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Presented by: John-John Fourie

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1 Presented by: John-John Fourie
Power Savings by Impeller Replacements for Main Fan Stations in the SA Gold Mining Industry Presented by: John-John Fourie

2 Agenda Introduction Potential savings - Typical mine fan
Theory, Fan laws and Fan curves Energy Saving Options Drop-in Impeller Replacement Conclusion

3 Introduction Typically 250kW to 2.2MW per single fan can be consumed
Potential financial savings significant Intervention methods include centrifugal fan impellers modifications

4 Potential savings - Typical Mine Fan
Original duty Actual duty

5 Potential savings - Typical Mine Fan
Actual efficiency of 55% is much lower than the original, selected efficiency of 80% Original duty Actual duty

6 Potential savings - Typical Mine Fan
Original duty Actual duty

7 Potential savings - Typical Mine Fan
Original duty Air power = 540kW Absorbed power = 620kW In-efficiency lost = 80kW Original duty Actual duty

8 Potential savings - Typical Mine Fan
Original duty Air power = 540kW Absorbed power = 620kW In-efficiency lost = 80kW Actual duty Air power = 360kW Absorbed power = 660kW In-efficiency lost = 300kW Original duty Actual duty

9 Potential savings - Typical Mine Fan
Efficiency achieved > 80% (from 60%) Power Saved approximately 200 kW (per fan) Cost Saving R per annum (Based on 0.55c/kWh)

10 Theory – Basic Fan laws 1. Volume flow 𝑄 2 𝑄 1 = 𝑛 2 𝑛 1 x 𝐷 2 𝐷 1 3
Q – Volumetric flow rate (m3/s) P – Fan static pressure (Pa) kW – Absorbed power (kW) n – Fan operating speed (rpm) D – Impeller diameter (m) ρ – Air density (kg/m3) 2. Pressure 𝑃 2 𝑃 1 = 𝑛 2 𝑛 x 𝐷 2 𝐷 x ρ 2 ρ 3. Power 𝑘𝑊 2 𝑘𝑊 1 = 𝑛 2 𝑛 x 𝐷 2 𝐷 x ρ 2 ρ

11 Theory – Fan Efficiency
Low efficiency, due to losses Best efficiency Low efficiency, due to losses

12 Energy Savings Options
Inlet guide vanes (IGV’s) Speed control Impeller replacement (1) Inlet Guide Vane (2) Speed Control (3) Impeller Replacement

13 Energy Savings Options- Inlet Guide Vanes

14 Energy Savings Options - Inlet Guide Vanes
Power consumption is related to volume flow Volume flow reduction of 10% - 15% is power savings of 22% - 25% Duty 1 Duty 2 90° 60° rpm

15 Energy Savings Options - Inlet Guide Vanes
By altering the IGV opening from 90° to 60° a saving of ±150kW can be achieved. Duty 1 Duty 2 90° 60° rpm

16 Energy Savings Options - Speed control
Fixed speed reduction gearbox Variable frequency drives (VFD’s)

17 Energy Savings Options - Speed control
𝑄 2 𝑄 1 ∝ 𝑛 2 𝑛 1 𝑃 2 𝑃 1 ∝ 𝑛 2 𝑛 Duty 1 Duty 2 745rpm 600rpm

18 Energy Savings Options - Speed control
𝑄 2 𝑄 1 ∝ 𝑛 2 𝑛 1 𝑃 2 𝑃 1 ∝ 𝑛 2 𝑛 Duty 1 By adjusting the fan speed from 745 rpm to 600 rpm a saving of ±300kW can be achieved. Duty 2 745rpm 600rpm

19 Impeller Replacement – Example
Original inefficient paddle wheel impeller Replaced high efficiency backward inclined impeller Photo courtesy of FläktWoods Fans Hermit Crab concept

20 Impeller Replacement – Design constraints
No change to fan casing and civils Existing impeller should be stored Re-evaluate fan shaft and bearing selection Vibration signature of the fan

21 Impeller Replacement – Design Parameters
Impeller diameter Impeller width Impeller exit angle Impeller blade profile Number of blades Impeller width Impeller exit angle Impeller diameter

22 Impeller Replacement – Impeller diameter
𝑄 2 𝑄 1 ∝ 𝐷 2 𝐷 𝑃 2 𝑃 1 ∝ 𝐷 2 𝐷 Original Duty Impeller diameter 2610mm 16% Change in impeller diameter, results in 58% decrease in absorbed power New Duty Impeller diameter 2200mm

23 Impeller Replacement - Impeller width
Distance between the backplate and the shroud Width is directly proportional to the volumetric flow Width defines the volume capabilities If altered check inlet cone arrangement Increase in power due to increased impeller width. New Duty Original Duty

24 Impeller Replacement - Impeller exit angle
A larger blade exit angle reduces the exit shock losses Backward curved impellers are typically more efficient than radial type impellers Changing the exit angle also impacts the static pressure

25 Impeller Replacement - Impeller blade profile
Blade aerodynamic profile: Reducing drag and increasing lift Reduced power at the same pressure and volume flow

26 Impeller Replacement - Number of blades
Increasing the number of blades increases the fan pressure Increasing the blade numbers can result in secondary flow losses and increased tip blockage

27 Impeller Replacement – Method of Analysis
Specify required static pressure and volume flow Start with a slightly decreased impeller diameter Increase impeller width by 100 mm to get a flatter head curve Decrease number of blades to get a reduced pressure curve Increase exit blade angle to get a reduced pressure curve Calculate efficiency using numerical methods (target eff. = 82%) Repeat steps 2 till 6 until desired curve is achieved Finite Element Structural and fatigue analysis essential

28 Impeller Replacement – New fan curve
Original mine system resistance OLD fan curve Original design 82% Pressure NEW mine system resistance NEW fan 82% Actual operating 65% NEW fan curve Flow

29 Impeller Replacement – Measured fan efficiency
Performance data: Volume flows 85 m3/s m3/s Static pressures kPa kPa. Old Fan efficiency 50% - 60% New Fan Efficiency 75% - 80%. Possible Power Savings ~ 1 MWE Possible Cost Savings R5.6M pa (Megaflex)

30 Conclusion – Drop-in Impellers
Drop-in impeller replacements are feasible on surface fans that are running at poor efficiency Payback period < 2 years Saving R 5.6M per year – 1MWe (60% - 80%) No significant technical or production risk

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