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The Search is Over: Design and Applications of a Chirped Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave (CP- FTMW) Spectrometer for Ground State Rotational Spectroscopy.

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Presentation on theme: "The Search is Over: Design and Applications of a Chirped Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave (CP- FTMW) Spectrometer for Ground State Rotational Spectroscopy."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Search is Over: Design and Applications of a Chirped Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave (CP- FTMW) Spectrometer for Ground State Rotational Spectroscopy Kevin O. Douglass, Gordon G. Brown, Brian C. Dian, Scott Geyer, Brooks H. Pate University of Virginia Department of Chemistry

2 Summary of Chirped Pulse Advantages Power reduction over transform limited pulses Decouples bandwidth from pulse duration 10 4 reduction in power requirements Signal scales as Allow frequency multiplication (Increase Initial Bandwidth)

3 Chirped Pulse Generation: x8 Scheme x4 x2 7.5 – 18.5 GHz To Experiment Chirped Pulse Frequency Sweep 162.5 – 1537.5 MHz Phase locked oscillator 9.9 GHz 10 MHz Rb Oscillator 4 GHz Arb. Waveform Generator Dual Channel Independent Trigger Laser/TWT Trigger Scope Trigger 0-80 dB Programmable Atten. Single Sideband Filter Sweep 9.7375 – 8.3625 GHz Sweep 19.15 – 13.65 GHz 19.8 GHz High Power TWT Amplifier x2 Low Power Loop

4 1 GHz100 MHz10 MHz Chirped Pulse vs Transform Limited Pulse Phase Control: Chirped pulse excitation* Chirped pulse Signal α 1/SQRT(bandwidth) Transform limited pulse Signal α 1/bandwidth * J.C. McGurk, T.G. Schmalz, and W.H. Flygare, J. Chem. Phys. 60, 4181 (1974). CP= TLP=

5 Phase Control: Chirped pulse excitation* * J.C. McGurk, T.G. Schmalz, and W.H. Flygare, J. Chem. Phys. 60, 4181 (1974). Chirped Pulse vs Transform Limited Pulse Chirped pulse Signal α 1/SQRT(bandwidth) CP= TLP= Signal-to-Noise is independent of Bandwidth!! 1 GHz 100:1 S/N  10 shots to cover 10 GHz 10 GHz :1 S/N  10 avgs. to get ≈ S/N Same # of valve pulses to obtain equivalent S/N and spectral range

6 11 GHz CP-FTMW Spectrometer Pulse Monitor 12 GHz Oscilloscope (40 Gs/s) Free Induction Decay 0.5– 11.5 GHz Arbitrary Waveform Generator Chirped Pulse Frequency Sweep 4 GS/s x8 7.5-18.5 GHz TWT Amplifier FID acquisition and Fourier transform 9.9 GHz PDRO 2 GHz Bandwidth Multi-Nozzle Sample Feed 18.99 GHz PDRO IR Multipass

7 11 GHz Chirped Pulse

8 Broadband FTMW Chamber Design Double ridge waveguide horns replace the narrow band cavity Allows for broadband transmission and detection 7.5 – 18 GHz (with no moving parts) Q≈1, 10000 averages are needed to compensate for the factor of (Q) 1/2 loss in S/N

9 100 Shots: 20 s acquisition ~ 2  mol sample consumption Pure Rotational Spectrum of Suprane 20  s of FID Acquisition (80 kHz linewidth, FWHM) 10000 shots 20 μ s gate: 45 min. acquisition B-F Equivalent 0.1% Suprane in He/Ne Choose Your Sensitivity

10 100 Shots: 20 s acquisition ~ 2  mol sample consumption Pure Rotational Spectrum of Suprane 20  s of FID Acquisition (80 kHz linewidth, FWHM) 0.1% Suprane in He/Ne Choose Your Sensitivity ~500:1 S/N in 20 seconds Cavity has moved 5 MHz

11 Epifluorohydrin Pure Rotational Spectrum A 14832.53 (MHz) B 3210.21 (MHz) C 2933.92 (MHz) μ a 1.42* μ b 3.12 μ c 0.34 *B3LYP 6-311+G**

12 Epifluorohydrin “Minor” Conformer and Carbon-13 Rotational Spectra Minor conformer Main conformer 13 C-1 13 C-2 13 C-3 1 2 3 A 14464.41 (MHz) B 3170.64 (MHz) C 2894.60 (MHz) μ a 0.41* μ b 0.48 μ c 0.06 *B3LYP 6-311+G**

13 Chirped Pulse Generation: x8 Scheme x4 x2 7.5 – 18.5 GHz To Experiment Chirped Pulse Frequency Sweep 162.5 – 1537.5 MHz Phase locked oscillator 9.9 GHz 10 MHz Rb Oscillator 4 GHz Arb. Waveform Generator Dual Channel Independent Trigger Laser/TWT Trigger Scope Trigger 0-80 dB Programmable Atten. Single Sideband Filter Sweep 9.7375 – 8.3625 GHz Sweep 19.15 – 13.65 GHz 19.8 GHz High Power TWT Amplifier x2 Low Power Loop

14 Epifluorohydrin: Double Resonance M. Nakajima, Y. Sumiyoshi, Y. Endo, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73 (2002) 165. Chirped pulse sets up coherence over the full bandwidth of the spectrum 7.5 – 18 GHz Single Frequency pulse (~1 MHz FWHM) destroys coherence on resonance ARB MW Horn x8 4 04 4 14 pump 3 13 3 21

15 Epifluorohydrin: Double Resonance

16 Linear sweep 7.5 – 14 GHz Linear sweep 7.5 -14 GHz pump 4 14 -4 04 10439.57 MHz * Epifluorohydrin: Double Resonance 3 21 -4 14 *

17 Advantages of CP-FTMW Source optimization (for new species) –Temperature ramp Double Resonance: –Frequency agility of the arbitrary waveform generator (change freq. in 250 ps) –Selective excitation for double resonance ~ 100 Double resonance scans in 1 hr

18 Conclusions We have built a FTMW spectrometer with chirped pulse excitation 7.5-18.5 GHz in a single valve pulse! 500:1 S/N in 20 seconds Equivalent S/N as cavity in 10000 averages –45 minutes (possible 17 minutes) Double (multi) resonance experiments from a single source over full bandwidth of spectrometer

19 Future Experiments Sensitivity enhancements Power upgrade to 3 kW (factor of 3 in S/N) Coaxial design with off axis parabolic mirror –Possible factor of 10 in S/N Fully 2-D Microwave Spectrum Chirped pulse – Chirped pulse

20 Acknowledgements Richard Suenram Pate Lab Group Members Funding: NSF Chemistry SELIM Program NSF MRI Program (with Tom Gallagher, UVa Physics) University of Virginia John D. and Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation The Jeffress Trust

21 Propyne-NH 3 Dimer

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