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Published byDonald Baldwin Modified over 9 years ago
Cayman Captive Forum Presentation 2013 Captive / Actuarial 101
2 Joseph A. Herbers Managing Principal Fiona J. Moseley President & Director Julie E. Robertson Partner
" Everything you wanted to know and were afraid to ask… An introductory session to cover practical guidelines on legal, actuarial and regulatory matters during the formation and operational stages of a new captive." 3
What is a Captive? The most simple definition: a licensed insurance company formed to insure the risks of its owners But the world is more complicated -RRGs; cell companies (SPCs), agency captives, rent-a-captives, micro captives, branch captives, reciprocals, series LLCs, portfolio insurance companies (PICs) If you’ve seen one captive... you’ve only seen one captive! Array of models provides flexibility, but creates the need for expertise and evaluation of the options in formation 4
What is a Captive? A licensed insurance company Regulated in a state or country (domicile) that has unique laws for captives −They typically vest a great deal of authority in the regulator and are less stringent than laws regulating commercial carriers Owners/insureds involved in governance Often have no employees but are managed by contracted service providers 5
Why form a Captive? Coverage isn’t available commerciallyCoverage is unaffordable FlexibilityTax advantages Access to reinsurance marketsDesire to provide coverage to third parties Need for stable source of coverageNeed for uniform program across borders Generate profitsBeat the market Control of claimsHeightened focus on loss prevention Keep investment income on premiumsEliminate coverage gaps Design coverage to meet insurance needsDrive organizational change 6
Captive Feasibility Studies - Outline What is a Captive Feasibility Study What are Actuaries? Actuarial Involvement in Captive Feasibility Study Dealing with Uncertainty Predicting the Future 8
Captive Feasibility Studies Data Analysis Loss Estimates Capitalization Requirements Domicile Tax Issues Coverages, Retentions, Limits Expenses Reinsurance Costs Regulatory Issues Pro forma Financials 9
Actuaries & Captive Feasibility Studies Projecting the future as regards: – Premiums – Losses – Loss Adjustment Expenses – Captive expenses Acquisition, general, taxes Reinsurance costs Capitalization Requirements Investment Returns 10
What is an Actuary? Insurance professional skilled in measuring and quantifying risk Typically a math or statistics major in college Schooled in all aspects of insurance operations - Claims- Accounting - Underwriting- Ratemaking - Marketing- Reinsurance - Legal- Systems/IT 11
What does an Actuary do? Quite simply – Predict the Future Ratemaking – Figure out what premiums to charge for variety of coverages, limits and deductibles Loss Funding Studies – Projecting future costs so insurer or self-insured entity can budget costs Loss and loss adjustment expense reserve accruals for financial reporting purposes Retention Level Analysis Exposure Modeling (CAT) Risk Transfer in Reinsurance 12
Essential Background Information Business Plan Historical premium, losses, claim counts & exposures for entity being considered Domicile, Service Providers being considered 13
Captive Business Plan Key management of enterprise – Owner(s), officers, roles Nature of underlying business being insured Coverages Retentions - both per occurrence and aggregate Limits Service Providers 14
Data Analysis Projecting Ultimate Losses – Start with current reported incurred losses Adjust for retentions Adjust for expected future loss development Adjust for future trend Adjust for changes in statutory benefit levels (WC) – Use multiple methods to project ultimate losses – Rely on a point estimate or reasonable range of ultimate losses Project Ultimate Loss Ratio 15
Lags Projecting Ultimate Losses – Start with current reported incurred losses Adjust for retentions Adjust for expected future loss development Adjust for future trend Adjust for changes in statutory benefit levels (WC) – Use multiple methods to project ultimate losses – Rely on a point estimate or reasonable range of ultimate losses Project Ultimate Loss Ratio 16 Property/Casualty insurance business is characterized by lags (which give rise to need for IBNR)
Uncertainty in Projecting Ultimate Losses Changes in rate of claim payments Changes in case reserving practices Changes in mix of exposure Changes in retention limits Changes in claim reporting procedures 17
Data Analysis Projecting Expenses – Commissions/Brokerage – Fronting – Taxes, Licenses & Fees – General (audit, actuarial, legal) – Claims Handling – Reinsurance – Loss Control – Federal Excise Tax Usually stated as % of either WP or EP 18
Data Analysis Underwriting Profit Investment Returns – Investment Income Mix of investments by type (stocks, bonds, cash, other) Expected returns by type – Realized Capital Gains/Losses FIT Dividends 19
Pro Forma Financials Run Pessimistic, Base and Optimistic scenarios Underwriting Exhibit – Projected premiums (direct / ceded / net) – Projected losses (premium x loss ratio) – Projected expenses – Dividends – Underwriting profit (by subtraction) Balance Sheet – Assets, Liabilities & Surplus 20
Pro Forma Financials Run Pessimistic, Base and Optimistic scenarios Income Statement – Underwriting Income, Investment Income, Other Income – Change in Surplus Beginning Surplus Capital Paid In Net Income Change in unrealized gains Stockholder dividends Cash Flow Statement – Beginning Cash – Inflows (premiums, investment income, paid-in capital) – Outflows (losses, expenses, taxes, dividends) 21
Consideration of Uncertainty Reliance on actual data versus benchmarks and/or external data – less uncertainty if we have reliable data for entity being studied Nature of historical data (# of years, consistency between years) Examine reasonable range versus point estimate 22
Predicting the Future We know our projections will not be absolutely correct Objective is to have projections “in the right neighborhood” close to reality Systematic pessimism or optimism is not good With feasibility studies, we provide a range from pessimistic to optimistic 23
Captive Models Single Parent Captive Wholly owned insurance company established to insure/reinsure the risks of the single parent and/or its affiliates. SINGLE PARENT NO AFFILIATES: 24 COMPANY X CAPTIVE Insurance
Captive Models Group Captive Two or more owners form an insurance company to insure/reinsure risks of its owners (or their affiliates) GROUP CAPTIVE: 26 COMPANY XCOMPANY ZCOMPANY Y CAPTIVE
Captive Models Cell Captive (aka Segregated Cell Captive, Sponsored Captive, Segregated Portfolio Company) One insurance company with separate “cells,” each cell with a separate insurance program and possibly a shareholder. 27 CAPTIVE Cell XCell ZCell Y Ownership of Voting Stock of the Captive, Appoints Board Preferred X Shares Preferred Z Shares Preferred Y Shares
Captive Models Risk Retention Group Similar in structure to a group captive, but formed in a U.S. state under authority of Liability Risk Retention Act. All insureds must be owners, and all owners must be insureds – only authorized to write liability risk. 28 COMPANY XCOMPANY ZCOMPANY Y RISK RETENTION GROUP
Domicile Selection Driving factors – Structure/Coverage Needs – Regulatory environment; history – Tax considerations Onshore and offshore Premium taxes Other factors – Capital/surplus requirements – Operating costs – Political stability – Infrastructure – Domicile meeting requirements – Local director requirements – Operating costs – Ease of travel – Perception, particularly for nonprofits – Availability of home state as a domicile – Unique characteristics of the domicile 29
Tax From the insured’s perspective −Is the premium deductible? −What are the premium taxes? Domicile, US federal excise tax, state premium taxes From the owners’ perspective −If offshore, are the owners subject to tax annually or only when distributions are made? −If offshore, is there “unrelated business taxable income” for the tax-exempt owners 30
Tax From the captive’s perspective −Is it an insurance company for US tax purposes (ie, can deduct its loss reserves)? −If offshore, is it eligible to elect to be a US corporation for tax purposes (a 953(d) election)? −Is it eligible for a small company election (an 831(b) election)? −If offshore, are there withholding taxes on its income? −If offshore, controlled foreign corporation or not? −If offshore, does it intend to “conduct a U.S. trade or business”? −Are there opportunities for the captive to be a tax-exempt entity? 31
Tax What’s most important: −Understand that taxable and tax-exempt organizations may have different tax motivations −Recognize that there is not certainty in this area and determine owners/insureds’ risk tolerance −Determine tax positions up front, not when returns are prepared −Make sure all stakeholders’ tax advisors are involved at the beginning −Document the business reasons for captive formation as support in case of future audit −Include tax calculations in pro formas and projections 32
Direct Write or Fronted Program? A captive typically is not licensed/approved/admitted in the jurisdiction in which the insureds are located and is treated as an “unauthorized insurer” Can the captive write coverage directly or does it need a “front”? −State legal and regulatory requirements −Contractual requirements of insureds −Patient compensation funds Does the captive intend to attract new insureds/have a desire to market the program? 33
Formation Legal documents for formation: −US: Articles of Incorporation/Bylaws −Cayman: Memorandum of Association/Articles of Association Other legal documents: −Shareholders agreement for group captives −Information circular/offering documents for group captives −Subscription agreement License Application: −Pro formas −Actuarial projections −Business plan −Identification of service providers −Applications of directors and officers 34
Initial Operations Approval in principle sparks a flurry of activity Put in place operational guidelines Board of Directors guidance Front Company and Reinsurance Insurance Manager Committees Regulatory 35
Approval in Principle Sparks a Flurry of Activity Incorporation Subscribers Meeting First Directors Meeting Open Bank Account License issued 36
Put in Place Operational Guidelines Board of Directors Front company Reinsurers Insurance Manager Committees −Claims Management, Audit and actuarial, investment etc. 37
Getting Up and Running Approve insurance arrangements Engage service providers −Actuary, auditor, lawyer, investment manager, banker, insurance manager Adopt operating budget Approve investment policy Other policies: claims payment, expense reimbursement Congratulations: You’re running an insurance company! 38
Board of Directors Guidance Frequency of meetings, circulation of contact details and agreement of approval mechanism Understand business plan and laws of operation Mind and Management discussion – who is driving the bus and from where? Discuss and declare any conflicts and process around future conflicts Appointment of Secretary and define role Mandates for Committees Signing Authority 39
Corporate Governance Role of the Shareholders Role of the Directors Role of the Officers Directors Duties −Fiduciary −Duty of care and skill −Minutes −Meetings −Engagement and oversight of service providers 40
Front Company and Reinsurance Review and sign agreements Confirm logistics and reporting 41
Insurance Manager Confirm responsibilities and expectations Reporting deadlines Information exchange Financial Statement prep, Actuarial and Audit Who is driving the bus? 42
Committees Define make-up Adopt the mandate Review the business plan 43
Regulatory 6 month check up Financial Statement submission Conformity to Business Plan What if something go wrong? 44
Success Factors Taking the long view Management commitment Adequate funding and capitalization Group captives: documentation and fairness Focus on risk management and mitigation Conservatism in the early years 45
Q & A
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