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A LEADING LAW FIRM WITH A APPROACH Schools Working Together – A Presentation for Voluntary Schools Rowan Ferguson.

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Presentation on theme: "A LEADING LAW FIRM WITH A APPROACH Schools Working Together – A Presentation for Voluntary Schools Rowan Ferguson."— Presentation transcript:

1 A LEADING LAW FIRM WITH A APPROACH Schools Working Together – A Presentation for Voluntary Schools Rowan Ferguson

2 The Changing Landscape Emphasis on working together Push for Academies Reduced LA budgets

3 Benefits of Working Together Sharing skilled staff Improved purchasing power Joint projects for staff and pupils Recruiting talent

4 Where are we now? (1) Maintained school Voluntary aided/foundation school –incorporated governing body (charitable) –staff employed by governing body –premises owned by Diocese/foundation/local authority –admissions authority is the governing body

5 Where are we now? (2) Voluntary controlled school –incorporated governing body (charitable) –staff employed by LA –premises owned by LA/Diocese/foundation –admissions authority is LA

6 The Governing Body Recipient of delegated budget Runs the school Employs staff (except those on service level agreements) unless is VC school Exempt charitable status

7 Voluntary Aided Schools

8 Voluntary Controlled Schools

9 Community Schools

10 Trust/Foundation Schools

11 Academies

12 Working Together – Maintained Schools Trust schools Collaboration (soft federation) Federations

13 Working Together as Trust Schools

14 Working Together in Collaborations

15 Working Together in Federations

16 What is an Academy? (1) Independent state sector school –funding comes (currently) direct from central government Charitable company limited by guarantee –governing body become directors/trustees of company –employs staff –owns premises Admissions authority is the Academy company/trust

17 What is an Academy? (2) Company Limited by guarantee (rather than shares) Members are guarantors rather than shareholders Members = –(“old” academies) Sponsor/sponsor appointees/Chair/additionals/[SoS] –(“new” academies) some of School’s GB/[foundation appointees]/Chair/additionals/[SoS] Directors

18 What is an Academy (3) Company is a charity –Trustees = Directors Charitable objects “The Academy Trust’s object is specifically restricted to the following: to advance for the public benefit education in the United Kingdom, in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing, by establishing, maintaining, carrying on, managing and developing a school with a designated Church of England religious character offering a broad and balanced curriculum…” Exempt charity –subject to charity law but not on the register of charities –no charity number

19 (Single) Academy Trust Structure

20 Academy Federations/Chains (1)

21 Academy Federations/Chains (2)

22 Academy Federations/Chains (3)

23 Contact Details Rowan Ferguson Head of Education Newcastle Direct Dial: 0191 279 9952 York Direct Dial: 01904 464 472 Mobile: 07980 715 520 Content of all slides © Dickinson Dees 2011

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