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Electronic Spectroscopy of 1-Methylpyrene cation and related species. D. Kokkin, C. Marshall, A. Bonnamy, And C. Joblin and A. Simon.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Spectroscopy of 1-Methylpyrene cation and related species. D. Kokkin, C. Marshall, A. Bonnamy, And C. Joblin and A. Simon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Spectroscopy of 1-Methylpyrene cation and related species. D. Kokkin, C. Marshall, A. Bonnamy, And C. Joblin and A. Simon

2 The Unidentified Infra Red (UIR) bands Infrared emission features that match the vibrational modes of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Must survive UV radiation field conditions

3 The Diffuse Interstellar Bands Series of absorption bands between 400 nm and about 1400 nm Observed in both galactic and extra-galactic sources Primarily in diffuse sources but weakly observed in dense clouds

4 Properties of the DIBs UV flux seems important: Too little or too much UV removes the DIB absorbers IRC+10216 vs IRAS06530-0213 Chemical composition of local environment important Some DIBs show structure: Isotopic? Rotational? Sarre, MNRAS 277, 1995

5 Why 1-Methylpyrene cation? Léger, A., D’Hendecourt, L., & Défourneau, D. (1995), A&A, 293, L53 1- Methylene pyrene or related photo product possible carrier for indicated DIBs from matrix spectra.

6 The Experiment – FTICR-MS The PIRENEA-Setup Cold ICR cell Technique validated in the work of Useli Bacchitta et al in obtaining the optical spectra of isolated PAH cations by resonant multi-photon dissociation Useli Bacchitta et al. 2010 chem Phys, 371,16

7 The PIRENEA set-up for astrochemistry UV-Visible irradiation Superconductor magnet (5T) ICR cell Turbo-molecular pump OPO laser 210 nm – 2 µm Solid pellet Ablation laser (266 nm) External cold shield Internal cold shield z r P ~ 10 -11 mbar T=35 K

8 8 Absorption of UV photon - Relaxation mechanims IV. NRT, PAH et MIS ~10 -12 s 10 -2 - 1 s From short timescales (~ps) to very long timescales (~s)

9 Ion trap + MPD technique Advantage:  production in situ of isolated cations in various hydrogenation state  provide good band position for the gas-phase ion  oscillator strength derived by modelling Disadvantage:  no access to the profile of the cold ion  vibronic structure due to : - the multiphotonic absorption process - the preparation of the ions (ejection process in particular) GASPARIM ANR project:  improve the cooling of the ions (collaboration with S. Schlemmer- Univ. Cologne)  implement a two colour laser scheme (collaboration with T. Pino & Ph. Bréchignac at ISMO-Univ. Paris Sud)

10 The Results – 1-Methylpyrene cation 189 ? 215 ?

11 The Results – 1-Methylpyrene cation

12 Theory Gaussian 09 – B3LYP functionals for geometry optimization and frequency calculations. – BLYP functionals for vertical excited state calculations. – 6-31G(d,p) basis set was chosen after comparing computational cost and accuracy on pyrene cation.

13 Breakdown Pathway -H

14 Spectroscopy of 1-Methylpyrene cation

15 Improved cooling

16 Spectroscopy of 1-Methylpyrene cation Tan, X., Salama, F. (2006), Chem. Phys. Letters., 422, 518-521

17 Spectroscopy of 1-Methylpyrene cation Transition Energy of transition Wavelength (nm) (TD-DFT) (Experiment) Oscillator strength D 4 ← D 0 2.4902 eV 20084.8 (497.89) - 0.0185 D 5 ← D 0 2.8807 eV23234.2 (430.40) 22520 (444) (441 CRD) 0.2339

18 The Results – CH 2 - C 16 H 9 + cation 2 possible structures. The seven member ring system has a calculated S 1 state at 455.11 f=0.1149

19 Breakdown Pathway -H

20 The Results – CH 2 - C 16 H 9 + cation 2 possible structures. The seven member ring system has a calculated S 1 state at 455.11 f=0.1149

21 The Results – CH 2 - C 16 H 9 + cation Transition Energy of transition Wavelength (nm) (TD-DFT) (Experiment) Oscillator strength S 1 ← S 0 2.2230 eV 17929.9 (577.73) -f=0.0608 S 2 ← S 0 2.5120 eV 20260.6 (493.57) 19685 (508 nm) f=0.1241 S 3 ← S 0 2.9193 eV 23545.5 (424.71) ??f =0.1520

22 m/z=189 Calculated electronic properties. Singlet ground state. 5 member ring IR spectrum to confirm. Ring mode at calculated 1713cm -1 (~1670cm -1 ), which is not present in system with just 6 member rings. 548nm0.0125 406nm0.1152 317nm0.0818 255nm0.31

23 The Future 2 laser experiment. Preliminary experiments underway. OPO to probe the spectroscopy with the second laser to break. 2 laser ablation scheme for better control of the ablation – ionization process ~30% Dissociation OPO + 355nm

24 The Future 215.1 214.1 213.1 185.1 187.1 189.1 190.1 161.1 159.1 135.0 134.0 111.0 110.0 109.0 87.0 86.0 85.0 63.0 62.0 61.0 39.0 C3H3+C3H3+ C5H3+C5H3+

25 Acknowledgements Loic Nogues $$$$$: French Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), under grant “Gas- phase PAH research for the interstellar medium.” (GASPARIM) CNRS / Programme National Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire University Paul Sabatier and Observatory Midi-Pyrénées (AST Molecules and Grains: from laboratory to the universe) Super-Computing Center of Midi-Pyrenees (

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