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IPLIIPLI I NITIATIVE FOR P RODUCT L IFECYCLE I NNOVATION (IPLI) Hazim El-Mounayri IPLI director Mechanical Engineering Department Purdue School of Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "IPLIIPLI I NITIATIVE FOR P RODUCT L IFECYCLE I NNOVATION (IPLI) Hazim El-Mounayri IPLI director Mechanical Engineering Department Purdue School of Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPLIIPLI I NITIATIVE FOR P RODUCT L IFECYCLE I NNOVATION (IPLI) Hazim El-Mounayri IPLI director Mechanical Engineering Department Purdue School of Engineering & Technology IUPUI Clayton Nicholas IPLI leadership team Industry Research Development Specialist Office of Vice Chancellor for Research Purdue School of Engineering & Technology IUPUI PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014

2 IPLIIPLI MOTIVATION Accelerating innovation and achieving a higher competitive edge in today’s global market represent a significant challenge to many companies. PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 The traditional approach is based on NPDI practices that are: Slow, Resource intensive, costly, inflexible, and hard to control and manage.

3 IPLIIPLI PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 PLM advantages: Reduce the non-value added activities Enable real time collaboration This is possible through:  Integration of all product related data and processes;  Elimination of the boundaries in the value chain. Overcoming limitations of traditional approach through: PLM MOTIVATION

4 IPLIIPLI PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 PLM VendorOfferingName of Product Aras CorporationPLM Software (Open Source) Aras Innovator Arena SolutionsPLM On-DemandArena Dassault SystemesPLM SoftwareEnovia Matrix One Enovia SmarTeam Ingenuus SoftwarePLM SoftwareBPMplus OraclePLM SoftwareAgile 9 Agile e6 Professional Systems Associates PLM SoftwareCMPRO PTCPLM Software PLM On-Demand Windchill Windchill On-Demand SAPPLM SoftwareSAP PLM SiemensPLM SoftwareTeamcenter Unified Teamcenter Engineering Teamcenter Enterprise Teamcenter Express C OMMERCIAL PLM SOFTWARE MOTIVATION

5 IPLIIPLI PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 “The average PLM maturity is slightly over 2”. Where do companies stand on the Implementation or “Maturity” scale of PLM? [1] MOTIVATION Most companies are at a low implementation level [1]

6 IPLIIPLI PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 We conducted a “voice of the customer” survey and of the 28 respondents; implementation and integration of PLM software was high on the list of needs F EEDBACK FROM INDUSTRY : Industrial Advisory boards Local Industry survey MOTIVATION

7 IPLIIPLI PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 Motivation: IPLI will leverage IUPUI expertise and resources, and a major PLM software grant, to address challenges in Product Lifecycle practice, with a focus on industry needs, as well as support the education of the next generation of engineers with PLM credentials. PLM Implementation PLM Education IUPUI PLM Vendors Industry IPLI (

8 PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 Current resources  Expertise from different disciplines spanning the PLM platform/spectrum. Members of IPLI and affiliated units have many years of experience in relevant areas, including:  PLM  Digital design and manufacturing  Advanced Engineering  Systems Engineering  Advanced visualization  Facilities to support the mission and objectives of IPLI  Research labs  PLM lab  Advanced manufacturing labs  Computer labs  Software (NX, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Creo, Teamcenter, ANSYS, etc.)  Hardware IPLIIPLI

9 PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 Product lifecycle management: Core labs/centers/institutes: PLM lab Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Laboratory (AEML) Digital manufacturing and design: Core labs/centers/institutes: Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Laboratory (AEML) Dental Biomechanics Research Laboratory (DBRL) Living Lab (LL) Integrated Nanosystems Development Institute (INDI) Advanced Visualization Lab (AVL) Engineering Design Research Laboratory (EDRL) Advanced Engineering: Core labs/centers/institutes: Multibody Dynamics Lab (MDL) Advanced Visualization Lab (AVL) Advanced Materials Laboratory (AML) Integrated Nanosystems Development Institute (INDI) Initiative for Product Lifecycle Innovation (IPLI) Dental Biomechanics Research Laboratory (DBRL) Mechatronics Research Laboratory (MRL) Current resources (cont’) IPLIIPLI

10 PLM Roundtable May 22, 2014 IPLI EDUCATIONCore Group Implementation plan INDUSTRY IPLI-Industry roundtable PLM consortium IPLI priorities & roadmap IPLIIPLI

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