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Massey University POST-GRAD Energy Conference Steve Broome Industrial Research Ltd 26 July 2006 Alkaline Fuel Cell System Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Massey University POST-GRAD Energy Conference Steve Broome Industrial Research Ltd 26 July 2006 Alkaline Fuel Cell System Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Massey University POST-GRAD Energy Conference Steve Broome Industrial Research Ltd 26 July 2006 Alkaline Fuel Cell System Research

2 Contents of Presentation  Ground Rules  About IRL and Me  Distributed Hydrogen Energy  Alkaline Fuel Cells  Electrolysers  Combined Power Systems  IRL’s Set-up

3 Ground Rules Any questions? Just ask!

4 About IRL and Me IRL Christchurch –Industrial Research Ltd – Formerly the DSIR. –Chch site is full of research engineers. –Wellington site is full of research scientists.  Me –Chemical & Process Engineer from University of Canterbury. –Masters with Fonterra and FRST – played with big toys. –Spent two years in Timaru – the Ultimate O.E.!

5 Distributed Hydrogen Energy Electrolyser Electricity Reformer Heat Wind or wave power Wood, coal or biomass Ethanol or methanol H2H2 H2H2 Alkaline Fuel Cell Syngas Methanol H2H2 Gasifier

6 How Alkaline Fuel Cells Work Exhaust air Inlet H 2 Inlet air Exhaust H 2 30% KOH Electrolyte Heat K+ OH- CathodeAnode Electricity H 2 O 0.5 O 2 + 2e - + H 2 O  2OH - H 2 + 2OH -  2 H 2 O + 2e - H 2 + 0.5 O 2  H 2 O + electricity + heat N2O2N2O2

7 Hercules and Minotaur IRL’s Experimental Alkaline Fuel Cells Vapour separators before outlet CO 2 scrubber Air preheater & exhaust cooler Baby cyclone for exhaust Fuel Cell Stack KOH Sump Air inH 2 in Vapour separators before outlet CO 2 scrubber Air preheater & exhaust cooler Vapour separator for exhaust Fuel Cell Stack KOH Sump Air inH 2 in  Hercules  DCI-1200 #004  Minotaur  DCI-1200 #003

8 Applications of AFCs Space Travel –AFCs used on space shuttles since 1981. –Developed by UTC Power. –Carry 3x 12kW units. –Use bottled H 2 and O 2. –Over 90,000 hours of operation. –“Over 70% efficient” Goal: Domestic Combined Heat & Power –Introduce whisper-quiet electricity and heat generator to NZ homes. –Supply electricity to home or the grid. –Heating for domestic hot water, –Especially useful for remote areas & rural communities. –Operating off conventional fuels & air – the challenge!

9 IRL Progress on AFCs  PEM fuel cell (Proton Exchange Membrane) –Testing of a ReliOn PEM fuel cell at US Antarctic Centre during 2005-2006. –Successful. –Methanol  Reformed to H 2  Fed to fuel cell. –Bottled H 2  fed to fuel cell.  Alkaline fuel cell –About to begin field trial of Zetek alkaline fuel cell at US Antarctic Centre. –Methanol  Reformed to H 2  Fed to fuel cell. –Will build low-cost AFCs.

10 Electrolysers IRL Christchurch has one of these. IRL Wellington is developing one of these.

11 Combined Cycle System – Totara Valley Hylink – Use wind energy to produce hydrogen in an electrolyser. – Hydrogen can be stored in a pipe and used on demand. – It’s potentially cheaper to run a polymer pipe for hydrogen than an electrical cable. – Experimental system has been set up in Christchurch. – A wind turbine has been installed at Totara Valley. Fuel Cell Electricity H2H2 Electrolyser O2O2

12 Totara Valley Pipe System – Christchurch style  We have installed a medium density polymer pipe –Like the one planned for Totara Valley. –160 m long and 1 inch diameter. –Box is filled with sand. –Holds hydrogen well at 4 bar gauge pressure. –Electrolysed hydrogen stored in here. –Run alkaline fuel cell off this hydrogen. –Peter Sudol working on this next week.  Brainwave: –Run H 2 and O 2 pipes to power an alkaline fuel cell.

13 IRL’s Set-up Windmills Electrolyser Bottled hydrogen Methanol Coal or biomass SyngasHydrogen purifier Alkaline Fuel Cell Electricity & Heat Reformer H2H2 H2H2 H2H2 H2H2 H 2 Storage

14 Summary  IRL is working on distributed hydrogen energy research and development.  Experiments and trials: –Alkaline fuel cells being tested. –PEM electrolyser being powered off wind energy. –Alkaline electrolysers being developed by IRL. –Electrolysed hydrogen being stored in a polymer pipe. –This is used to fuel an alkaline fuel cell.  Hylink will be installed at Totara Valley in 2006-2007.

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