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OVERVIEW: ROCKY RIVER RURAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION Dana Stoogenke, AICP Transportation Planning for Anson, Stanly and a portion of Union Counties and municipalities.

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Presentation on theme: "OVERVIEW: ROCKY RIVER RURAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION Dana Stoogenke, AICP Transportation Planning for Anson, Stanly and a portion of Union Counties and municipalities."— Presentation transcript:

1 OVERVIEW: ROCKY RIVER RURAL PLANNING ORGANIZATION Dana Stoogenke, AICP Transportation Planning for Anson, Stanly and a portion of Union Counties and municipalities.

2 Dana Stoogenke, AICP B.A. in Political Science Master in Community Planning American Institute of Certified Planners Experience Planner II- Baltimore County Senior Planner/Comp. Planning Director- Chattanooga, TN RPO Coordinator/Planning Director- Mid-Carolina Council of Governments

3 Why is Transportation Planning Important? Functionality NCDOT has limited resources. Roads need to maintain capacity. Safety 17,500 traffic accidents in the U.S. every day. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death in children between the ages 4-14. Economic Development/ Aesthetics Roads are gateways to our communities.

4 Who does the RPO serve? Stanly County and Municipalities Anson County and Municipalities Union County (rural portion) and Marshville STANLY COUNTY ANSON COUNTY UNION COUNTY

5 History RPOs are not federally funded or mandated. There are 20 RPOs across the state. Urban Counterpart- Metropolitan Planning Organizations.

6 NCDOT AUTHORIZATION In July 2000, the North Carolina General Assembly ratified bill 1195. The RPOs four core duties: To develop multi-modal transportation plans. To develop and prioritize projects for the State Transportation Improvement Program. To provide a forum for public participation. To provide transportation-related information to local governments and other interested organizations.

7 STRUCTURE TAC ( Technical Advisory Committee) TCC (Technical Coordinating Committee) RPO (Rural Planning Organization)

8 Technical Advisory Committee TAC Members: Local Elected Officials and the NCDOT Board member Responsibilities: Establish goals and priorities for the region Review and comment on TIP projects Review and recommend changes and endorse Transportation Plans Review and adopt the Planning Work Program

9 Technical Coordinating Committee TAC TCC Members: Planners, Managers, Transit Providers, RPO and NCDOT Staff Responsibilities: Provide review, guidance and technical analysis for the TAC Develop, review and recommend Planning Work Program Identify and prioritize projects for the TAC Make recommendations in planning process as necessary

10 Rural Planning Organization/ Lead Planning Agency TA C TCC RPO RPO Staff: Reports to the TAC Board Responsibilities: Write enhancement, bicycle and pedestrian planning grants Prepare quarterly invoices and reports Help determine initial list of TIP priorities with Division Engineer Attend CRAFT, NCARPO, Merger Team, and public meetings Collect population, housing, and employment data Assist with transportation planning (data collection, public involvement, etc.) Coordinate speakers for meetings Create agendas for TCC & TAC meetings Send out packets/reminders for the meetings Prepare deliverables to NCDOT

11 North Carolina Department of Transportation North Carolina Department of Transportation Rockne Bryant, NCDOT Staff Responsibilities: Process invoices Review PWP Accept planning prioritization Create Transportation Plans Inform RPO about public meetings Coordinate Lead Planning Organization Review deliverable Conduct model maintenance TAC TCC RPO

12 Projects Comprehensive Transportation Planning: Norwood Anson County Wadesboro Marshville Pedestrian/Bicycle Planning: Norwood Albemarle Badin

13 Projects Grant Writing Marshville Locust Customer Service Highway Overlay District Super Street Presentation Speed Reduction Study Poor Circulation Unified Circulation

14 Working together to make our communities better places to work, play and live. Dana Stoogenke, AICP Rocky River Rural Planning Organization 980-581-6589

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