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July 22, 2009 Thomas Hall. Timeline June 2008 – CTAA discussion January 2009 – CTAA discussion February 2009 – APC discussion June 2009 – CTAA discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "July 22, 2009 Thomas Hall. Timeline June 2008 – CTAA discussion January 2009 – CTAA discussion February 2009 – APC discussion June 2009 – CTAA discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 22, 2009 Thomas Hall

2 Timeline June 2008 – CTAA discussion January 2009 – CTAA discussion February 2009 – APC discussion June 2009 – CTAA discussion and report to APC September 2009 – APC discussion of new proposal January 2010 – CTAA review/approval of proposal February 2010 – APC and EAB approval

3 Goals of CTAA Restructuring Support new accreditation missions Added mentoring requirements (ABET training) Training support International accreditation Support continuing accreditation missions Provide cost savings with a scalable structure

4 Key CTAA Responsibilities Recruit, select, support, and train PEV’s Recruit, select, support CTAA members Recruit, select, support TAC/ABET commissioners Strive for A/I/G balance of above groups Maintain program-specific criteria Ensure quality improvement of all processes Internal processes ABET processes (review and recommend) Maintain charter, policy and procedures

5 Resource Intensive Tasks PEV selection PEV mentoring Initial mentoring Mentoring during ABET training Mentoring during IEEE training (on-line) Review of performance evaluations PEV assignment and monitoring

6 Draft CTAA Structure for Future Voting members (12) Chair Vice Chair PEV Coordinator 7 Members-at-Large APC Chair IEEE Rep to ABET BoD Non-voting members (2) VP, Educ Activities ECETDHA Chair* Affiliated members (3+) 3 Appointed TAC Reps Other TAC Reps as needed *At ECETDHA expense

7 Working Member* Responsibilities Chair subcommittees (except Chair) Sit on at least two additional subcommittees (except Chair) Review PEV applications and select PEVs Mentor PEV training Mentor PEVs before/after visits (including performance) Attend two meetings per year Select TAC Commissioners and CTAA members Write, review, approve program criteria Provide reports and recommendations from subcommittees Perform other administrative functions of subcommittees * Working members are chair, vice-chair, PEV coordinator, at-large members and TAC reps

8 CTAA Subcommittees Awards, Nominations, Education/Training, Criteria, Communications, Mentoring, Policy & Procedures Chaired by vice-chair, PEV coordinator, at-large members, and TAC reps Every member sits on at least two subcommittees Most of the labor is accomplished between meetings using technology

9 Workload and Other Issues Continue mentoring responsibilities Increased responsibility for recruitment of PEVs Increased evaluation of PEV performance in the field Interface with ABET on new PEV evaluations [Add mentoring responsibilities similar to CEAA] Increased mentoring responsibilities during ABET PEV training, including providing training facilitators Increased responsibilities for evaluation, training, assignment, and mentoring of non-domestic PEVs Maintain sufficient pool of qualified academic and industry persons for selection to TAC

10 Primary Meeting Agenda January Meeting Selection/reappointment of CTAA members Selection of new PEVs and assignment of mentors Elect chair and vice-chair for the next year Review selected program criteria Review reports, recommendations from subcommittees June Meeting Appoint/reappoint TAC commissioners Review PEV evaluations Review reports, recommendations from subcommittees

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