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LBMC Employment Partners HealthCare 21 Business Coalition January 11, 2012 9:30am-11:30am ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "LBMC Employment Partners HealthCare 21 Business Coalition January 11, 2012 9:30am-11:30am ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 LBMC Employment Partners HealthCare 21 Business Coalition January 11, 2012 9:30am-11:30am ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

2  HealthCare 21 Business Coalition (HC21) is a non-profit, member driven organization.  Our mission is to work with all stakeholders to improve the quality of health care for East and Middle Tennessee.  HC21 has 90 corporate members representing over 500,000 covered lives.  HC21 has a long history of developing programs to address health risk and chronic care management. ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

3  Research shows that healthier employees directly impact a business’s bottom-line: higher quality products a more efficient production process lower health care costs a more productive workforce recruitment, retention and employee satisfaction Consumer engagement is the link that connects education to action. January 2012 ©HealthCare 21 Business Coalition

4  Prior to joining LBMC, HC21 developed a Medical Expense Reimbursement Program (MERP) as the vehicle to administer employee health incentives for health risk management.  All employees, regardless of enrollment in the HC21 benefit plan, were eligible to participate in the program. January 2012 ©HealthCare 21 Business Coalition

5  $100 in MERP account for an Annual Physical and completion of a Biometric Checklist.  Numbers you and your doctor should discuss: Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol Triglycerides Blood Glucose Blood Pressure January 2012 ©HealthCare 21 Business Coalition

6  $100 in his/her MERP account for non-tobacco use.  Having not used tobacco products in the last 12 months, OR  Currently enrolled or has completed in the past 12 months a smoking cessation program and can provide proof of enrollment or completion. January 2012©HealthCare 21 Business Coalition

7  $100 in his/her MERP account for employee with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or less  OR can provide documentation that he/she is currently enrolled in a weight loss plan. January 2012 ©HealthCare 21 Business Coalition

8  Two plan options (traditional and CDHP)  The MERP was combined with a CDHP – at that time a brand new idea.  CDHP, less premium but higher out of pocket.  Employees with an annual salary of less than $50,000 and who were enrolled in the HC21 benefit plan provided with a Compassion Contribution of $400 to assist with out of pocket health expenses. January 2012 ©HealthCare 21 Business Coalition

9  While MERP provided a foundation for good health it also: Created an administrative burden (tracking) Missed the opportunity to identify our health risks (pick and choose mentality) Focused on the individual rather than the team ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

10  In 2009, HC21 replaced the MERP with a team bonus objective focused on health awareness, accountability and ultimately improvement.  The goal: Improve the health risks of HC21 Team by 25%. ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

11  Actual biometric information is crucial to identifying and managing an “at-risk” population.  Knowledge You Need is a one-page health risk assessment form that incorporates a primary care visit with biometric screening and important lifestyle and productivity questions.  Based on recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

12  Effective and Efficient because: The data is accurate and easy to understand. The process will facilitate annual face-to-face preventive visits with a provider. Eliminates self reported biometrics. January 2012©HealthCare 21 Business Coalition

13  Employee’s provider completes the biometric section to ensure accurate numbers.  Employee completes questionnaire, determines risks and personal improvement goals. These are reviewed and discussed with a Health Coach from LBMC.  Free health coaching offered for at-risk health factors. Includes education, assistance with goal setting and follow-up on critical values. ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

14  Senior Leadership receives an aggregate report of the total number of health risks of the group.  Health risk total compared to previous year to show improvement trend.  Leadership never sees or hears individual results, all information is HIPAA compliant. In 2011, HC21 team improved their health risks by 35%. ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

15 In addition to our bonus system we implemented easy to do inexpensive office based programs:  Stretch bands with Trainer instruction  Exercise ideas posters  Healthy library – nutrition books  Walking the stairs  Healthy recipe swaps ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

16  Healthy snacks at all staff meetings, office celebrations and events.  EAP promotion  Ergonomic Study  Opportunity each year to receive biometrics at no charge at annual Forum.  Take every opportunity to talk about healthy lifestyle choices. ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

17  Leadership must be invested in the idea.  Leadership must participate – clear examples.  Constant communication.  Healthy amount of peer pressure….and it is fun and good teamwork activities. ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

18  Continue onsite health promotion such as: Healthy snack demos Additional at-work exercise ideas 21 Solutions Program Continue team bonus Reminders/discussion at every staff meeting ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

19 ©HealthCare 21 Business CoalitionJanuary 2012

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