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Presentation on theme: "VIETNAM VEHICLE HARMONIZATION & CERTIFICATION SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:

Ministry of Transport Vietnam register VIETNAM VEHICLE HARMONIZATION & CERTIFICATION SYSTEM Ho Chi Minh April 09th, 2013

2 CONTENT 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
Ministry of Transport Vietnam register CONTENT 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 2- Vehicle Type Approval System 3- Test Lab System 4- Accession to UNECE 1958 agreement

3 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
Following the ASEAN MRA roadmap Phase 1: 19 UNECE Regulations Adoption date : 2015 Phase 2: 32 UNECE Regulations Adoption date : after year 2015 Vietnam Current Situation of Regulation Harmonization Situation of Alignment of QCVN/TCVN with UNECE Rs Fuel and emission roadmap

4 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
Phase1: 19 UNECE regulations for ASEAN MRA No. Automotive Product UNECE Regulation UNECE Series 1 Braking System R13 11 2 Braking System (Passenger Car) R13H 00 3 Seat belt anchorage R14 06 4 Seat belt R16 5 Seats R17 07 6 Head Restraints R25 04 7 Pneumatic tyre – passenger R30 02 8 Speedometer R39 9 Exhaust Emission (L category) R40 01 10 Noise emission (L category) R41 03 Safety glass R43 00* 12 Rear View Mirror R46 13 Exhaust Emission R49 05 14 Noise emission R51 15 Pneumatic tyre – commercial R54 16 Driver Operated Control (L Category) R60 17 Tyre (L category) R75 18 Steering Equipment R79 19 R83

5 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
Vietnam Current Situation of Regulation Harmonization Status of alignment of QCVNs/TCVNs with UNECE R Fuel and emission roadmap (see following)

6 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
Status of alignment of QCVN/TCVN with UNECE Rs - QCVNs/TCVNs/TCNs related to Motor vehicles: QCVNs/TCVNs based on ECE/EEC: QCVNs/TCVNs/TCN are based on ISO: Mandatory QCVNs/TCVNs for Automobile: (including 3 ECE Regulation: R 49, 83, 24) R 43 (safety glass), 46 (Mirror), 30,54 (Tyres), 112 (headlamp): in Mandatory QCVNs/TCVNs for Motorcycle: (including 5 ECE Regulation: R 60, 81, 75, 47, 40)

7 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
mandatory QCVN/TCVN for automobile Product type/Item National standard number Name of standard Reference (relevant international standards) Whole vehicle QCVN 09/2011/BGTVT Road motor vehicles - Automobiles - General Safety Requirements - QCVN 10/2011/BGTVT Road motor vehicles - Urban buses - Technical requirements and test methods QCVN 11/2011/BGTVT Road motor vehicles - Trailers and Semi - trailers General safety requirements TCVN Road vehicles - Vehicle identification number (VIN - Content and structure ISO TCVN Road vehicles - Vehicle identification number (VIN) - Location and attachment ISO

8 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
mandatory QCVN/TCVN for automobile Product type/Item National standard number Name of standard Reference (relevant international standards) Exhaust emissions QCVN 05:2009/BGTVT (TCVN ) Road vehicles-Compression ignition engines, positive - Ignition engines fuelled with liquefied petrolium gas and natural gas engines equipped for automobiles - Measurement method of emission of pollutants in type approval ECE 49-02 91/542/EEC QCVN 05:2009/BGTVT (TCVN ) Road vehicles - The emission of pollutants emitted from automobiles according to engine fuel requirement - Requirements and test methods in type approval ECE 83-03,04 96/69/EC QCVN 05:2009/BGTVT (TCVN ) Road vehicles - Compression ignition engines, positive - Ignition engines fuelled petrolium gas, natural gas engines an automobiles equipped with the engines - requirements with regard to the emission of pollutants in type approval test ECE 24-03 72/306/EEC

9 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
mandatory QCVN/TCVN for motorcycle Product type/Item National standard number Name of standard Reference (relevant international standards) Whole vehicle QCVN 14:2011/BGTVT Road motor vehicles - Motorcycles - General Safety Requirements - QCVN 04:2009/BGTVT (TCVN TCVN TCVN ) Exhaust emissions ECE 40; 47 97/24/EC TCVN TCVN Noise ISO 5130:1982

10 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
mandatory QCVN/TCVN for motorcycle Product type/Item National standard number Name of standard Reference (relevant international standards) Components QCVN 36:2010/BGTVT Tyres ISO 10231:1997 JIS 6366:1998 ECE 75 TCVN TCVN Parking stability of side-and centre - stands ISO 9565: /31/EEC TCVN Light-alloy wheels-Test method ISO 8644:1988 28:2010/BGTVT Rear view mirrors ECE 81 35:2010/BGTVT Motorcycles-Headlamp ECE 72 ECE 57 ECE 20; ECE 01; ECE 05; ECE56; ECE 76; ECE 82

11 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
roadmap for emission & fuel (PM Decision 49/2011-QD-TTg Dated Sep 1st 2011) EMISSION ROADMAP No Enforcement Date EURO 2 Level EURO 3 Level EURO 4 Level EURO 5 Level 1 Automotive Jul 1st, 2007 Jump over => Jan 1st, 2017 Jan 1st, 2022 2 Motorcycle Jan 1st,2017 N/A

12 1- Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
roadmap for emission & fuel (PM Decision 49/2011-QD-TTg Dated Sep 1st 2011) FUEL ROADMAP Fuel Enforcement Date Equivalent to Euro 3 Emission Level Equivalent to Euro 4 Emission Level Equivalent to Euro 5 Emission Level Gasoline, Diesel and Bio-fuel as soon from Jan 1st, 2016 from Jan 1st, 2021

13 2- Vehicle Type Approval System Current situation
Legal documents related to Motor vehicles - Law on Transport. - Law on Environmental protection. - Law on Standards and Regulations. - The Requirements issued by Minister of Transport (MOT) - Mandatory Standards/Regulations announced by MOT Technical Service Approval Authority Vietnam Register (VR), Department of MOT Vietnam Motor Test centre (VMTC); National emission testing center (NETC) - Agency Accredited by VR (Domestic or Overseas) Manufacturer/Importer - Conformity of Production (COP), Recall - Manufacturer’s standards 3

14 2- Vehicle Type Approval System
Law on Road Transport Law on Standards and Regulations Law on quality products, goods Law on Environmental Protection The Requirements issued by MOT Mandatory Environmental protection Standards/Regulations Mandatory Safety Standards/Regulations Manufacturer’s Standards 6

15 2- Vehicle Type Approval System
the outline of type approval system for motor vehicles in viet nam user’s + Sales + Predelivery inspection + Mass product 5 CERTIFICATE Certificate GiÊy CNCL 4 MOT Viet nam register (Approval Authority) + Checking all of information package. + COP assessment. + Issue of Type Approval Certificate. manufactureR 3 + Preparing of sample motor vehicles Information package (Information folder + Test Report) 1 Technical service + Testing of sample motor vehicles. + Issue of Test Report. 2 Test Report 8

16 2- Vehicle Type Approval System
tHE OUTLINE OF THE certification SYSTEM FOR imported MOTOR VEHICLES IN VIET NAM MOT VIETNAM REGISTER Issued The Certificate of conformity. 2 1 - Checking documents. - Carry out the test. (For motorcycles: The sample vehicle will be tested in VMTC & NETC) - Documents - Import the vehicles Certificate CERTIFICATION importER - Finishing the Customs formalities. - To Sell. 3 market MOT : Ministry of Transport VR : Vietnam Register VMTC : Vietnam Motor Test Centre 9

17 Assembled vehicles Imported vehicles Modified vehicles MOT (VR)
roadworthiness Assembled vehicles Imported vehicles Modified vehicles Documents Documents for Type Approval MOT (VR) Police Inspection stations (VR and LlT) Finishing the customs formalities Mass production Predilivery Inspection Production. Predilivery Inspection and repot the test result. To VR or LLT) - Checking documents COP essessment - Carry out the test Carry out the test (VR or Local Land of Transport) Manufacture / importer 11 Issued the Certificate of conformity Isueed the Type Approval Certificate License plate. Inspection for seting the certification record of periodical Periodical motor vehicle inspection certificte for technical safety and environmental protection.

tEST LAB. IN VIETNAM vr Vietnam Motor Test Centre (vmtc) vr National Emission Test Centre. (NETC) vr Proving Ground For Motor Vehicle OTHERS - Test Lab. of Manufacturers - Test Lab. of Institutes (Approved by VR) tEST LAB. IN other countries Test Lab of Technical Services (3rd party) (Approved by VR) Test Lab of Government in other countries (Approved by VR) 10

19 4- Process of accession to UNECE 1958
Harmonization of QCVN/TCVN: on process Vehicle Type Approval: on improving Test Lab system: on strengthening Co-operation activities: often participate in meeting/forum.. for harmonization Roadmap to access: Target accession year: 2013 delayed to 2014 Submit proposal again to Minister of Transport

20 Thank you for your attention!
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT Vietnam Register Thank you for your attention!


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