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Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) Charge Familiarize itself with strategic plans and emerging technologies. Evaluate issues and opportunities associated.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) Charge Familiarize itself with strategic plans and emerging technologies. Evaluate issues and opportunities associated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) Charge Familiarize itself with strategic plans and emerging technologies. Evaluate issues and opportunities associated with sensors, data services, and operations research. “In consideration of ATD core competencies and the unique role of multi-user observing systems, advance thematic proposals pertaining to ATD’s key contributions over the coming decade.” “Stratify thematic proposals into technological or applications categories, such as optical remote sensing, precision in situ sampling, airborne remote sensing, etc.”

2 What Constitutes a Technological or Applications Thematic Proposal? Examples given: optical remote sensing, in situ sampling, airborne remote sensing. Develop vs. apply technology. Theme qualification: Envision ATD Institute of XYZ Technology (incorporates development and application). Does ATD Institute (future group organization?) make sense “In consideration of ATD core competencies and the unique role …”? How much consideration should be given to present ATD core competencies vs. ATD of the future?

3 TAC Process NSF, NCAR, ATD Strategic Plan RTF group plans Canvas staff TAC retreat TAC Ballot

4 Technological Themes Optical Measurement Systems –Remote sensing lidars –In-situ chemistry measurements –Tunable Diode Laser based systems –Passive optical radiometric sensors (hyper-spectral imaging, MCR, in- cloud temperature, etc.) –Particle imaging probes Microwave Remote Sensing. –Ground based and airborne radars (Eldora II, etc.) –Antenna systems –Refractivity water vapor measurements –Electric field measurements –Profiler radars –Passive microwave sensors (imaging, temperature measurement, etc.)

5 Technological Themes Global/Climate State Monitoring: Contributing to broad scale observations of atmospheric state, in support of large area and/or extended time characterization. –Driftsonde, commercial aircraft sonde, “flutter sonde” –Reference radiosonde –AXBTsonde –Long term surface observations Advanced Signal Processing –1D and 2D data processing –Fuzzy logic, adaptive algorithms –Advanced numerical analysis (Wavelets, etc.) –Hardware FPGA and IP cores –Image processing

6 Technological Themes Observing System Cyber-Infrastructure –Data warehousing, navigation and delivery –Data formats and packaging –Data communications protocols –Distributed field project control and operations –Airborne “laboratory in the sky development” Intelligent Sensor Networks –Self configuring, smart sensor networks –Collaborative adaptive measurement algorithms –Distributed communication schemes and internet connectivity –Remote monitoring and data access –Multiple scales of measurement –In-situ (ISA) and remote (CASA) –Worldwide GPS time/frequency standards utilization

7 Technological Themes Coupled Observations/Assimilation –Package data for ready assimilation into models –Integrate assimilation and model output into real time “products” for field control centers UAV and Pod Mounted Instruments –Miniaturized instruments, MEMS –Advanced power systems –Composite materials utilization –Data sampling for speed, range, and duration

8 Technological Themes Inlet Design and Airflow Engineering –Airflow modeling and CFD analysis for airframes, instruments, and pods –Air inlet sampling systems for gases and aerosols up to max HIAPER airspeed (Mach 0.8)

9 Engineer Ballot The TAC understood from Rit that about 5 themes are to be offered (at some stage in the process). Engineers and other interested persons were asked: “Please rank the list from 1 to 9, with 1 being in your opinion, the technology area which has the potential to bring the greatest impact to atmospheric or related sciences. If some are tied in priority, favor the ones for which you believe ATD has or could develop the best expertise.” Please provide comments.

10 TAC Ballot Results 3.6Optical Measurement Systems 4.2Observing System Cyber-Infrastructure 4.3UAV and Pod Mounted Instruments 4.7Global Climate State Monitoring 4.7Intelligent Sensor Networks 5.0Microwave Remote Sensing 5.3Advanced Signal Processing 6.1Coupled Observations/Assimilation 7.1Inlet Design and Airflow Engineering Optical Measurement Systems UAV and Pod Mounted Instruments Observing System Cyber-Infrastructure Global Climate State Monitoring Intelligent Sensor Networks Microwave Remote Sensing Advanced Signal Processing Coupled Obs./Assimilation Inlet Design & Airflow Eng. 3.5 7.5 Average Ranking (19 responses)

11 Selected comments from ballots Difficult to prioritize: All relevant, built in bias, lots of overlap (reorganize themes?), need science oversight/guidance, we should be involved in all the themes. Cost/Benefit analysis? Some themes are instrument specific, others are not. Emerging technological opportunities as a theme? Ship borne not mentioned. We should concentrate on system engineering and developing integrated sensor systems. We should concentrate on developing fewer systems to turn-key completion. How about a theme on sensor technology (technology as a technological theme)? Combine assimilation and cyber-infrastructure. How about testing/calibration/validation (should be part of any theme) as a theme itself?

12 ATD Engineering “Process” More interaction with the profession: Conferences, seminars, sabbaticals, visitors. Designated system or project lead engineers. Collaboration w/ outside groups. Share engineers among projects. More formal practices. More engineering research, basic and applied.

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