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The 1 st Infantry Division By: Jonathon N.. The Beginning In WWI they were given the name “The Big Red One”. The 1 st Infantry Division entered combat.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1 st Infantry Division By: Jonathon N.. The Beginning In WWI they were given the name “The Big Red One”. The 1 st Infantry Division entered combat."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1 st Infantry Division By: Jonathon N.

2 The Beginning In WWI they were given the name “The Big Red One”. The 1 st Infantry Division entered combat in World War II as part of “Operation Torch”. They invaded North Africa.

3 “Operation Husky” After they invaded North Africa, the 1 st Infantry Division moved on to take Sicily in what was known as “Operation Husky”. They stormed the beaches of Gela and quickly overpowered the Italian defenses. Soon after, they came face-to-face with 100 tanks of the Herman Goering Tank Division.

4 D-Day, June 6,1944 The Big Red One stormed ashore at Omaha Beach. Soon after H-Hour, the Division's 16th Infantry Regiment was fighting for its life on a strip of beach near Coleville- sur-Mer that had been marked the "Easy Red" on battle maps. After that they captured a major German City – Aachen.

5 Months of fighting After capturing Aachen, the 1st Infantry Division still faced months of fighting at places like the Hürtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge. When the War ended, the Big Red One went through Germany and into Czechoslovakia.

6 Vietnam In the summer of 1965, the Big Red One was the first division called to fight in Vietnam. For about five years they battled the enemy while carrying out programs to aid the people of South Vietnam. In April 1970, 1st Infantry Division returned to Fort Riley.

7 “Operation Desert Storm” On November 8, 1990, the 1st Infantry Division deployed more than 12,000 soldiers and 7,000 pieces of equipment to Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Storm.

8 Iraq The Big Red One stormed into Iraq. By February 27, 1991 the division broke the enemy’s defense along the Kuwait border. After that the Division raced across southern Iraq into Kuwait destroying more than 500 enemy tanks. They captured more than 11,400 enemy prisoners of war.

9 “Operations Joint Guard” On April 10, 1996, the 1st Infantry Division moved to the German city of Würzburg. The Division deployed to the Balkans twice in 1999, first as part of Task Force Sabre in Macedonia, then in Kosovo with NATO’s Task Force Falcon on June 10. They were there until June 2000.

10 “Operation Iraqi Freedom” In January 2003, the division deployed to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom. The division took a better role in Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003, when the 1st Battalion deployed to Northern Iraq. They returned to Fort Riley in September 2004.

11 Latest mission In 2007, the 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division, is scheduled to redesignate itself to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division once the 2nd Brigade returns from Iraq.


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