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Objective: Evaluate the Paris Peace Settlement’s effect on the Middle East by completing Map activity 1) Do you feel the Sykes Picot, Balfour Agreement,

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Evaluate the Paris Peace Settlement’s effect on the Middle East by completing Map activity 1) Do you feel the Sykes Picot, Balfour Agreement,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Evaluate the Paris Peace Settlement’s effect on the Middle East by completing Map activity 1) Do you feel the Sykes Picot, Balfour Agreement, and McMahon Hussein letters are an example of Social Darwinism? 2) Summarize the clip, Were muslims and jews treated the same? Why?

2 Paris Peace Settlement 5 treaties set to promote peace and end ww1 Treaty of Sevres Ottoman Empire becomes Turkey Arabia became independent Mesopotamia( Iraq), Palestine, Lebanon and Syria became League of Nation mandates and were to be run by France and Britain.

3 What is a Mandate? What should happen to the losers of ww1 and their colonies? These territories were considered sufficiently advanced that their provisional independence was recognized, but Triple Entente exercised influence, all foreign diplomatic decisions must be approved by British or France

4 Objective: Evaluate how the Mandate System Caused Instability BR 1) Observe the commercials in Iraq Today: What message is each commercial trying to give? 2) What does it say about society? 3) How is it similar and/or different to our country

5 Mandate Independence recognized, but your foreign decisions still under European Control

6 Mandates (cont’d) Great Britian- Iraq, Palestine, Transjordan France- Syria, Lebanon,

7 Iraq Under British Control- Why? Protect oil interests and communication with India Problems with Iraq- split amongst religious lines – Sunni – Shia

8 Who is the leader of the Catholic Church? Islamic faith Catholic- Pope What about Islam? -Allah -Muhammed- messenger from Allah -Who should be the leader after he went to heaven? -leader based on merit or family?

9 Sunni vs. Shia What Happens after the prophet Muhammad dies.. – Sunni-elect leaders – Shiite- need to be related to Muhammed the Prophet. War more than thousands of years ago, Shiites celebrate Ashura to remember death of Husayn

10 How to deal with religious instability? What promise did Briitan make to Sharif Hussein? Amir Faysal- Sharif Hussayns son will be put into power Organic Law of 1925-declared Amir Faysal as king! – Army had to be trained by British, all arms supplied by British – Britain received concessions on Oil – Changes education system more than 2000 people can read- from 200

11 Did Iraq get ride of the British? Faysal dies in 1933- many unstable leaders – Religious instability, Sunni vs. Shiite – Should the British stay or go? Prime Minister Nuri Al Said- wants British Influence to Stay – Only way for him to stay in power Anglo Iraqi War 1941- 4 colonels- Military overthrows government, don’t like British influence New Prime Minister Rashid Ali government attacks Britain but loses- Nuri Al-Said goes back in control- shows signs of imperialism

12 Reading: 1 st Packet –Monday (quiz) All packets questions Due Wednesday Extension for Project- Monday (Extra Credit Present Tomorrow)

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