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ACTION POINTS for AGRI-DATA STRUCTURAL DEVELOPEMENT Josephat Mboya Presenter: 5/24/2015 May 7, 2010 Sheraton Hotel, Abuja-NIGERIA 1.

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2 ACTION POINTS for AGRI-DATA STRUCTURAL DEVELOPEMENT Josephat Mboya Presenter: 5/24/2015 May 7, 2010 Sheraton Hotel, Abuja-NIGERIA 1

3 Outline Outline Background information Workshop Objectives, Progress on Roundtable Discussions and Training Declaration and way Forward on Agri-data Collection for AFRACA 5/24/20152 AGRI-DATA ACTION POINTS

4 Background for Agri-data collection Background for Agri-data collection The issue of lack of data in Africa is widely spoken off Agric-data is required to inform policy and identify gaps in development And in addition investors need data for their decisions Without data, appropriate economic policies, and identification of problems for timely correction is not possible 5/24/20153 Background

5 Background :Cont’d Background :Cont’d The data problem has brought about the following unfavorable outcomes: Poor management of Agri-activity Inappropriate policies in the sector Lack of capacity/’will’ for improvement, Slow improvements in production(Cf:), and difficulty to access finance by farmers, Low investment in agriculture, Its often said, if you can’t measure it, you cant track it! 5/24/20154 Agricultural data

6 Workshop objectives To address the issue of ‘lack of data’; AFRACA in collaboration with its development partners (FAO,WB) organised a training and roundtable discussions to: out what members are doing on issue of data, and 2.come up with a common understanding 3.appraise data requirements from managerial, regulatory and investor perspectives 5/24/20155 Response to gaps identified

7 Why training- discussions? Why training- discussions? identify a core set minimum data to collected and by Institutions, and finally to, 4.define the way forward for data collection and dissemination The training and roundtable discussions were held on 4 th May, 2010- and it went very as planned. 5/24/20156 Response to gaps identified

8 Participation Participation Participants were drawn from 7 countries: Tanzania, DRC Congo, Nigeria, Uganda, Gambia, Benin, and Burundi. The group represented about 12 different institutions including 3 central banks, 24 participants categorised as follows: 17 bank reps, (2)FAO Reps, (2) WB and (3) AFRACA Reps 5/24/20157 Progress on the Discussions

9 Declarations and Action points The discussions centred on What data (both agri-data and financing data) is available, what data is required and for what purpose, and concluded on what is important to collect for AFRACA members- for REQUIREMENTS of ALL The following issues were then resolved and agreed upon by all present on behalf of the membership of AFRACA. 5/24/20158 Issues addressed

10 Declarations (1) That, its necessary to collect agricultural data for comparison, internal management informing policy decisions- All URGED to subscribe (2) That, there is need for a min. core set of data that should be collected uniformly by all members- Members to commit 5/24/20159 RESOLUTIONS &

11 Declarations The min core-set of data relates to: measures of outreach, quality of portfolio in agriculture and terms of loan and other types of data such as lending interest rates. The min core-set of data relates to: measures of outreach, quality of portfolio in agriculture and terms of loan and other types of data such as lending interest rates. In addition, a supplementary optional dataset will be identified later In addition, a supplementary optional dataset will be identified later This dataset is NOT exhaustive; it’ll need refinement and validation by all members This dataset is NOT exhaustive; it’ll need refinement and validation by all members 5/24/201510 RESOLUTIONS &

12 Declarations (3) That,a database should be created owned by all members. It was proposed that this database could be hosted by AFRACA and accessible by all members, and other external users (public). AFRACA members and development partners should be ENCOURAGED to support the development process, administration and management. 5/24/201511 RESOLUTIONS &

13 Declarations (4) (4) That, AFRACA members should show commitment, support these initiatives financially, and UNDERTAKE to institutionalize these action points to make available agricultural data in Africa. - It was pointed out, it will take effort and resources. Hence a funding mechanism should be sort by ALL---Led by AFRACA. 5/24/201512 RESOLUTIONS &

14 END…….. Thank You, 5/24/201513

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