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By: Ms. Beer 7 th Grade Health. Any chemical or substance, other than food, that changes the way the body works and/or that alters normal body functioning.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ms. Beer 7 th Grade Health. Any chemical or substance, other than food, that changes the way the body works and/or that alters normal body functioning."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ms. Beer 7 th Grade Health

2 Any chemical or substance, other than food, that changes the way the body works and/or that alters normal body functioning

3 Mouth (pill, liquid) Nose (sniffing, snorting) Inhalation/Smoking Injection (IV needles) Absorption (patches)

4 Treat illness Get sleep Relieve pain Prevent disease Treat depression/anxiety Anesthetic

5 Peer pressure/dares Forget problems Lonely/boredom To “be cool” Curiosity/new experience Build muscle (anabolic steroids)

6 ABUSE The intentional, repetitive and willful use of a drug for another end aside from its original or prescribed intention or use MISUSE Improper, unintentional use of prescribed or non- prescribed medications  USE Ingesting a drug the way it was intended

7 Drugs prescribed by a physician to free patients from symptoms of medical conditions (i.e. depression, ADHD, etc.) in order to help them live more productive lives They are abused by individuals both with and w/o a doctor’s recommendation

8 Opioids Oxycodone (OxyContin) Hydrocodone (Vicodin) CNS Depressants Diazepam (Valium) Stimulants Methylphenidate (Ritalin) Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine (Adderall)

9 Swallowed Snorted Injected

10 Vomiting Mood changes Change in heart rate Coma Death



13 Small fragments of glass or shiny blue-white rocks

14 Snorted (inhaled) Injected Smoked

15 Disturbed sleep patterns Nausea Aggressive Decrease in appetite Liver, kidney, lung damage

16 Drugs most commonly from the opium poppy plant (found predominantly in Asia) Used to relieve pain

17 Heroin Methadone Codeine Morphine Opium Oxycontin Horse Junk Black tar Shoots Dope

18 Injected Snorted Smoked Swallowed

19 Nausea, vomiting Convulsions Coma Death Unsterile needles…. HIV/AIDS

20 The dried leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the Cannabis sativa plant… HEMP

21 Marijuana—leaves, stems, flowers Hashish—resin (sap), chunks Pot Grass Weed Reefer Mary Jane (MJ)

22 Smoked Eaten

23 Increased heart rate Increased appetite Bloodshot eyes Short-term memory loss / Lower IQ Lack of coordination

24 Chemotherapy AIDS Glaucoma Pain relief

25 Drugs that distort the senses and cause visual and/or audible hallucinations

26 Drugs Involved Nicknames LSD Peyote PCP Psilocybin Acid Sugar cubes Angel dust Magic mushrooms

27 Swallowed Injected Smoked Licked off paper

28 Super-human like feelings Distorted senses Bizarre behavior Flashbacks Visions

29 Dangerous fumes concentrated in a bag or on a cloth that are inhaled….. HUFFING

30 Glue Nail polish remover Gasoline Nitrous oxide Whipped cream White out Butane Duster 2 Air fresheners Markers

31 Vapors inhaled through mouth and/or nose

32 Nausea Decreased heart rate Decreased breathing rate Impaired judgment

33 Drugs used to increase muscle mass and strength Similar to the male hormone, TESTOSTERONE

34 Synthetic human growth hormone Performance enhancers Andro Creatine

35 Swallowed Injected into muscle

36 Violent tendencies (“Roid Rage”) Depression Heart attack Stroke Liver cancer or other liver diseases Acne

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