate on short distances Can fall back to GMSK for greater distances Combine with GPRS (EGPRS) ~ 384 kbps Can also be combined with HSCSD WCDMA

6 6 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL CDMA IS-95A IS-95A 14.4 kbps Core network re-used in CDMA2000 1xRTT CDMA2000 1xRTT: single carrier RTT First phase in CDMA2000 evolution Easy co-existence with IS-95A air interface Release 0 - max 144 kbps Release A – max 384 kbps Same core network as IS-95 1xEV-DO CDMA2000 1xEV-DO: Evolved Data Optimised Third phase in CDMA2000 evolution Standardised version of Qualcomm High Data Rate (HDR) Adds TDMA components beneath code components Good for highly asymmetric high speed data apps Speeds to 2Mbps +, classed as a “3G” system Use new or existing spectrum 1xEV-DV CDMA2000 3xRTT CDMA2000 1x Evolved DV Fourth phase in CDMA2000 evolution Still under development Speeds to 5Mbps+ (more than 3xRTT!) Possible end game. CDMA2000 evolution to 3G IS-95B Uses multiple code channels Data rates up to 64kbps Many operators gone direct to 1xRTT

7 7 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL 3G Release 99 Packet switched TDM PSTN IP Internet Corporate IP/AAL5 AUC HLR SCP USIM NodeB RNC 3G MSC AAL2 3G SGSN Packet transfer to & from serving area Registration, authentication Mobility management logical links to RNC, tunnel to GGSN QoS 3G GGSN Multiple PDP contexts QoS (GPRS extensions for real time traffic classes etc) Iu b Iu ps Iu cs Iu r GnGi

8 8 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL 3G Release 4 PSTN Internet Corporate IP/AAL5 USIM NodeB Media Gateway BICC Circuit switched call control server (MSC Server) H.248 MEGACO TDM ATM IP Nb Split MSC into bearer and control Bearer independent CS New MGCP, new CS call control Streaming MMS service using PS streaming service 26.233 TS 23.205 Split TS 29.414 Bearer Mc Media Gateway (CS-MGW)

9 9 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL 3G Release 5 PSTN Internet Corporate IP/AAL5 USIM NodeB BICC Circuit switched call control server H.248 TDM ATM IP SIP IP Multimedia CSCF Call Session Control Function IP multimedia control sub system (IMS) – IPv6, SIP based Native IP UTRAN option UDP/IP or AAL2 Iu b Iu ps Iu cs RTP or AAL2 23.228 IMS 25.933 IP UTRAN SIP STACK QoS enhancements (end-to-end)

10 10 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Mobile IP Applications  WiMAX networks  WLAN to cellular roaming  Inter GGSN or PDSN roaming Mobile Core Internet SGSN Mobile Node FA Home Network ESS Wi-Fi WAP FA RAN HA

11 11 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Mobile IP Interworking with UMTS/GPRS  Recommends use of FA Care Of Addresses (CoA), not collocated, to conserve IPv4 addresses Source: 3GPP

12 12 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Tight integration proposed by 3GPP GGSN Access Controller, RADIUS Relay Authenticator RADIUS/SS-7 GW HLR EAPoL RADIUS Gr Interface Create PDP Context {IP, transparent mode APN, IMSI/NSAPI, MSISDN, dynamic address requested} Create PDP Context Response {End User Address} DHCP Discover Client DHCP Request DHCP Offer DHCP Ack {address = End User address from GGSN} Lease expiration Delete PDP Context Request Client - Authentication Client – IP Address Assignment GGSN HLR GPRS Tunneling Protocol

13 13 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL High Level IMS Architecture BTS BSC SCIM (Service Broker Platform) RAN TRANSPORT PLANE CONTROL PLANE SERVICE PLANE SCIM: Service Capability Interaction Manager MRFC: Multimedia Resource Function Controller CSCF: Call Session Control Function HSS: Home Subscriber Server HLR: Home Location Register PDF: Policy Decision Function BGCF: Breakout Gateway Control Function MGCF: Media Gateway Control Function MGW: Media Gateway GGSN: Gateway P\GPRS Support Node SGSN: Serving GPRS Support Node HLR PDF SGSN Intranet/ Internet WLAN MG W Node BRNC PSTN PLMN MRFCS-CSCF I-CSCF P-CSCF BGCF MGCF HSS MG W MRFP ABBREVIATIONS GGSN

14 14 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Thank You

15 15 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL Backup Slides

16 16 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL 3GPP2 Reference Architecture Ref: 3GPP2 A.S0011 Source BSC MSC/VLR PDSN PCF Source BTS A9A9 A8A8 A quinter Reference Point A quater Reference Point (R-P Interface) A 11 A 10 A1A1 A5A5 A2A2 A Reference Point A3A3 A7A7 Ater Reference Point External IP Network Pi Target BSC HLR SS7 Ref: 3GPP2 A.S0011 Radio Network (RN)

17 17 Copyright © 2003 Juniper Networks, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL GPRS: General Packet Radio Service TDM PSTN AUC HLR SCP SIM BTS BSC Packet Control Unit (PCU) Forward data frames from TDM BSS to packet core New hardware in BSC Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) Packet transfer to, from serving area Registration, authentication, mobility management / handover, CDRs logical links to BTS, tunnel to GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) Gateway to external IP networks (VPN/ISP etc) IP network security GPRS session mgmt, AAAA CDRs for charging Packet Switched Core Circuit Switched UmAbisA & PCU IP Network Internet Corporate FR Gb Gn Gi

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