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Overview of program TAC has adopted an aggressive approach to public education by addressing the key causes of road accidents - the attitudes and behaviours.

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2 Overview of program TAC has adopted an aggressive approach to public education by addressing the key causes of road accidents - the attitudes and behaviours of road users. Since 1989, the TAC's accident prevention strategy has evolved into a multi-faceted program covering a number of road safety issues. This strategy has allowed key road safety problem issues such as the inexperience of young drivers, drink-driving, speeding and fatigue to be targeted in an effective and integrated manner. The key approaches adopted by the TAC were: – to place key safety issues in the public agenda – to promote awareness that "this could happen to me" through the use of an emotive, realistic portrayal of road crashes and their consequences – to signpost the introduction of new enforcement technologies – to highlight the level and unpredictability of police enforcement efforts, and – to reinforce the perception of the increased risk of detection.

3 Aim of program To address the problem of lives being lost and serious injuries on Victoria's roads. To use an integrated approach to accident prevention. To educate, promote awareness and change driving habits of individuals.

4 Why do we need the program? In 1989 the growing road toll and cost of accidents were causing widespread community concern.

5 Potential Health Benefits Decreased mortality due to traffic accidents (drivers, passengers, pedestrians) Decreased levels of grief/heartache to family, friends etc due to death and disability Decreased levels of disability Increase HALE and LE

6 Strategies

7 Car / Vehicle Safety Campaign All new cars must have ESC (electronic stability control- helps driver to maintain control of car) and curtain airbags Website- ‘How safe is your car?’ Cars giving Star ratings. Use of Crash Test Dummies to assist with getting message out to the public.

8 Drugs and Driving Roadside drug testing Education of impact of drugs on safe driving ability Research into programs to reduce drug related crashes ‘Arrive alive’

9 Drink Driving campaign Directed at “low level” drink drivers, with the aim of reducing the number of drivers killed or seriously injured whilst driving with BAC levels at, or just over, the legal limit. P ‘platers’- zero BAC Education of impact of alcohol on safe driving Education of BAC and what can affect it Public awareness that drink drivers get caught e.g during busy social periods (AFL grandfinal)

10 Young drivers A Graduated Licensing System (GLS) - new requirements for learner drivers, probationary license holders and young drivers aged up to 25. Log Book - learner drivers and their parents

11 Speed Campaign Introduction of speed cameras Introduction of laser speed detectors Awareness of how speeding and road trauma affects others Ripple effect campaign- Everybody hurts

12 Vanessa A converted booze bus developed to provide the TAC with a conduit for delivering road safety messages to young people at high risk events. Mobile cinema, voluntary breath tests Can be accessed and ‘liked’ on facebook

13 Yellow Card Messages you can send friends/family Warn them of the risks Let them know that someone cares Let them know that their behaviour/actions isn’t ok.

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