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INO approach to technology transfer Pierre Galarneau 1.What is INO 2.Definitions and choices 3.Technology transfers 4.Spin-offs 5.Let’s talk money.

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Presentation on theme: "INO approach to technology transfer Pierre Galarneau 1.What is INO 2.Definitions and choices 3.Technology transfers 4.Spin-offs 5.Let’s talk money."— Presentation transcript:

1 INO approach to technology transfer Pierre Galarneau 1.What is INO 2.Definitions and choices 3.Technology transfers 4.Spin-offs 5.Let’s talk money

2 INO is  An High-Tech INNOVATION HOUSE with a complete range of integrated services in all fields of optics/photonics  The largest concentration of skills in the field in Canada  Clients of all sizes across Canada and around the world Over the last 25 years  > 50% of revenues directly from the industry  > 5000 R&D contracts  54 Technology transfers  29 Spin-offs (all still alived)  191 patents / 75 pendings (266)  200 employees  37 M$ operating  3 M$ capital  Location Quebec City (HO) Montréal Hamilton ON Calgary AB

3 Business model & Value VALUE PROPOSITION  World-class know-how  Science & Technology  Innovation: Creativity & Realism  Diversity of tools and means  Technologies  Services: Prototyping to short-runs  Focus on solutions and delivery  Understand industry needs  Understand schedule  Complementarity / adaptability  RESULTS IN INNOVATION  RISK REDUCTION  REDUCED TIME-TO-MARKET Market Industry Know-how Technologies IP Knowledge Universities R&D Centres Contract Product TRL 9 TRL 8 Platform TRL 7 INO TRL 6 Technology TRL 5 TRL 4 Expertise Cooperation TRL 3 TRL 2 Knowledge TRL 1

4 4 Technology Pillars MICROFABRICATION  µ-bolometers  µ-mirrors  µ-packaging  Thin films / GRM VISION  Machine vision  Sensor fusion  Sensor network  Augmented reality LASER & SPECIALTY FIBRE  Silica fibre  RE-doped fibre  µ-structured fibre  LMA fibres  Diode laser collimation  Fibre lasers OPTICAL DESIGN  Optical design  Optical testing  Opto-mechanical design  System design  Optical assembly

5 5 Target Application Fields Defence & Security  IR imaging  SAR Optical processing  THz imaging Biophotonics  Light scattering  Florescence imaging  NL Fibre probe  Cytometry / Biosensors  Biomimic TM Environment  Lidar / Cloud mapper  Chemical detection  LIF – Bio detection Energy & Natural Ressources  Solar concentrator  µ-algae illuminator  Fibre sensors  Integrated GC sensor Advanced manufacturing  Laser µ-processing  Quality control  Process control  Hyperspectral imaging  3D imaging

6 Definitions and Choices INNOVATION Change implemented that has a positive impact High-Tech Innovation House Economic development organization providing advantageous market position through technical differentiator. INNOVATION = Market shares and/or ↗ profit marging = Δ $ for the customer.

7 7 GLOBALISATION DEMOGRAPHY CLIMATE CHANGES Economy $$$ Future: Drivers & certainties

8 Natural ressources and supply chain development Environment and sustainability Rising healthcare cost pressure Complex security challenges Community sustainability Infrastructure Access Economic growth and industrial competitiveness Identified challenges

9 Technology transfer THREE MEANS  R&D Contracts IP Clause Protect Customer’s market Protect INO’s sustainability  Technology transfer Licensing agreement Knowledge transfer  Spin-Offs Three avenues

10 Technology transfer THE DIFFERENTIATOR Know-How transfer  Training at company location (basic)  Support Equipment \ Foundry selection  Develop & document product design  Advanced training  First production at INO with company employees  Second production at company site with INO people  Support period as needed Technology transfer process flow 1.Identifying the technology 2.Specifying the needs a)Exclusivity or not b)Territories c)Applications/Markets 3.Elaborating/signing the term sheet a)Technology description b)Terms (see point 2) c)Price i.Equity ii.Down payment iii.Royalties 4.Defining the product 5.Signing the TT-agreement 6.Project Kick-off

11 Spin-Offs THREE AVENUES  INO’s employees Self-motivation INO’s decision  Entrepreuneurs  Entrepreuneur in residence Quebec City and Anges-Quebec 200 k$ loan 18 months at INO to build business case INO’s support for de-risking

12 Let’s talk money Innovation pricing INNOVATION = ↗ Market shares and/or ↗ profit marging = Δ $ for the customer.  Market differentiator has a lifetime  Yearly benefit times the lifetime is the total $ generated  Benefit from one year stay within operating budget

13 Thank you ! THE strategic partner for innovation in optics /photonics

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