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PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Nergis Uyan Akbay Director, School of English Language Instruction 2011, 28 th May.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Nergis Uyan Akbay Director, School of English Language Instruction 2011, 28 th May."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Nergis Uyan Akbay Director, School of English Language Instruction 2011, 28 th May

2 1.DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING Professional & Personal Development & Growth-WHY? Developing as a teacher & as a person-WHY? What is Training? What is Development? IKU-Roundtable Meeting


4 IKU-Roundtable Meeting HOW TO DEVELOP PROFESSIONALLY? Opportunities Alternatives THE NEXT STEP Where to go from here QUESTIONS & COMMENTS

5 What is Professional Development? “activities to enhance professional career growth” (Educational Resources Information Center –ERIC) “ every day is a professional development day” ( Tienken & Stonaker; 2007) IKU-Roundtable Meeting

6 Professional Development “the sum total of formal and informal learning experiences throughout one’s career from pre-service teacher education to retirement” (Fullan;1991) IKU-Roundtable Meeting

7 Professional Development “ goes beyond the term “training” with its implications of learning skills, and encompasses a definition that includes formal and informal means of helping teachers not only learn new skills but also develop new insights into pedagogy and their own practice, and explore new or advanced understandings of content and resources. This definition includes support for teachers as they encounter the technology to support inquiry-based learning...Current technologies offer resources to meet these challenges and provide teachers with a cluster of supports that help them continue to grow in their professional skills, understandings, and interests. ”(Grant; n.d.) IKU-Roundtable Meeting

8 TRAINING vs DEVELOPMENT IKU-Roundtable Meeting

9 TRAINING  Formal Courses TTrainer TTrainees AAchievement -Success & failure IInput & Observable Outcome MMore short-term AA means to an end IKU-Roundtable Meeting

10 DEVELOPMENT  P Personal Process JJourney of self-discovery IIndividualized TTeacher /Institutional needs TTeacher growth  Looks beyond today, a more long-term focus IKU-Roundtable Meeting

11 DEVELOPMENT  P Personal Process Strengths no destructive competition a positive environment for peer counselling & support experienced teachers with degrees in ELT, Master’s or PhD degrees, or other certificates in ELT low rate of staff turnover-a very strong organisational culture Weaknesses No in-service training No opportunity to have a professional counselling body (i.e. an expert in dealing with demotivated students in ELT) No funding specifically for professional development Suggestions In-service training-tailored to the needs of Ts & Ss Employing a full-time professional to assist us in dealing with demotivated students Financial & academic support by the university to encourage us to develop ourselves both personally and professionally

12 Professional Development CCreating and enr iching a climate of development opportunities CCommitted to staff development at different levels (individual teacher, whole school, etc.) GGuarantee all teachers the right to development opportunities SSupport & guidance in teaching & career planning ““What am I going to do to develop?” & “What can the school do to help you develop?” IKU-Roundtable Meeting

13 Professional Development MMust be tied back to student achievement SShould be ongoing & long-term activities that enhance classroom instruction AAll must relate to the school improvement plan EEvaluation of the professional development activities must be conducted IKU-Roundtable Meeting

14 PD Opportunities  T Training (in service-a series of sessions)  Formal training courses & programmes (CELTA-ICELT-DELTA-MA,etc)  Workshops & Swapshops & Presentations RReadings &Discussion & Reflection hours & tasks EExchange of ideas (different forums) MMentoring & Coaching CConferences AAction Research CClassroom Observations-Peer Observations TTeam-teaching OOne-to-one support SSymposium CConference IKU-Roundtable Meeting

15 The Next Step  PDP for your school/for you ?  Vision, mission ?  Official Training Courses/ Programmes  In-service Training Programme?  Committee ?  Event Organisers ? Other?? IKU-Roundtable Meeting



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