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Directorate of Marketing and Inspection

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1 Directorate of Marketing and Inspection
Dr. Rajendra R. Karpate (M.Sc., M.Phill. B.Ed. Ph.D) Deputy Agricultural Marketing Adviser


3 Indian Agriculture has made rapid strides since independence
From food shortages and import to self-sufficiency and exports. From subsistence farming to intensive and technology led cultivation. Today , India is the front ranking producer of many crops in the world. Ushered in through the green, white, blue and yellow revolutions Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

4 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

5 Inadequacy of Agricultural Marketing infrastructure
Faults……………….. Inadequacy of Agricultural Marketing infrastructure Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

6 Challenges of Agricultural Marketing
To provide Multiple and Competitive Marketing Channel Attract Large scale investments for building Post-Harvest infrastructure To create adequate and efficient Marketing Infrastructure To empower farmers with Market Information Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

7 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

8 Strengthening of institutional infrastructure
The first ever National Agriculture Policy was announced on 28th July, 2000 has indicated a nine-fold package of policy initiatives to achieve the objectives Development of Sustainable agriculture Food and Nutritional security Generation and Transfer of Technology Improvement of input efficiency Provision of incentives for agriculture Promotion of Investments in agriculture Strengthening of institutional infrastructure Better risk management Introduction of Management Reforms Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

9 Interventions Reforms led assistance Gramin Bhandarn Yojana MRIN
Marketing Infrastructure Facilitate private investment Promote direct marketing/Contract Farming Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

10 Reforms Initiatives Undertaken
Model APMC Act formulated by Ministry of Agriculture to Promote competitive agricultural markets in private and cooperative sector, Encourage direct marketing and contract farming programs, Facilitate procurement Of agricultural commodities directly from farmer’s fields, and Establish effective linkages between farm production and retail chain. National Conference on Marketing Reforms held at Delhi on and at Bangalore on Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

11 Other Reform Initiatives
‘Integrated Food Law’ to bring convergence of several food related laws including PFA Act; Negotiable Warehousing Receipt System for agricultural commodities at rural godowns; Liberalization of EC Act to Remove Controls on Movement, Storage and Marketing of Agricultural Commodities; and FC (Regulation) Act to Allow Futures Trading in Agricultural Commodities for price discovery/risk management. Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

12 Vital Areas of Reforms as per Model APMC Act 2003
Establishment of private market yards / private markets managed by a person other than a Market Committee; Establishment of private yards and direct purchase of agricultural produce from agriculturist by a person other than a Market Committee (Direct purchasing from producer). Establishment of consumer / farmers market by a person other than Market Committee (Direct Sale by the producer to the consumers). Provision of Contract Farming. Single registration / license for trade transaction in more than one market. To promote and encourage e-trading. Single point levy of market fee. Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

Sl. No. Area of Reforms Whether provision mentioned in (2) provided in the State/UT APMC Act (Yes/No). If yes, relevant section / Sub-section / Clause may also be mentioned Whether Rules are notified for the area mentioned in (2) (Yes/No). If yes, relevant Rules (s) No. may also be mentioned 1 2 3 4 Title of the Act Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock ) Markets Act 1966 The Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock) Markets (Amendment) Act, 2005 Setting up of Special Markets and Special Commodity Market A provision is made in the Act. Under Section 4(I-B) and 5A for establishing of Special Market -- PPP in Market Extension activities of Market Committee No specific amendment is carried out. However, Government issued orders to setting up of Terminal Markets vide G.O.Ms.No.295, dt: of Agril. & Co-op(AM-II) Dept., A.P., To promote and encourage e-trading, Market Committee may establish regulatory system, create infrastructure and undertake other activities and steps needed thereto Necessary amendments are made to the section 2 & 7 of Andhra Pradesh (AP & LS) Markets Act, 1966 for issue of licence to establish the Spot exchange for providing electronic platform (E-trading) negotiate between buyers and sellers in delivery based spot trading only. Rule 53-B of AP (AP & LS) Markets Rule, 1969 5 Secretary to be Chief Executive Officer of Market Committee. CEO shall be appointed by the Market Committee from the panel maintained by the Director / Board which may include professional from open Market No specific amendment is carried out, because there is no board in place. Agricultural Market Committee employees, Govt. employees they cannot be dispensed with Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

6 Contract Farming Sponsor shall register himself with the Market Committee or with a prescribed officer in such a manner as may be prescribed A provision is made under section section 11 A of AP (AP & LS) Markets Act, 1966 Rule 73-A (AP & LS) of Markets Rule, 1969 7 The contract farming sponsor shall get the contract farming agreement recorded with the prescribed officer 8 No, title, rights, ownership or possession shall be transferred or alienated or vest in the contract farming sponsor or his successor or his agent as a consequence arising out of contract farming agreement A provision is made under section 11 A of AP (AP & LS) Markets Act, 1966 9 Dispute settlement mechanism -- Rule 73-A (8) of AP (AP & LS) of Markets Rule, 1969 10 Exemption of Market Fee on the sales to the contract farming sponsors taking place outside the market yard under the Contract Farming Under section 11 A of AP (AP & LS) Markets Act, 1966 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

11 Specification of model agreement for Contract Farming Model Agreement is prescribed in form 11-A -- 12 Single point levy of Market fee in the State A provision is in existence before amendment of Andhra Pradesh Markets Act Rule 74 (1) of AP (AP & LS) of Markets Rule, 1969 13 Single registration / license for trade / transaction in more than one market Rule 48 (6) of AP (AP & LS) of Markets Rule, 1969 14 Establishment of Private market yards / private markets managed by a person other than a market committee Under Section 7(7) of AP (AP &LS) Markets Act, 1966 Rule 53-B of AP (AP & LS) of Markets Rule, 1969 15 Establishment of farmers / consumers market managed by a person other than a market committee (Direct sale by the producer) Rythu Bazars – The Government of Andhra Pradesh exempted business transactions taking place in Rythu Bazars from the provisions of Section 7 and 12(10 of Markets Act vide G.O.Ms.No.37, dated of Agricultural & Co-operation (Mktg.I) Department, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

16 Establishment of private yards and direct purchase of agricultural produce from agriculturist (Direct purchasing from producer) Under Section 7(7) of AP (AP & LS) Markets Act, 1966 Rule 53-B of AP (AP & LS) of Markets Rule, 1969 17 Power to grant exemption from market Fee by the State Government A provision is exist in Andhra Pradesh Markets Act under Section 35 before amendment -- 18 Setting up of separate Market Extension cell in the Board, estt. of State Agricultural Produce Marketing Standard Bureau No such Amendment is carried out 19 Exemption of market fee on Fruits and Vegetables reform not concerned with Model Act, 2003 An amount of Rs crores is being collected as Market Fee per year by the 44 important fruit and vegetable markets of A.P. These market committees incur expenditure towards the administrative cost and infrastructure around Rs crores per year and Rs crores per year respectively. Complete waiver of market fee on perishables would affect the resource mobilization of AMC and prevent them to create infrastructure required in the markets of fruits and vegetables. Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

IN ANDHRA PRADESH 20 No. of licenses issued for establishing Private Markets 03 21 No. of Contract Farming sponsors registered 01 22 No. of Licenses issued for Direct Marketing (Direct Purchase of Agricultural Produce from agriculturist) 171 23 No. of single Unified licenses issued for trading in more than one APMC In Rule 48(6) of AP (AP & LS) Markets Rules, 1969 a trader whom license is granted by a AMC, can purchase and sell in any notified area and exempted from obtaining license from other AMC. Hence, a trader is having a single Unified License 24 No. of licenses issued for Trading and e-marketing Under process 25 Any other development taken place in respect of Agricultural Marketing Establishment of fully owned and introducing Comprehensive Electronic Bidding facilities in six AMCs. Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

18 Implemented w.e.f. 20/10/2004 in the country.
Scheme for Development/Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and Standardization Implemented w.e.f. 20/10/2004 in the country. Scheme is reform linked and is implemented in those States/UTs which amend their APMC Acts, wherever required, to allow 1. Direct Marketing 2. Contract Farming and permit setting up of Markets in private and cooperative sectors. So far, 28 States/ UTs have been permitted to take the benefits of the Scheme. Sl. No. Category of Projects Type of Projects 1 Primary Processing and Value Addition Facility Primary Processing Plants, Parboiling Units, Cotton ginning and pressing units, Seed Primary Processing and Testing Centers, Drying Yards/Automatic Bulk Dryers 2 Cleaning, Grading, Storage and Packaging Unit Cleaning, Grading, Storage Units, Waxing and Packaging Units, Packaging Lines, Grain Colour Sorter, Pack Houses, Quality Testing / Grading Laboratories, Milk Packaging Unit, Milk Quality Testing Lab, Plastic Crates. 3 Pre-cooling/Cold chain facility (Cold Storages, Reefregrated Vans, Milk Chilling Plants etc) Pre-cooling Units, Ripening Chambers, Curing Chambers, Milk Collection & Chilling Centre, Bulk Chilling Unit, Pasteurization Plant, Cold Chain Projects with Reefer Vans Fish Chilling Plant, Fish Storage, Individual Quick Frozen (IQF) Plant, Cold Storage as a part of Integrated Marketing Infrastructure. 4 Market User Common Facility (Auction platform, Weigh Bridge, Mechanical Handling Equipments) Auction Platforms, Electronic Weighing Centers, Electronic Display Boards, Shop cum Godowns, Internal Roads, Automatic Produce Handling Plants. 5 Mobile Infrastructure Combined Harvester, Threshers, Groundnut Decorticator, Fishing Boat, Fish Trawler. 6 Establishment of private markets/ Purchase Centres/ Collection Centres/ Market Yards Market Yards, Purchase Centre/ Collection Centre and other related market infrastructures. 7 Other Infrastructures Automatic Milking Machines, Fishing Net, Honey Extraction Centre, Shellac Processing Unit. Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

19 Project Sanctioned by NABARD Total subsidy released
STATUS OF SCHEME FOR DEVELOPMENT/STRENGTHENING OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE, GRADING AND STANDARDIZATION IN ANDHRA PRADESH Year-wise Details (Rs. in lakhs) PLAN YEAR Project Sanctioned by NABARD No. TFO Eligible subsidy Total subsidy released Xth PLAN 16 218 SUB TOTAL 234 XIth PLAN 314 45 26 118 55 558 XIIth PLAN 1 15.6 3.9 22 23 GRAND TOTAL 815 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

Category Capacity TFO Advance Final Subsidy Subsidy Andhra Pradesh Subsidy Rate 15% 347404 396.96 121.63 25% 33.33% 450 9.91 1.23 1.17 Gender Male Female 824171 None 506283 843.08 737.31 Category SC Others Area Category Classification Cooperative 16790 337.64 34.97 29.27 Enterpreneur Farmer 612112 587.86 Private Corporate 44248 705.25 60.45 43.04 State/State Agency 172987 330.00 269.45 Partnership 234559 376.08 349.56 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

21 Computer Connectivity
STATUS OF MARKET RESEARCH AND INFORMATION NETWORK SCHEME IN ANDHRA PRADESH Computer Connectivity Total No. Computers provided = 398 Agmarknet Nodes APMC/(Market) = 354 Computers provided to field officers of Dept. of Marketing Govt. of A.P.(SAMB/DOM) = 42 Computers provided to DMI offices = 2 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

22 No. of Nodes Reporting Data
Month No. of Markets Reported Rank April,2012 270 1st May, 2012 264 June, 2012 267 July, 2012 265 August, 2012 271 September, 2012 278 October, 2012 282 November, 2012 274 December, 2012 January, 2013 February, 2013 March, 2013 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

Sl. No. Vital Areas of Reforms Status 1 No. of valid Licenses issued for establishment of Private Markets alongwith the list The salient features of the model act 2003 such as Establishment of Private Markets, licenses for Direct Markets, Contract Farming, E-trading licenses, Consumer / Farmers Market are included in the new proposed Act 2011 (i.e. Tamil Nadu Agricultural Produce Marketing (Development & Regulation) Act 2011) and the same had been sent to Government. The work regarding the amendment of the Act is under processing. 2 No. of Licenses issued for Direct Marketing (Direct purchase of Agriculture Produce from farmers) alongwith list 3 No. of Unified licenses issued for purchase of agricultural produce in the State 4 Status of Contract Farming i) No. of sponsoring individual / companies registered alongwith the list. Status of companies / firms like Indian/foreign collaborative ii) Area covered crop wise iii) No. of Farmers benefited 5 Status of single point levy of market fee As per the provisions available in the existing Tamil Nadu Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act 1987 and Rules 1991, the Market Committees in Tamil Nadu are already exercising the single point levy system 6 No. of E-trading licenses issued Nil 7 No. of consumer / farmers market i) Promoted by State Govt. / APMC 179 ii) Promoted by private -- Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

24 Number of projects sanctioned Total eligible subsidy in Rs. 2012-13 22
STATUS OF SCHEME FOR DEVELOPMENT/STRENGTHENING OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE, GRADING AND STANDARDIZATION IN TAMILNADU Number of projects sanctioned Total eligible subsidy in Rs. Since inception 22 1093 3,03,55,435 38,86,17,131 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

65764 993.19 42.56 54.15 25% 298885 427.56 376.70 33.33% 17475 333.01 43.68 Gender Male 228458 325.04 208.20 Female 117023 165.51 105.45 None 45946 976.89 44.17 117.20 Category SC 28536 548.19 64.60 Others 362892 470.11 430.84 Area Category 391427 534.71 Classification Agri Graduate 3623 105.35 6.43 4.10 Cooperative 150 199.98 34.72 Enterpreneur 16232 464.91 24.52 7.92 Farmer 258922 413.48 237.60 Private Corporate 3782 54.79 5.51 State/State Agency 1030 38.40 1.33 3.96 87491 81.48 112.26 Partnership 2512 44.40 2.26 2.28 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

26 STATUS OF IN TAMILNADU Pondicherry Subsidy Rate 25% 449 16.50 1.12
RURAL GODOWN SCHEME IN TAMILNADU Pondicherry Subsidy Rate 25% 449 16.50 1.12 0.88 Gender Male Category Others Area Category Classification Farmer Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

STATUS OF MARKET RESEARCH AND INFORMATION NETWORK SCHEME IN TAMILNADU Sl. No Action Point Progress made in TAMIL NADU Progress made in PUDUCHERRY Computers provided Market Nodes 212 189 5 4 1 Installation 187 3 2 Connectivity 133 Training 116 Data Reporting by 179 Data Reporting by Non-Market Nodes 16 Market Profile Available 173 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

Area of Marketing Reforms Amendment made in the State APMC Act (Yes/No) Date of the amendment notified in the APMC Act, if yes in Col.2 Respective Rules amended (Yes/No) Date of notification of amended Rules, if yes in Col.4 Direct purchase of agricultural produce from agriculturist (Direct Marketing) Yes Private Market Contract Farming Single unified license for trading in more than one market Not applicable Single point levy of Market fee E-trading Farmer-consumer markets by a person other than Market Committee Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

Sl. No. Vital areas of Reforms No.s Detailed List along with address and contact details including Mobile/Phone number of promote/Company 1 No. of valid licences issued for establishment of Private Markets 02 2 No. of licences issued for Direct Marketing (Direct purchase of Agricultural Produce from Farmers) 07 3 No. of Unified licences issued for purchase of agricultural produce in the State 410 4 Status of Contract Farming No registration has been made in the APMCs of the State 5 Single Point levy of market fee Single Point Levy System is in force in the State of 6 No. of E-trading licences issued 03 7 No. of consumer/ farmer markets No registration received for grant of license 8 Any new initiatives in the State Recommendations made by the High Power Committee constituted by the Government of India is under consideration Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

30 Number of projects sanctioned Total eligible subsidy in Rs. 2012-13
STATUS OF SCHEME FOR DEVELOPMENT/STRENGTHENING OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE, GRADING AND STANDARDIZATION IN KARNATAKA Number of projects sanctioned Total eligible subsidy in Rs. Since inception 42 103 1,27,00,000 2,08,00,000 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

182591 167.19 37.52 25% 33.33% 83614 178.27 96.63 Gender male 802162 Female 201612 388.74 242.19 None 593987 868.07 553.28 Category SC 30972 605.37 54.28 60.81 ST 14075 340.76 36.55 16.14 Others Area Category Hilly 7863 159.50 6.05 13.65 Tribal 7081 185.93 8.06 1.03 Classification Cooperative 20762 534.41 45.40 31.16 Enterpreneur 101343 128.30 148.43 Farmer NGO 11874 262.69 3.49 Private Corporate 132219 209.73 220.13 State/State Agency 137234 257.03 258.77 5682 165.62 7.38 3.39 Partnership 13768 347.71 22.90 31.40 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

STATUS OF MARKET RESEARCH AND INFORMATION NETWORK SCHEME IN KARNATAKA Sl. No Action Point Progress made in KARNATAKA Computers provided Market Nodes 224 192 1 Installation 223 2 Connectivity 175 3 Training 172 4 Data Reporting by 123 Data Reporting by Non-Market Nodes 9 5 Market Profile Available 142 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

33 There is no Contract farming within Kerala State.
STATUS OF MAJOR REFORMS IN KERELA KERALA AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SYSTEM Kerala does not have APMC act. There are no statutory regulations prevail. There are no controls for agricultural market. Government and LSG institutions provide marketing Infrastructure. There is complete liberal market scenario prevail in Kerala markets. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MARKETS There are six whole sale agricultural markets are functioning in Kerala viz. three urban whole sale markets (1.Trivandrum, Anayra, 2.Ernakulam, Maradu 3.Khozhikode, Vengeri) and three rural whole sale markets (1. Trivandrum, Nedumangadu 2. Ernakulam, Moovatupuzha 3.Wayanad, Sultan Bathery ) These six Agricultural Wholesale Markets of Kerala are Government owned markets constituted under Department of Agriculture. These markets were designed under Kerala Agricultural Market Project(KAMP),with financial assistance from the European Union(EU),the enterprise envisages to ensure efficient handling of Agricultural produce and to facilitate its proper marketing .At present ,these markets are functioning as per market rules framed by Govt. of Kerala. There is no Contract farming within Kerala State. Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

34 STATUS OF IN KERELA Year 25% Category 33.33 % Category No. of Projects
SCHEME FOR DEVELOPMENT/STRENGTHENING OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE, GRADING AND STANDARDIZATION IN KERELA Year 25% Category 33.33 % Category No. of Projects TFO Subsidy Released Advance Final Nil 7 43.08 7.124 25 37 1 1.00 0.3333 45 77.502 15 35.19 64.914 677.00 74.193 63.942 16 62.084 22 6.156 63.310 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

Kerala Subsidy Rate 15% 9077 164.18 7.77 7.22 25% 27055 33.73 55.31 33.33% 950 24.41 1.17 4.82 Gender Male 23142 715.73 25.66 27.25 Female 5536 292.20 3.85 27.44 None 6106 148.50 10.75 12.66 Category ST 350 11.50 0.77 Others 36732 41.50 66.58 Area Category Hilly 600 12.91 4.05 North East 36132 62.53 Classification Cooperative 5000 110.00 8.15 8.20 Enterpreneur 4699 108.40 3.62 9.53 Farmer 23979 899.53 25.90 45.16 NGO Private Corporate 186 7.20 0.98 570 19.80 1.43 2.71 Partnership 2298 38.50 2.41 Dr. R. R. K, Dy. A.M.A., MSTC, Hyderabad

36 Thank you

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