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ELL Assessment Update Annual Texas Assessment Conference December 2011 Laura Ayala, ELL Assessment Director Silvia Alvarado-Bolek, STAAR Spanish Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "ELL Assessment Update Annual Texas Assessment Conference December 2011 Laura Ayala, ELL Assessment Director Silvia Alvarado-Bolek, STAAR Spanish Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELL Assessment Update Annual Texas Assessment Conference December 2011 Laura Ayala, ELL Assessment Director Silvia Alvarado-Bolek, STAAR Spanish Manager Megan Galicia, STAAR L Manager Cristina Vázquez, TELPAS Manager

2 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 2 Disclaimer  These slides have been prepared by the Student Assessment Division of the Texas Education Agency.  If any slide is changed for local use, please remove the TEA footer at the bottom of the slide.

3 Demographics and Performance Trends

4 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 4 ELLs in Texas As of 2010–2011 PEIMS  ELLs – 831,812 (up from about 570,000 in 2000)  Well over 100 languages represented  More than 90% Spanish speakers  ELLs make up about 17% of total Texas students (about 1 in 6)

5 Smattering of TAKS ELL Pass Rates Spring 2003 and 2011 Panel recommended standards used; primary administrations; LAT results not included

6 Grades 3-12 TELPAS % Students at Each Proficiency Level B = Beginning I = Intermediate A = Advanced = Advanced High Former Test (RPTE) 6 Students assessed 2010-11: K-2 322,284 3-12 427,392


8 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 8 From TAKS to STAAR For grades 3–8, STAAR tests are in same grades and subjects as TAKS 3–8 Mathematics 3–8 Reading 4 and 7 Writing 5 and 8 Science 8 Social Studies Twelve STAAR end-of-course tests replace ten grades 9, 10, and exit level tests T A K S S T A A R

9 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 9 New Directions for STAAR How did we get here? As you heard in the session that opened this year’s conference ―  many choices had to be made  numerous avenues to seek advice from the field were pursued  hard decisions were made that honored the intent of the legislation

10 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 10 Driving Forces Behind STAAR ELL Assessment Decisions  Postsecondary readiness goals  Second language learning considerations  National experts and Texas stakeholders  ELL assessment literature and research  Test administration considerations  Desire for increased standardization



13 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 13 Time in U.S. Schools Criteria for ELLs Continued Policy Focus ― STAAR L  Takes time to learn English  Not all ELLs enter U.S. schools with same amount of English  Steady progress from starting point is expected  Need for linguistic support and accommodation diminishes as progress made  Even ELLs with high degrees of English proficiency may be unfamiliar with some English commonly known by peers

14 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 14 Degree of Linguistic Accommodation Varies By Subprogram (Linguistic accommodations do not apply to STAAR Spanish, which is already in student’s primary language)

15 Linguistic Accommodations for ELLs (3–8 and EOC) 12/6/2011 15 Texas Education Agency *Use of a dictionary as a linguistic accommodation on reading and writing tests (English versions) applies to grades 3–5 only; in grade 6 and up access to a dictionary is part of standard testing procedures.

16 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 16 STAAR L Transition From Paper to Online Mode

17 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 17 19 TAC Chapter 101, Subchapter AA ELL Participation Rules for the Texas Assessment Program  Approved and filed by commissioner of education on December 2, with December 22, 2011 effective date  This subchapter — is mainly for new STAAR program retains TAKS rules for grade 10 and exit level retains TELPAS rules  Approved rules not substantively different from proposed rules; minor technical clarifications only

18 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 18  Administrative policies, procedures, and guidance based on the rules to be finalized in December  ESC personnel to be trained in early January Upcoming Steps

19 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 19 LPAC Guidance Information on policies and procedures for LPACs and ARD committees to follow in making and documenting ELL assessment and linguistic accommodation decisions to be available from TEA ELL Assessments webpage  Accommodation policies and procedures – December  Participation policies and procedures – early January

20 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 20 Policy Information We Can Share Now  Good news ― If you’ve been keeping up with the proposed rules and September 15 ELL assessment TETN slides, you’re in good shape  Bad news ― There are still some policies and procedures under development  Good news ― STAAR ELL policies and procedures will be less complex and easier to follow

21 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 21  LPAC makes decision in accordance with state participation criteria  For ELLs with a disability, LPAC collaborates with key members of ARD or Section 504 committee STAAR Spanish and L Participation Requirement Summary

22 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 22  ARD committee makes decision in accordance with state participation requirements  For ELLs with a disability, decision is made in conjunction with key LPAC members STAAR Modified and Alternate Participation Requirement Summary

23 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 23 Special English I and II EOC Provisions TAC §101.1007  Apply to ELLs who ―  have been enrolled in U.S. schools 3 school years or less (5 or less if qualifying unschooled asylee/refugee) and  have not yet attained TELPAS advanced high reading rating In English I and II/ESOL I and II courses, these students may require substantial instructional scaffolding and linguistic adaptation not feasible on standardized language arts assessments.

24 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 24 The Special Provisions Are… When enrolled in English I or II/ESOL I or II course, the eligible ELLs shall not be required to –  include assessment score in cumulative score for graduation;  retake assessment each time it is administered if student passes course but does not achieve minimum score; or  have score count for 15% of student’s final grade (These students are not exempt from taking the test while in the course. These provisions do not apply to English III.)

25 ELLs with Parental Denials TAC §101.1005 (f)  An ELL whose parent or guardian declines bilingual/ESL program services outlined in state law is not eligible for special ELL assessment, accommodation, or accountability provisions No testing in Spanish No linguistic accommodations No English I/II EOC special provisions No unschooled asylee/refugee provisions (Reminder: ELLs with parental denials are required to be assessed with TELPAS.) 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 25

26 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 26 Other Key Policies to Remember  All ELLs participate – no exemptions from testing  STAAR L is just for mathematics, science, and social studies, not reading or writing  Linguistic accommodations are not just for STAAR L  STAAR and STAAR L test administration dates are the same  STAAR L eligibility criteria are the same across grades  No grade 3 caveats  No high school caveats

27 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 27 Assessment and Accountability  The newly approved Chapter 101 rules indicate that policies for including the academic performance of ELLs in accountability measures will — take into account the second language acquisition developmental needs of this student population be delineated in TEA publications required by 19 TAC Chapter 97 (Planning and Accountability)

28 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 28 Assessment and Accountability  Eliminating state exemption policies is a paradigm shift  Decision came after much discussion with experts and stakeholders  Key points of discussion Consequences of exclusion versus inclusion policies Challenges in accurately measuring skills of English learners Varying educational backgrounds of immigrant ELLs ELL-specific measures of progress Recommendations of national working group on ELL policy

29 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 29 Assessment and Accountability  Accountability decisions to be made during design of STAAR accountability system  TEA to continue to obtain advice from school districts  Current discussions Relationship between second language acquisition and academic achievement trajectories of ELLs Desire for challenging but achievable timeframes for attaining full English proficiency and strong academic skills Desire for indicators that reinforce prompt attention to student needs Desire to motivate students with interim progress targets that maintain focus on ultimate goals of — full English proficiency strong academic skills


31 TELPAS Policy Updates Newly Enrolled ELLs:  “20-day rule” gone; not necessary with new shorter TELPAS assessment window  ELLs from another Texas school district, state, or country who enroll on or after the first day of TELPAS assessment window (March 19) will not be assessed by receiving district in holistically rated domains. However, those in grades 2–12 are required to take the TELPAS reading test. Second semester immigrant non-English readers:  Unlike the past, ELLs in grades 2–12 who first enter U.S. schools in the second semester are no longer permitted to not take the reading test and receive a score of beginning automatically. They are now required to take the reading test, and they will receive scores based on their test performance. Texas Education Agency 31 12/6/2011

32 ELL Assessment Q and A

33 Question What type of bilingual dictionary is acceptable to use on the test? Will the state provide a list of approved dictionaries? Answer Standard bilingual dictionaries that are designed as word/phrase translation dictionaries are permitted. Dictionaries used must not be designed to define words or explain academic terms or concepts. A list of state-approved dictionaries will not be issued. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 33

34 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 34 Question Can former ELLs use a bilingual dictionary during reading and writing tests in grade 6 and up? Answer The general STAAR dictionary policy requires all students to have dictionary access on these tests. Students may use any of the dictionaries listed in the policy. The decision to provide a former ELL access to a bilingual dictionary should be based on the student’s needs and use of this type of dictionary in instruction and classroom testing. More information about the general STAAR dictionary policy for these tests is available at

35 Question What are the eligibility criteria to receive linguistic accommodations? Answer The eligibility criteria revolve around the student’s second language acquisition needs and whether the student routinely uses the accommodation in classroom instruction and testing. Only certain linguistic accommodations are allowable. The accommodations are not “automatic” for ELLs. The LPAC is responsible for determining and documenting them. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 35

36 Question Can LPAC decisions about which STAAR assessment to administer (STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, general STAAR, etc.) vary by subject area? Answer Yes. Guidance about this will be shared during the LPAC training of trainers for ESC staff on January 6, and information will be available from the ELL Assessments page of the TEA website. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 36

37 Question How many years can a student take STAAR Spanish? Answer A student whose LPAC determines STAAR Spanish to be the most appropriate assessment to measure the student’s academic progress may take this assessment in grades 3, 4, and 5. The LPAC must make assessment decisions annually based on the individual student’s circumstances and needs. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 37

38 Question Can a student who is in a U.S. school all of 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd grade take STAAR Spanish or STAAR L in grade 3? Answer Yes, if the student meets the STAAR Spanish or STAAR L state-defined participation criteria as determined by the LPAC. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 38

39 Question Is STAAR L a 4-hour test? Answer Yes, all tests in the STAAR program have a 4-hour time limit. However, ELLs may be given extra time within the regularly scheduled school day to take a STAAR test (STAAR L included) if they meet the eligibility criteria for extra time as a linguistic accommodation. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 39

40 Question Does the 15% requirement apply the same way to STAAR L as to STAAR? Answer Yes. Exception: For ELLs eligible for the special English I/II EOC provisions in 19 TAC §101.1007, scores on the English I and II tests are not counted as 15% of the student’s final course grade. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 40

41 Question Where does it say that students in ESOL I or II must take the English I or II EOC test? Answer Information about this may be accessed from the Instructional Environment tab of the TEA ELL Portal at Information is also found in the commissioner of education rules in Section §101.1007 of the Texas Administrative Code. The Texas Administrative Code can be accessed from the A–Z Index on the TEA website. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 41

42 Question How are years in U.S. schools determined for TELPAS data collection? Answer As in the past, this data collection captures the number of U.S. school years of enrollment for ELLs. Enrollment in or prior to kindergarten is not included. The count starts with first grade, or the first U.S. school year of enrollment for ELLs who first arrived in the U.S. after first grade. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 42

43 Question Is TELPAS required for high school ELLs who have met course requirements for graduation but need to pass TAKS if they attend school only for TAKS remediation? Answer ELLs in grades K–12 are required to be assessed with TELPAS. However, as an exception, high school ELLs attending ONLY for TAKS remediation are not required to take TELPAS because they have met their high school course requirements. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 43

44 Question Are high school ELLs receiving special education services who have met graduation requirements but are still attending school for job training required to be assessed with TELPAS? Answer No. Though ELLs in grades K–12 are required to take TELPAS, an exception is made for high school ELLs receiving special education services who have met graduation requirements. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 44

45 Question Are there paper versions of TELPAS release tests? Answer No, TELPAS is an online testing program. Tests are only released in an online format. 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 45

46 Keys to Success Soaring with the STAARs Twinkling with TELPAS

47 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 47  Make sure ELPS are being implemented Make sure teachers know and use ELP levels of their ELLs to linguistically accommodate instruction, adjusting accommodations appropriately as more English is learned  Act promptly to identify subject matter and language needs of first-year immigrants  Make instructionally sound linguistic accommodations  Teach ELLs to use dictionaries (bilingual, ESL, standard) effectively as second language acquisition tools ELPS and Content Area TEKS

48 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 48 Affective Needs of Newly Arrived ELLs  Spread calm and encouraging vibrations to ELLs who are recent arrivals to this country  Help them look at their first year of test results as good information to use in setting and meeting goals for the following year  Engage all ELLs in setting and reaching goals for English acquisition and academic achievement

49 Resources for LPACs and Testing Personnel 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 49

50 The STAAR IS within our reach

51 12/6/2011Texas Education Agency 51  Go to and click on English Language Learner Assessments  Call the TEA Student Assessment Division at (512) 463-9536  E-mail us at Contact Information

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