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UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe UEVP GA – BRUXELLES 2010 NOVEMBER 11th REPORT ON FUTURE MEAT INSPECTION Thierry CHAMBON,

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Presentation on theme: "UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe UEVP GA – BRUXELLES 2010 NOVEMBER 11th REPORT ON FUTURE MEAT INSPECTION Thierry CHAMBON,"— Presentation transcript:

1 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe UEVP GA – BRUXELLES 2010 NOVEMBER 11th REPORT ON FUTURE MEAT INSPECTION Thierry CHAMBON, vice pdt UEVP

2 Event labelled by the EU Belgian Presidency CONCLUSIONS

3 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe –Goal: food safety, higher level of consumer protection and consumer confidence –Need to go forward to look for alternative but inter-related methods looking for non visual risks – to risk based revising of the conventional system –International recognitions and acceptance of equivalence Objectives

4 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe What kind of review? - Principles Holistic approach including animal health, animal welfare and public health (including biological and chemical hazards), improving the link between the different steps of the meat chain Main questions are, in this order: What? How? By Whom?

5 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe What kind of review? - Principles Scientific based and risk oriented, effective and efficient For practical reasons abattoir fulfills a key role in gaining information on AH, AW and PH Legal basis: general food law (R EC/178/2002) First responsibility of the FBOs and CA audit; Approval procedure, auditing procedure, bonus/malus system; Harmonisation of defined goals rather than the means (suppress the contradictions). It implies more flexibility and a targeted approach, though it should be recognized that legislation is not used to its full potential. Moreover, there are gaps in the implementation in all MSs.

6 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Tools –Categorisation of risk profiles (country, farms, slaughterhouses) –Optimising the exchange of the Food Chain Information (in particular regarding the feedback to the farmers) –Integrated Quality systems –Human resources [well educated FBOs and companies’ staff, Competent Authorities (Official vets and auxiliaries)] –Presence of CA is required permanently in slaughterhouses. The expertise and professional accountability of veterinarians is recognised and appreciated; however this does not mean that every detail should be covered by a vet. –Optimisation of the resources available

7 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Second Roundtable meat inspection Conclusions SANCO second Roundtable on the revision of meat inspection Brussels, 25 October 2010 Eric Poudelet Director Directorate E - Safety of the food chain Health & Consumers Directorate General

8 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Revision of meat inspection is required Stakeholders have different positions but one single goal which is supported; a world wide accepted risk based meat inspection Bonus malus could be integrated in enforcement Global cooperation with all stakeholders is needed for acceptance of the new risk based meat inspection German study clearly indicates already the possibility of risk based meat inspection within present legislation Conclusions

9 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe The new risk based meat inspection has to be science based EFSA will provide opinions per species starting from mid 2011 (pork) All participants are encouraged to contribute to more scientific knowledge Conclusions

10 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe More pilot projects are needed to gain more experience about interventions To demonstrate equivalence with the traditional inspection A global strategy is needed to promote mutual acceptance of any revision Conclusions

11 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Revised meat inspection for pigs is not just reducing Trichinella testing and lymphnode incisions, but also introducing Salmonella controls Reducing of some inspections may be a byproduct of revising meat inspection, but the main goal is improving consumer protection Conclusions

12 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Next step; third Roundtable Conference April 2011 Focus on; - global strategy for revision of meat inspection; experience with CCFH - content of revision of meat inspection; state of play for pork Conclusions

13 UEVP is a section of the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe CONCLUSIONS FOR THE PRACTITIONNERS: We must play a role in FCI We need feed back information from the slaughterhouse In the future Animal Health Law, each farm must have a Herd Health management system, in every european country, to fulfill the requirements of the future meat inspection BUT: we have to lobby for that!!!

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