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Handouts and Materials  and-teaching/teacher-principal- evaluation-project/

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Presentation on theme: "Handouts and Materials  and-teaching/teacher-principal- evaluation-project/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Handouts and Materials  and-teaching/teacher-principal- evaluation-project/

2 TPEP Roundtable Oct 21, 2014

3 Introductions  Name  District  One way your district is supporting principals and principal supervisors in providing effective teaching using the frameworks  One topic you are interested in talking to other districts about at the end of the meeting

4 Slide/Handouts evaluation-project/

5 Agenda  Framing our Work Together  Introductions  Reading –Learning Focused Supervision  Book Study Options  Updates  Small Group Discussion – participant generated topics

6 Our Purpose  Build knowledge  Use skills  Network, share and gather ideas  Reflect on practice and next steps  Provide updates

7 Definition  6 minutes  Record definition for topic in 1 or 2 sentences

8 Key idea  3 minutes  Add three key ideas from the text related to the topic

9 Example  3 minutes  Provide an example for the topic

10 Applications/Connections  3 minutes  Record applications/connections

11 Debrief  What resonated with you?  How did this protocol support our learning?

12 Next Meeting  December 18

13 Plus/Delta  Please record plusses and deltas on sticky notes  Post on chart paper

14 Small Group Topics

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