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European Qualification Framework EQF-HAIR Making non formal education fit into NQF using the EQF as a translating tool to support the recognition of vocational.

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Presentation on theme: "European Qualification Framework EQF-HAIR Making non formal education fit into NQF using the EQF as a translating tool to support the recognition of vocational."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Qualification Framework EQF-HAIR Making non formal education fit into NQF using the EQF as a translating tool to support the recognition of vocational non formal education : the example of the European Hairdressing Certification

2 Content of the presentation Brief reminder : Purpose of the project Project ‘s main outcomes Preliminary recommandations

3 Project description/purpose Test the EHC against the EQF and the NQF, as well as test it against the national training solutions which exist. Goal : identify strengths and weaknesses, define indicators to ease the assessment of quality, accessibility and translation of training schemes into other systems, identify relevant levels, reference points and descriptors that should be strongly recommended as part of an effective EQF, and might be used at national level to complete the EQF. Produce guidance principles to the promotion of the EQF for the sector and at a later stage by other sectors. The end-product should consist of a Guide to practitioners. The guide will present how to use the EQF to translate national formal and non formal vocational schemes in the Hairdressing sector, providing further descriptors, being at group, regional, national or European level. So that companies and workers can rely on a commonly understandable vocational framework regardless of their Member state origin. It will increase quality and accuracy of the schemes (input of the sector, use of common indicators) and at mid-term promote mobility. The latter being both part of the integrated guidelines on Employment and of the objectives of the LLP.

4 Project description/partnership 7 Countries - 12 partners P1DKDanish Hairdressers & Beauticians Union (DFKF) P2NLCoiffure EU P3LTKosmetology ir kirpeju profesiné sajunga (resigned) P4SEHandelsanställdas Förbund P5NONorges Frisörmesterforbund P6FRFO- Federation Force Ouvriere de la Coiffure P7SESveriges Frisörföretagare P8DKDanmarks Frisørmesterforbund P9ATWKO, Bundesinnung der Friseure P 10 DKUddannelsescenter København Vest - CPH West P 11NOFagforbundet P 12UKNational Hairdressers´ Federation P 13FRCNEC

5 Project description/deliverables Descriptors Guide Develop and implement the learning outcomes approach promoted by the EQF Develop a qualification framework, incl. for ex. pathways between higher education/general education and vocational education and training.

6 Main Outcomes WP1 WP2 The guide

7 Aims of WP1 Test the EHC against the EQF : test to which extend the result of Leonardo da Vinci-project ”EUC Hair” (being the European Hairdressing Certificate - EHC) is in accordance with The European Qualification Framework (EQF). Test the EQF in the light of the European Hairdressing Certificate (EHC). The experience acquired with the elaboration of a European outcome-based approach to the training in the Hairdressing sector might help testing the efficiency, the coherence and the feasibility of implementation of the proposed EQF.

8 Expected outcomes of WP1 Experts’ and practitioners’ Analysis to be able to provide to everyone a clear and common understanding of the EQF purposes, Cautious Examination of the accuracy of the EQF levels to the vocational training needs of a branch Ensure that the EHC (European Hairdressing certificate*) is at the edge of the EU education policy. Give input to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Mutual recommendation on descriptors/indicators and ways of improvement of both EHC and EQF Report from the WP leader on the outcomes.The report will be presented in-depth at the seminar.

9 Results level 3 is clearly below the level in EHC/Level B according to the levels of abstraction, lifelong learning, autonomy and independency. Thus we consider EQF level 4 as the best fit for EHC/Level B.

10 Aims of WP2 Clear understanding of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) purposes (Individuals, trainers/ees, employers, national authorities, national social partners) Cautious Examination of the accuracy of the EQF levels to the vocational training needs of a branch (national authorities, national social partners) Mutual recommendation on descriptors/indicators and ways of improvement of both EHC and EQF (national authorities, national social partners)

11 Expected outcomes of WP2 Collection and analysis of data and information on national schemes and comparision with EHC and EQF (test compatibility, obstacles, ways of improvement…)- => tools = questionnaires to be filled in by practitioners (trainers, jury members, trainees, …) to assess their level of understanding of an outcome-based reference system, the use they can made of it, their expectations in the context of their national scheme(s) => grid of evaluation to assess how the EQF could really act as a coherent and efficient Qualifications Converter System. Report from the WP leader on the outcomes to the other partners for information. The report will be presented in-depth at the seminar.

12 Results Questionnaire to Trainers : - Replies from DK, AUT - Welcome EQF - EQF is adapted to work as a translation tool to evaluate national certifications - Descriptors used may be used for sectoral purposes too Questionnaires to Trainees/Students : Analysis in process

13 Aims of WP3 Mutual and wide-spread understanding of the EQF, its rationale and its usefulness, Transparency of process (Individuals, trainers/ees, employers, national authorities, national social partners) Participation of various stakeholders to ensure the mutual understanding of the guidance principle and have a valuable exchange + Messages disseminated very broadly (Individuals, trainers/ees, employers, national authorities, national social partners)

14 Results Level 4 commonly shared Agreement on a sectoral EQF grid Guidance principles



17 The Guide

18 Content of the guide Explanation of the methodology to rank a sectoral or national certificate into the matrix agreed by the sector General Recomendations to improve the use of the EQF grid

19 Methodology Define first an outcome based approach + business driven needs Find the best fit for your outcomes and professional needs on the EQF matrix Build your sectoral/EQF matrix Finally compare your national certificate(s) to this matrix

20 Recommendations Reference to EQF on CVs, notably Europass Use the EQF matrix starting from Competences to Knowledge Ensure trust in the EQF

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