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WSN - Mining Sector Update September 2014 11. November 12 th, 2014 Holiday Inn, Sudbury, Ontario One-day ergonomics symposium focusing on: – MSD Prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "WSN - Mining Sector Update September 2014 11. November 12 th, 2014 Holiday Inn, Sudbury, Ontario One-day ergonomics symposium focusing on: – MSD Prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 WSN - Mining Sector Update September 2014 11

2 November 12 th, 2014 Holiday Inn, Sudbury, Ontario One-day ergonomics symposium focusing on: – MSD Prevention Best Practices – Shift Work and its effect on health – Mobile equipment design Registration available on WSN website This symposium will be followed by a Collision Avoidance Symposium on November 13 th. Symposium – The Health of a Miner

3 November 13 th, 2014 Holiday Inn, Sudbury, Ontario One-day mobile equipment symposium focusing on: – Available technology – High-visibility safety apparel – Communications – Avoidance techniques Registration available on WSN website This event will be preceded by an Ergonomics Symposium on November 12 th Symposium – Pedestrian/Vehicle Interaction

4 All e-newsletters are archived on WSN’s website. Issues are online under Publications: June 2014 – Predicting collisions: Telltale signs of bad drivers July 2014 – It's here! July 1 deadline for new mandatory training August 2014 – Update on new safety training standard for working at heights September 2014 - Ghost in the machine: Protect yourself from injury To subscribe to the newsletter, email: 2014 Newsletters

5 Mar. 21, 2013 – Worker was fatally injured in a motor vehicle when it was in a collision with another vehicle. Apr. 30, 2013 - Worker was buried in a muck pile. Nov. 10, 2013 – Worker fatally injured in a plane crash. Apr. 6, 2014 - While working on a crushing system in a smelter a worker was struck by a piece of machinery. May 6, 2014 (Double fatality) - Two contractors were struck by a fall of ground preceded by seismic activity. June 25, 2014 – Worker was fatally injured when a tree struck the bulldozer he was in. July 10, 2014 – Worker was outside of a loader he was operating when he was struck by a piece of broken ore. Ontario Mining, Steel and Other Smelting Sector Traumatic Fatal Injuries 2013 – August 31, 2014

6 Ontario Mining Association’s (OMA) Safety and Training Subcommittee are concerned with WSN’s recent decision to revamp its Monthly Injury Statistics Program and use WSIB figures (allowed injury and illness claims) to compile monthly injury reports. Please see WSN’s Briefing Note, dated Sept. 8, 2014, for more insight in to this issue. Monthly Injury Statistics Program

7 Mine Rescue Program Projects:  Mine Rescue Handbook Translation (Spanish and Portuguese)  Release the Mine Rescue Handbook September 2014  Launching the Mine Rescue Risk Assessment tool  Integrated Management of Heat Stress into Introductory and Management program  Adopted the Emergency Responder clothing guideline  Develop a Body Recovery Training Module  Launch Hydraulic Rescue tools training Research: Team Dynamics (York University) 77 Mining Sector Update

8 Ground Control TAC Projects: Suggested Methodology for Evaluation of Heading Face Stability (Completed) Guidelines for Working Safely around Stockpiles Mining Sector Update 88

9 Mining Equipment TAC Projects: Technical Report: Track Haulage Safety Technical Report: Fire Prevention Design Guidelines for U/G Trackless Mobile Equipment WSIB-sponsored research: Multi-piece rim and wheel assembly - evaluating opportunities for safer use (completed; next steps being considered) 99 Mining Sector Update

10 Safety & Loss Control TAC Project: The Role of a Second Line Supervisor Mining Sector Update 10

11 Project: Workplace Environment Checklist Workplace Environment TAC  11 Mining Sector Update

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