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koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

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1 koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Integrated Results-Based Management: Monitoring Vertical & Horizontal Linkages Koshy Thomas Deputy Undersecretary Ministry of Finance Malaysia koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

2 RBM Philosophy and Thrust
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February RBM Philosophy and Thrust Top Down Planning & Integration of Grass Root Needs Determination of National Priorities Cascading of National Priorities to Operational & Actionable Levels Focus on Substantive Results through Integrated Strategic Planning Use of a Single Integrated Performance Framework covering Results Based Budgeting (RBB) and Personnel Performance System (PPS) and supported by integrated M&E & MIS Full vertical and horizontal integration koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

3 koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Horizontal Linkages Inter Program Coordination Inter and Intra Agency Coordination Intra Program Coordination Resource Integration, govt, pte, donors Cross Cutting Issue OE & DE Integration Budgeting and Personnel Integration M&E and MIS koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

4 1 2 3 4 5 Strengthening National Unity Overriding Objective
Moving the Economy up the Value Chain Raising the Capacity for Knowledge and innovation And nurturing “first class mentality” Addressing persistent socio-economic inequalities constructively and productively Improving the standards And sustainability of the quality of life Strengthening the country’s Institutional & Implementation capacity by establishing a more effective implementation & monitoring mechanism Eradicating Hardcore poverty and halving overall poverty Promoting Good Governance Increasing productivity, competitiveness & vale-add in agriculture, manufacturing and services sector Developing Competitive Bumiputeras Generating new sources of wealth in technology & knowledge intensive sectors ICT, Biotech, skills based services Enhancing Public Service Delivery System Reducing disparities in development between states, region, as well as between rural & urban areas Reducing Disparity in income employment & wealth ownership Expanding market for Malaysian products and services Development through international co-operations Improving infrastructure & urban Transportation system Developing sports for sporting excellence & a healthy lifestyle Holistic human capital development encompassing Knowledge, skills, progressive attitude & thinking, Strong moral & ethical values Ensuring environmental conservation & sustainable resource management Fostering a society with strong values Nurturing top quality R&D science and innovation Meeting Housing needs & improving urban services Advancing women in development Empowering youth For the future Improving health care services Enhancing the water r delivery system Strengthening National Unity Overriding Objective koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

5 Cascading of National Development Priorities
VISION 2016 P P P P4 KRA KRA KRA KRA4 Goal Goal 2 NATIONAL MDGs KRA KRA KRA3 KRA Goal Goal 2 SECTOR MDGs koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

6 Cascading of National Development Priorities
KRA KRA KRA KRA4 Goal Goal 2 MINISTRY MDGs KRA KRA KRA KRA4 Goal Goal 2 Obj Obj. 2 DEPARTMENT MDGs koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

7 VISION 2020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 V2020 Objectives (8) 1 2 3 5 7 8 KRAs (10)
Results 3 1 4 NDP Goals (21) SUB-SECTOR GOALS Sub-Sector Goals NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNNIG USING THE IRBM SYSTEM APPROACH Slide shows the cascading of national priorities under Vision 2020 to five year National Development Plans (NDP), which is in turn cascaded down to the sector and sub-sectors, and then again systematically cascaded down to the implementation levels; The cascading is done right down to the grass root levels; However, the integration here is not only top down but also bottom-up; The grass root levels priorities and needs are considered on a collective and collaborative basis and these are then brought up through the lower levels to the sub-sector levels where the sub-sector programs and priorities are decided. The interface between national level priorities and goals are then matched and integrated with the grass root level priorities and needs at the sub-sector level – leading to a top-down and bottom-up interface; Results are monitored and reported at each level systematically and reported up the accountability chain; Evaluation is used internally and within the programs in an integrated manner with monitoring to produce timely, accurate, and reliable performance information for decision-making at all levels; This approach has now been used successfully in a few countries in Africa that have adopted the IRBM system developed by CeDRE Malaysia; CeDRE Malaysia is the principal advisor to these governments on their macro development planning and the IRBM system, which includes the Results-Based Development Planning, RBB, PPS, M&E, MIS, and EG asepcts. Regions REGIONAL LEVEL NEEDS & PRIORITIES GRASSROOTS LEVEL NEEDS & PRIORITIES Districts

8 MDGs Horizontal Linkages NATIONAL PRIORITIES
Reduction in the incidence of HIV/AIDS Social Sector Awareness Education Counseling Treatment Min of Education Min of Health Min of Gender Donor A Government Donor B koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

9 MDGs Horizontal Linkages NATIONAL PRIORITIES
Agriculture to be the 3rd Engine of Growth Economic Sector Employment 20% GDP 15% Forex 10% Farm Income 25% Min of Agriculture Min of Pr. Industries Min of Rural Dev. Employment 4% Employment % Employment % GDP % GDP % GDP % Forex % Forex % Forex % Farm Income 16% Farm Income % Farm Income 2% koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

10 koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Monitoring and Evaluation for Effective Results Based Management koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

11 koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Integrated Results Based Management (IRBM) RBM should best be approached and implemented by using a Single Integrated Performance Management Framework (IPMF) to ensure that it will allow for Program Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting to be carried out from a single performance framework. The framework will also allow for the measurement of Organizational Performance and where necessary link it to Personnel Performance. koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

12 Integrated Results Based Management (IRBM)
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Integrated Results Based Management (IRBM) Components of IRBM Results Based Budgeting Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Results Based Management Information System Results Based Personnel Performance System E-Governmant Enabled Enviorment koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

13 Stakeholders/Clients koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Main Drivers in IRBM IRBM Environment Monitoring Framework MIS Results Based Budgeting (Single Integrated Performance Management Framework) Personnel Performance Management System Program Managers Stakeholders/Clients koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

14 Main Drivers in IRBM IRBM Environment Results Based Performance
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Main Drivers in IRBM IRBM Environment Monitoring Framework MIS Organizational Performance Personnel Performance Results Based Budgeting (Single Integrated Performance Management Framework) Performance Management System Program Managers Stakeholders/Clients koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

15 Main Drivers in IRBM IRBM Environment Results Based Performance
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Main Drivers in IRBM IRBM Environment Monitoring Framework MIS Organizational Performance Personnel Performance Results Based Budgeting (Single Integrated Performance Management Framework) Performance Management System Performance Reporting Continuous Improvement Program Managers Stakeholders/Clients koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

16 koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February Effective Monitoring just as in effective Planning will depend largely on ……. The use of a Single Integrated Performance Management Framework koshythomas mof malaysia © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

17 © CeDRE Malaysia 2006
Third International Roundtable Managing for Development Results Hanoi, Vietnam – February thank you terima kasih © CeDRE Malaysia 2006

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