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P. 445 Chapter 12: Organohalides 12.5 – 12.15 : Substitution and Elimination Reactions 12.4 : The Grignard Reagent 12.1-12.3 : Preparation of Alkyl Halides.

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Presentation on theme: "P. 445 Chapter 12: Organohalides 12.5 – 12.15 : Substitution and Elimination Reactions 12.4 : The Grignard Reagent 12.1-12.3 : Preparation of Alkyl Halides."— Presentation transcript:

1 p. 445 Chapter 12: Organohalides 12.5 – 12.15 : Substitution and Elimination Reactions 12.4 : The Grignard Reagent 12.1-12.3 : Preparation of Alkyl Halides

2 Fig. 12-2, p. 455 The Walden Inversion Cycle (1896) (+)-Maleic Acid [  ] D = +2.3 (-)-Maleic Acid [  ] D = -2.3 (+)-chlorosuccinic acid (-)-chlorosuccinic acid

3 Fig. 12-5, p. 459


5 Characteristics of the S N 2 reaction 1.Rate equation

6 Characteristics of the S N 2 reaction 1.Rate equation 2.Molecular factors effecting S N 2 reaction rate

7 Fig. 12-6, p. 460 The Effect of Reactant and Transition Structure Energies on Reaction Rate

8 p. 461 Effect of ELECTROPHILIC CARBON on S N 2 rate

9 Fig. 12-7, p. 461 Effect of ELECTROPHILIC CARBON on S N 2 rate

10 The sterics around the electrophilic carbon alters the S N 2 rate by changing… A.The ground state energy of the starting materials. B.The energy of the transition state.

11 Effect of ELECTROPHILIC CARBON on S N 2 rate

12 p. 463 Effect of LEAVING GROUP on S N 2 rate

13 The leaving group alters the S N 2 rate by changing… A.The ground state energy of the starting materials. B.The energy of the transition state.

14 Effect of LEAVING GROUP on S N 2 rate

15 Table 12-2, p. 462 Effect of NUCLEOPHILE on S N 2 rate

16 The nucleophile alters the S N 2 rate by changing… A.The ground state energy of the starting materials. B.The energy of the transition state.

17 Effect of NUCLEOPHILE on S N 2 rate

18 p. 465 Effect of Solvent on S N 2 rate

19 Poorly solvated anion (increased nucleophilicity) Well solvated anion (reduced nucleophilicity)

20 The solvent alters the S N 2 rate by changing… A.The ground state energy of the starting materials. B.The energy of the transition state.

21 Solvent effects on S N 2 rate

22 Fig. 12-8, p. 466

23 Characteristics of the S N 1 reaction 1.Rate equation

24 Characteristics of the S N 1 reaction 1.Rate equation 2.Molecular factors effecting S N 1 reaction rate

25 p. 467 Effect of electrophilic carbon on S N 1 rate

26 Fig. 12-11, p. 469 Stereochemical effects of the S N 1 mechanism

27 Fig. 12-12, p. 470 Stereochemical effects of the S N 1 mechanism

28 p. 472 Effect of electrophilic carbon on S N 1 rate: Carbocation Stability

29 Fig. 12-13, p. 471 Effect of electrophilic carbon on S N 1 rate: Resonance in Carbocations

30 p. 472 Bond Disassociation Energies and Carbocation Stability < 

31 p. 472 Effect of LEAVING GROUP on S N 2 rate Effect of LEAVING GROUP on S N 1 rate

32 Fig. 12-15, p. 474 Effect of Solvent on S N 1 rate

33 p. 474 Effect of Solvent on S N 1 rate

34 S N 2 vs. S N 1

35 What is the mechanism for the reaction below? A.S N 1 B.S N 2

36 What is the mechanism for the reaction below? A.S N 1 B.S N 2

37 What is the mechanism for the reaction below? A.S N 1 B.S N 2

38 What is the mechanism for the reaction below? A.S N 1 B.S N 2

39 Elimination Reactions 1.Intro: Eliminations vs. Substitutions The E2 Mechanism 1.Rate 2.Molecular factors effecting the E2 mechanism  Stereochemistry  Zaitzev’s Rule  Barton’s Experiments

40 Fig. 12-19, p. 482 Stereochemistry of the E2 mechanism

41 Elimination Reactions : The E1 Mechanism 1.Rate 2.E1 and S N 1 3.Molecular factors effecting the E2 mechanism  Stereochemistry  Zaitzev’s Rule

42 Summing it all up : S N 1, S N 2, E1 and E2 1. Primary Alkyl Halides 2. Secondary Alkyl Halide 3. Tertiary Alkyl Halides

43 Table 12-1, p. 446 Properties of Alkyl Halides

44 p. 447 Properties of Alkyl Halides

45 p. 453 The Grignard Reagent

46 p. 227 Synthesis of alkyl halides : review 1.Addition of HX to an alkene (section 7.6) a.Obeys Markovnikov’s Rule (section 7.7)

47 p. 239 Synthesis of alkyl halides : review 1.Addition of HX to an alkene (section 7.6) a.Obeys Markovnikov’s Rule (section 7.7) b.Carbocations that can rearrange, will rearrange (section 7.10)

48 p. 255 Synthesis of alkyl halides : review 2. Addition of X 2 to an alkene (section 8.2) Anti addition

49 p. 255 Synthesis of alkyl halides : review 3. Radical Halogenation (section 6.3) Statistical

50 Synthesis of alkyl halides : New 1.From alkynes Allylic bromination with N-Bromo Succinimide 2.From Alcohols a.Using strong acid b.Via Tosylates c.Using SOCl 2 and PBr 3

51 Fig. 12-1, p. 449 The Allyl Radical

52 End

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