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Memorandum Of Understanding Between National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) And State Technical Education Board/ State.

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Presentation on theme: "Memorandum Of Understanding Between National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) And State Technical Education Board/ State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memorandum Of Understanding Between National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR) And State Technical Education Board/ State Technical University

2 Objectives To improve the quality of Technical Education and enhance existing capacities of the Polytechnics through the use of ICT. To introduce the projects/products under the NMEICT and other e-contents the education being imparted through the polytechnics (Govt/Govt. aided/Private) To launch /roll out these products through NITTTR

3 Connectivity To provide connectivity to all those polytechnics identified by the State Technical education Board/State Technical Education University on 75:25 cost sharing basis 10 Mbps access links (equivalent to 20 number of 512 kbps VPN endpoints) NITTTR will act as a facilitator and initiate the process To identify the Polytechnics in the state To ensure timely payment to Polytechnics share (25% of the cost) Role of State Technical Education Board/University

4 Provision of Access device/ computers to teachers Any access device along with accessories per teacher subject to maximum limit of Rs. 20,000/- on 50:50 cost sharing basis NITTTR will prepare a proposal/project report on behalf of the STEB/STEU and submit to MHRD for 50% funding from NMEICT. Identify the teachers and furnish their details to NTTTR Role of State Technical Education Board/University

5 E-Classroom Institute must have e-classroom so that virtual learning environment At least 2 e-classrooms will be required NITTTR will identify those polytechnics where 2 crore has not been fully utilized for upgradation under sub-mission on Polytechnics Will prepare and facilitate approval of max. no. of e- classrooms Will identify the polytechnics and jointly approve the funding Role of State Technical Education Board/University Role of NITTTRs

6 NPTEL (National Program in Technology Enabled Learning It will do mapping of all the lectures available under NPTEL relevant to course contents of the polytechnics Will guide the teachers of the Polytechnics. Responsible to make such lectures part of the syllabus of the polytechnic education Make regulations regarding usage of technology enabled learning Coordinate with IIT Chennai and ensure that NPTEL are loaded in the local server in the respective polytechnics Role of State Technical Education Board/University Role of NITTTRs

7 Virtual Lab Setting up of virtual laboratories, lab centres and finishing schools so that learners in remotely located educationally backward areas can get the benefit of quality and relevant education. 100 virtual labs has been developed under NMEICT To clubs the labs available under “ Virtual Labs”, map them and find the gap analysis Organise the workshops for the awareness Make such lectures part of the syllabus Develop curriculum with the help of NITTTR Role of State Technical Education Board/University Role of NITTTRs

8 Spoken Tutorials To clubs the tutorials available under “ Virtual Labs”, map them and after the gap analysis prepare these as a subject of elective and/or compulsory curriculum of polytechnics Organise the workshops for the training of open source software Make such tutorials as part of the course curriculum Role of State Technical Education Board/University Role of NITTTRs

9 A-view The versatile E-learning Tool for Distance Education (video conferencing tool) developed by amrita University. Will participate in building and enhancement of the on- line community dedicated to teachers, students and other academia stakeholders Promote blended training programmes through Aview To be a member of A-View user list by using login ID and password Role of State Technical Education Board/University Role of NITTTRs

10 Talk To a Teacher 2 week ISTE workshops are held Participating teachers attend a remote center close to their own remote centre NITTTR will be a Remote training centre To identify regional center coordinator for Talk to a Teachers Program Role of State Technical Education Board/University Role of NITTTRs

11 Training of Teachers To provide digital literacy to teaching learning community in Higher education To assist teachers with use of the NMEICT products in classrooms Promote blended training programmes through Aview Ask a Question Programme of NMEICT Online tools and spoken tutorials for teachers to improve instructional methods Online communication among parents and teachers, teachers and students, and students with each other Role of NITTTRs

12 To nominate the faculty members to the training session To enhance the quality of technical teachers with latest training modules and make it mandatory Role of State Technical Education Board/University

13 Making Technology Enabled Learning as Central to academic System State Technical Board will make policies/rules so that the Technology Enabled Learning become Central to Polytechnic System Dissemination Role of NITTTRs NITTTR will design low cost dissemination solutions to reach out to all the students

14 Monitoring NITTTR to devise monthly Performa for submission to NMEICT, MHRD NITTTR to monitor progress of project in each concerned Plytechnic NITTTR to try to play the role of Open school/ College with the help of their faculty members To recognise this mode of education in polytechnics in the state. Role of NITTTRs Role of State Technical Education Board/University

15 Validity: Max up to 5 years (31.3.2017) Termination: – With mutual agreement of the parties – Parties can terminate MOU by giving three months notice


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