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European Commission MPHASIS Mutual Progress on Homelessness through Advancing and Strengthening Information Systems HOMELESSNESS MONITORING INFORMATION.

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Presentation on theme: "European Commission MPHASIS Mutual Progress on Homelessness through Advancing and Strengthening Information Systems HOMELESSNESS MONITORING INFORMATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commission MPHASIS Mutual Progress on Homelessness through Advancing and Strengthening Information Systems HOMELESSNESS MONITORING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Final Project Conference Paris 17 th September 2009

2 European Commission Purpose of Presentation  Measurement of Homelessness Report  How Mphasis progressed the Study  Mphasis  What the Project did - overview  Current and Emerging Issues  Policy issues affecting data collection  National Action Plans / Open Method of Coordination  Support for progressing Mphasis into the future

3 European Commission Purpose of Mphasis  Measuring Homelessness Report   Improve Capacity  National Authorities in data collection on homelessness  MPHASIS Approach  Mutual Learning / Practice Strand – National Meetings  Research Strand

4 European Commission Measuring Homelessness Study Recommendations (National level)  National Homelessness Information Strategy  In consultation with all relevant Ministries and stakeholders  Co-ordinating mechanism or agency for data collection on homelessness  Definition of living situations and homelessness  Standard core variables to be employed in data collection  Adopt a definition of services for homeless people  Establish and maintain a directory of services.

5 European Commission Measuring Homelessness Study Recommendations (National Level)  Funding for homeless service providers should:  require the provision of basic (anonymised) data on clients  provide funding to facilitate this as necessary  Strategy for collection of data from service provider client registration systems  Ensure added value of data collection for services and homeless people

6 European Commission Homeless Information Strategy Steps defined by the EU Study  Driven by Homeless Strategy  11 countries now have national strategies  Definition of homelessness  Survey shows most countries have used ETHOS  Review of Sources  Good Practice Sweden, Ireland  Mphasis meetings – stakeholders discussed  Administrative / Survey Data  Census Plans to count homeless in 2011  Research on Prison Discharge + homelessness

7 European Commission Homeless Information Strategy Steps defined by the EU Study  Service Provider Database  Methodology tested in Mphasis  Client Register Information  Pilot of LINK system in Sweden and Hungary  Data extraction from software - France  Core Variables Definition  8 variables and their definition evaluated  Eurostat Harmonisation of Social Variables

8 European Commission Homeless Policy Strategic Aims – Issues for Data Collection  Prevent Homelessness  Tackle the causes of Homelessness  Reduce the level of Homelessness  Reduce the negative effects on homeless people  Ensure formerly homeless people can sustain permanent independent housing

9 European Commission Homeless Policy Strategic Aims – Issues for Data Collection  Indicators  Monitor Targets (eviction, time in temporary hostels)  Scale of Homelessness  Stock (point-in-time) data  Prevalence (period) data  Trends and Profile  Demographic (core variables)  Repeat homelessness (unique identifier)  Long-term homelessness  Sustainable Policies  Outcome measures

10 European Commission Simplified Homeless System

11 European Commission Strategic Aims – Prevention Issues for Data Collection  Precautionary Intervention  Youth Homelessness  Definition of youth - <18, <25  Leaving Institutional Care  Pre-Crisis Intervention  Prison Discharge  Housing situation 3 months prior  Eviction Prevention  Rent Arrears / Mortgage Re-possession  Prevention of Recurrence / Long-term  Repeat Homelessness  Long term Homeless

12 European Commission Strategic Aims – Sustainable Policy Issues for Data Collection  Coordination Issues  Reduce time in temporary accommodation  Client Identifiers / Data Protection  Provision / Services  Nature and Purpose of Supported Accommodation  Supported Living Initiative – Ireland / Finland  Outcome Measurement  Hard and Soft Measures  Client Record systems – Supporting People England

13 European Commission Recent EU Initiatives - Data  Census Regulations for 2011  Requirement to count the homeless  Opportunity for Baseline Data on rough sleeping  Social Services of General Interest  Quality measurement tools – Prometheus Project  Includes homelessness  Definition of Services – temporary accommodation  Definition – repeat and long-term homelessness  Indicators Sub-Group  Housing Indicators – overcrowding, deprivation

14 European Commission NAPs / OMC / 2010  OMC  Light Year on Homelessness 2009  Appetite for Mutual Learning needs to be fed  Eurostat – Harmonisation – Core Variables  Guidance on Data Protection / Anonymisation  NAPs  Homeless Strategies – include information strategy  Report Strategy for Counting Categories 1 – 3  European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion 2010  Targeted Action  Consensus Conference

15 European Commission Mphasis Conference Outcome Statement  Workshop Sessions  Census  Client Recording Software Systems  Governance and Data Collection  Roundtable  Key Issues from the Workshops  Ten point Statement  Conference Report + Website  Report will be published on the website  Dundee / FEANTSA aim to maintain website post 2009

16 European Commission FINALLY ANALYSIS  StrengthsYES  WeaknessesToo many  OpportunitiesClearly AIM  Build on Opportunities  Ask “What Can I do?” THANKS  To all who have contributed to the project

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