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Unit 4 What can you do? A Let’s learn 城关镇建设小学 建晓阳.

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2 Unit 4 What can you do? A Let’s learn 城关镇建设小学 建晓阳

3 Dog, dog, what can you do? I can run after you. Panda, panda, what can you do? I can eat so much bamboo. Mouse, mouse, what can you do? I can hide in the shoe. Mike, Mike, what can you do? I can draw animals in the zoo!

4 Animals can do many things. What about you ? ( 动物都能做很多事情,你们呢?) What can you do ?

5 open the door turn on the lightsweep the floor clean the windowput up the pictureclean the board


7 _____ the floor /swi:p/ swee p

8 __ __ the meals /kuk/ cook

9 clean the bedroom

10 water the flowers

11 _____ the trash /empti/ empt y

12 What can they do? 字母猜单词



15 12 4 5 3 记忆

16 empty empty empty the trash 倒垃圾 back answer I can empty the trash 我会倒垃圾

17 water water water the flowers 浇花 back answer We can water the flowers 我会浇花

18 clean clean clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 back answer I can clean the bedroom 我会打扫卧室

19 cook cook cook the meals 做饭 back answer I can cook the meals 我会做饭

20 sweep sweep sweep the floor 扫地 back answer I can sweep the floor 我会扫地

21 Namesweep the floor cook the meals clean the bedroom empty the trash water the flowers Amy Group work What can you do,Amy? You’re helpful! I can sweep the floor, cook the meals and empty the trash. √√√

22 Look and match Go to the kitchen. Go to the living-room. Go to the be Look and match droom. Go to the garden. Go to the outside. Sweep the floor. Clean the bedroom. Cook the meals. Empty the trash. Water the flowers.

23 1 、 Help your parents do some housework at home. housework at home.


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