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The Belfast Youth Development Study: A longitudinal study of adolescence.

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Presentation on theme: "The Belfast Youth Development Study: A longitudinal study of adolescence."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Belfast Youth Development Study: A longitudinal study of adolescence

2 The Sample Wave 1 3,834 Wave 1 3,834 Wave 2 4,343 Wave 2 4,343 Wave 3 4,522 Wave 3 4,522 Wave 4 3,965 Wave 4 3,965 Wave 5 3,830 Wave 5 3,830 Wave 6 2,335 Wave 6 2,335 Wave 7 2,087 Wave 7 2,087 School year: Age: Y 8 11/12 Y 9 12/13 Y 10 13/14 Y 11 14/15 Y 12 14/15 16/17 20/21 2001 2002 2003200420052006/2007 2010/2011

3 The Questionnaire The questionnaire Adolescent drug use Personal characteristics Family Peers, School and Neighbourhood e.g. Alcohol intoxication e.g. Problem drug use e.g. Mental health e.g. Personality traits e.g. Parental attachment e.g. Parental monitoring e.g. School friends e.g. Educational aspirations e.g. Neighbour- hood control

4 Weekly Cannabis Use (age 15): Adjusted Odds Ratios Predictors age 13OR95 % C.I. Quality ofBadReference Pupil-TeachersNeutral0.900.611.35 RelationshipsGood0.48**0.300.78 Been involved in aNoReference fight at schoolYes1.43*1.081.89 School-Related Predictors of Drug Use (Perra et al. 2012; J. of Adolescence) *p <.05; **p <.01

5 AUDIT scores (age 15) by adolescent drinking trajectory (age 12-15) and SES Drinking trajectoryLower SES N = 820 Middle SES N = 1000 Higher SES N = 1178 Non drinkers0.560.250.40 Late occasional drinking3.552.513.37 Persistent occasional drinking2.22 2.46 Occasional  Moderate drinking7.927.807.56 Persistent moderate drinking9.409.708.63 Moderate  Frequent drinking13.0413.2714.4 Persistent frequent drinking12.9914.9315.58 Alcohol and the affluence paradox

6 Path Analyses Fathers Alcohol Use Fig. 1 Path model showing the hypothesised relations between the observed variables Path coefficients reported ** p<0.01, *p<0.05 Mothers Alcohol Use Child alcohol use (15 yrs) Mothers Monitoring.06.19** -.26** -.24**.45** Path Analyses-Sweep 5 (n=308)

7 Path Analyses Fathers Alcohol Use Mothers Alcohol Use Child alcohol use (21 yrs) Mothers Monitoring.17*.10 -.04 -.18*.48** Fig. 2 Path model showing the hypothesised relations between the observed variables Path coefficients reported ** p<0.01, *p<0.05 Path Analyses-Sweep 7 (n=181)

8 The BYDS team: Dr Oliver Perra Dr Mark McCann Claire McCartan Dr Aisling McLaughlin John Moriarty Dr Kathryn Higgins (Deputy Director ICCR)

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