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ADMINISTRATIVE  Mid-Term Test Next Week 1. 2 Samples of Behavior  List key lessons learned from Operation PROVIDE COMFORT/NORTHERN WATCH, Operation.

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1 ADMINISTRATIVE  Mid-Term Test Next Week 1

2 2 Samples of Behavior  List key lessons learned from Operation PROVIDE COMFORT/NORTHERN WATCH, Operation SOUTHERN WATCH, the crisis in Somalia, and Operation DENY FLIGHT.,

3 3 The Crisis in Iraq  UN Security Council established a no-fly zone over northern Iraq to protect the Kurdish people from attacks by Saddam Hussein  Operation Provide Comfort began on 5 Apr 1991 as a humanitarian relief effort to deliver food, clothing, and supplies to Iraq’s Kurdish refugees  C-130s began airdropping supplies on 7 Apr 1991  Lasted approximately 8 years and was then replaced by Operation Northern Watch

4 4 The Crisis in Iraq Lessons Learned - ONW  The need to avoid fratricide  The limitations of airdrops  Host-country tensions  The need for alternate bases  Lack of an exit strategy

5 5 The Crisis in Iraq  Operation Southern Watch (OSW) was a Combined Task Force enforcing the no-fly zone below the 32th parallel in southern Iraq  Not an aggression against Iraq—executed as a self-defense measure  Coalition partners included the US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait  Fire from more than 850 Iraqi SAMs and AAAs directed at coalition aircraft  Iraq violated the no-fly zone more than 160 times  More than 150,000 USAF sorties by 1998

6 6 “What we’ve effectively done since 1992 is conduct an air occupation of a country…” General Fogleman, Jul 1995

7 7 The Crisis in Iraq Lessons Learned - OSW  Became a test for USAF AEF concept in Oct 1995  Quality-of-life changes needed due to high Ops-Tempo  Reorganized Security Forces

8 8 The Crisis in Somalia  In mid-1992, drought and civil war devastated Somalia  Food supplies became a weapon of war  Operation Provide Relief began by the United States on 22 Aug 1992 to deliver food to Somali refugees  Military and civilian aircraft used  Over 2,000 sorties, carrying 48,162 metric tons of food

9 9 The Crisis in Somalia  Although a humanitarian effort:  44 American soldiers lost their lives  175 were injured or wounded  Danger of failure due to warlord interference  Operation Restore Hope  Coalition peacekeeping operation from 9 Dec 1992 – 4 May 1993  First test of Rapid Global Mobility from the CONUS

10 10 The Crisis in Somalia Lessons Learned  First large scale test of newly formed AMC and the Tanker Airlift Control Center (TACC)  Difficulties evolved in the planning, coordinating, and managing the operation  Austere infrastructure of Somalia added to the lack of adequate bases for strategic airlift aircraft

11 11 NEXT WEEK  MID-TERM TEST  THE FOLLOWING WEEK = Spring Break  Week after Spring Break  Chapter 20, Conflict in the Balkans

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