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YOU, ME, DIVERSITY....... Homophobia Racism Teacher Educators Oppressed Marginalised Cultural Differences Trade The Purpose of Education At home Abroad.

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Presentation on theme: "YOU, ME, DIVERSITY....... Homophobia Racism Teacher Educators Oppressed Marginalised Cultural Differences Trade The Purpose of Education At home Abroad."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOU, ME, DIVERSITY....... Homophobia Racism Teacher Educators Oppressed Marginalised Cultural Differences Trade The Purpose of Education At home Abroad Development Prejudice Human Rights Children’sRights The ‘Other’ Language Equality Exploring, Challenging Celebrating Power

2 Themes Springboard Diversity The Local and the Global Reflective Space Questions

3 Mirror work… Invitation to hold a mirror to ourselves You Me and Diversity (P Travers)

4 Invitation Reflect here! Converse Network Think critically

5 ‘Things being various’ McNeice EDUCATION Religion Ethics Civics Liberalism CHANGE Education is never neutral – asked the question around the purpose of education There is an intricate relation between the religious and the ethic and the civic Who forms the citizen? Education is about moral practice and we may agree on the basics but… Jones Irwin

6 On Friday evening.... ‘Society is more advanced than our education system’ ‘Paradox preaching tolerance, open-ness and understanding in an environment that is not.’ ‘ Children assimilate social attitudes..they know fairness and unfairness.’ ‘Teaching a man to fish rather than giving him a fish will not feed him for life or help send his daughter to College unless he knows how to market his fish.’ ‘What do the symbols in our environment suggest about who is welcome?’

7 Book launches and Research Learning to Read the World ? Teaching and Learning About Global and international Development in Post-Primary Schools by Audrey Bryan and Melíosa Bracken Actionable Post Colonial Theory in Education by Professor Andreotti de Oliviera with posters and art on Traveller Narratives and Delivering Citizenship Education Of Educators To develop an ethical engagement with the ‘Other’

8 Language The perceptions and assumptions and values that are embedded in language Honouring the skills and knowledge of Parents (and children) Dual Language books The challenges of.. The power of …. The bewilderment in families when children have a world that parents can’t share. Language Labels Stereotypes Language as a means of giving voice to

9 Research based work - Evidence Time to Interrogate questions Ethical research with children – checking with them. Do we understand our accountability?? Paternalistic discourse around children The importance of deconstructing the concepts of identity, diversity To unpick the assumptions in our classes, schools, our colleges of education and country

10 In Practice – How……. To develop tolerance and respectTo engage with other cultures, religionsTo use drama, books, puppets, stories

11 Quotes…. And then they realised that they were on the same page…I belong Children are passionate advocates for justice People are afraid of diversity and equality issues. We are more similar than we think Prejudice is a group process How culturally competent are you?

12 Post-its Everyone suffers Tokenistic interculturalism Awareness, respect Teacher Education!! It would be a win –win! situation What do we mean by development?

13 Challenging comments.. Vanessa We need to be able to make different mistakes Beyond competencies to dispositions To understand our ‘caravan’ and create possibilities for our backpacks Vanessa We need to be able to make different mistakes Beyond competencies to dispositions To understand our ‘caravan’ and create possibilities for our backpacks

14 Final comments Time to rock the boat Jones Irwin Time to rock the boat Jones Irwin

15 Rappateur Report you DICE – Bags of Learning....

16 The Springboard… Diversity at home is the springboard to exploring diversity abroad This conference has pointed the way to the need for more dialogue, more research, more conversations, more work….

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