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Program Level Brownie 1. 2 Brownie Girl Scouts Characteristics page 22-23 in adult guide, Brownie Quest Journey Second Graders ◦ Like doing things their.

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Presentation on theme: "Program Level Brownie 1. 2 Brownie Girl Scouts Characteristics page 22-23 in adult guide, Brownie Quest Journey Second Graders ◦ Like doing things their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Level Brownie 1

2 2

3 Brownie Girl Scouts Characteristics page 22-23 in adult guide, Brownie Quest Journey Second Graders ◦ Like doing things their own way ◦ Need routine, structure and predictability ◦ Want to be able to finish things they start 3

4 Brownie Girl Scouts Characteristics page 22-23 in adult guide, Brownie Quest Journey Third Graders ◦ Like to do things in a group ◦ Need help focusing their energy and enthusiasm ◦ Want lots of encouragement 4

5 Brownie Girl Scouts Characteristics page 22-23 in adult guide, Brownie Quest Journey Mixed Group You may want to: Ask the older girls to help and/or mentor the younger ones Provide lots of opportunities for active play Give plenty of praise and encouragement Proved them with some time in special “second-grade” and “third- grade” mini teams 5

6 Brownie Girl Scouts Troop Government Brownie Ring Ceremonies Business Sharing Decisions Group meetings 6

7 Welcome Girl Scout Brownie Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting 7

8 8 Brownie Girl Scouts Membership Star and green disc

9 9 Brownie Girl Scouts Special Opportunity Awards Bridge to Girl Scout Juniors Award Girl Scout Brownie Safety Award Girl Scout Cookie Sale Activity pin Girl Scouts Global Action Award My Promise My Faith, Year 1 My Promise My Faith, Year 2 World Thinking Day Award Brownie Summit Award

10 Brownie Wings 10 Brownie Girl Scout Wings show that a girl has completed her years as a Brownie. She is ready to "fly up" to Junior Girl Scouting. The wings are worn on the Junior sash or vest, centered horizontally directly under the Junior Aide Award, or if she does not have that, directly under the Bridge to Junior Award. The Brownie Wings are worn on the Girls 11-17 vest or sash directly under the Membership Stars and Personalized ID Pin. The Brownie Girl Scout Wings are often given at year-end award ceremonies.

11 Troop Crests 11

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14 Leadership Journeys It’s Your World team building and getting along and then realizing they have skills and abilities to make change working together. Brownie Quest In this Journey, Girl Scout Brownies are invited on a search. The three keys they will uncover along their journey are the keys of the Girl Scout leadership philosophy. 14

15 Leadership Journeys It’s Your Planet learning about the science of the world and how to improve their use of resources. WOW! Wonders of Water The Brownie friends and Brownie ELF enjoy some wonder-filled adventures as they invite the real- life Brownies to explore the Wonders of Water. As they dive in, the Brownies realize they can create another big WOW as they try out new Ways of Working as a team. 15

16 Leadership Journeys It’s Your Story through creative arts, stories, and theater they learn how to change the story to improve the world. A World of Girls Stories spark imagination and help girls learn about themselves and the world. A World of Girls helps engage Brownies in this wider world of stories in a way that gets them looking for clues to help make the world a better place. 16

17 LiA Awards Leader in Action Awards are for Cadettes only. There are three different LiA awards, one for each of the Journey series. LiA is earned by assisting a Brownie Troop to complete any of the three Journeys. To earn the LiA, girls will share their organizational skills, use one of their special talents, teach Brownies something important from their Journey and reflect on their experience. Requirements for each LiA award is listed in the Brownie Journey Adult Guides. Earning the LiA award is a pre-requisite for the Program Aide pin.

18 Skill Building Badge Activities Badge activities to expand the Journey and increase skills Badges have 5 Requirements with 3 Choices for each Requirement It’s Your World – Badge Topics Performance Healthy living Digital arts Story telling Science and technology. 18

19 Skill Building Badge Activities Badge activities to expand the Journey and increase skills It’s Your Planet – Badge Topics Outdoors Practical Life Skills Do It Yourself Craft Investigation 19

20 Skill Building Badge Activities Badge activities to expand the Journey and increase skills It’s Your Story – Badge Topics Animals Manners Adventure Creative Play Innovation 20

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