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F ROM Prix Fixe TO A LA CARTE  Using Lesson Study to Collaborate with Faculty in Customizing Information Literacy  J ILL M ARKGRAF, E RIC J ENNINGS,

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Presentation on theme: "F ROM Prix Fixe TO A LA CARTE  Using Lesson Study to Collaborate with Faculty in Customizing Information Literacy  J ILL M ARKGRAF, E RIC J ENNINGS,"— Presentation transcript:

1 F ROM Prix Fixe TO A LA CARTE  Using Lesson Study to Collaborate with Faculty in Customizing Information Literacy  J ILL M ARKGRAF, E RIC J ENNINGS, H ANS K ISHEL


3 Challenges of the one-shot library instruction session too much to cover

4 “I’ve had this before…”

5 Assessment

6 Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning introduces Lesson Study

7 Lesson study  “Brings together groups of teachers to discuss lessons that they have first jointly planned in great detail and then observed as they unfolded in actual classrooms”  Fernandez, C. (2002). Learning from Japanese approaches to professional development: the case of lesson study. Journal of Teacher Education, 53(5), 393-405.

8 Adapted from Lewis, C, Perry, R. & Murata, A. (2006). How should research contribute to instructional improvement? The case of lessons study. Educational Researcher, 35(3), 3-14. Lesson Study Students 1. S et g oals 2. P lan t he l esson 3. T each & O bserve 4. R eview a nd Discuss f indings Revise a nd s eason according t o t aste. Repeat a s o ften a s desired.

9 The Lesson Study Team 4 librarians 3 writing instructors


11 Goals  an awareness of hierarchies of information an understanding of differences between keyword and subject heading searching the ability to refine searches on basis of results an understanding of citation chasing an understanding of where to go for different types of sources the ability to recognize and demonstrate transferability of search skills the ability to replicate searches the ability to document successful results the ability to access the actual source 

12 Goals  Choose two this time  Students will be able to: determine where to go to search for different types of resources recognize and demonstrate transferability of search skills

13 S ECOND C OURSE  The Lesson  Introduction Demonstration Student partner activity Discussion

14 Introduction & Demonstration

15 Partner activity

16 Search on partner’s topic

17 Discussion

18 S ECOND C OURSE  Reflection & Revision  Observations Student evaluations Student focus groups Analysis of student worksheets

19 Revised lesson

20 D ESSERT  Choose one The Perfect Lesson or Culture of Collaboration 



23 Librarians invited to participate in revision of freshmen writing course to integrate information literacy

24 Science faculty get wind of lesson study. Want in.

25 Traditionally not heavy library instruction users Faculty from chemistry, geography and anthropology, biology physics and astronomy

26 Assumed students came to them with much more library experience than was the case Led to demonstration of library research from student perspective

27  awareness of hierarchies of information  understanding of differences between keyword and subject heading searching  ability to refine searches on basis of results  understanding of citation chasing  understanding of where to go for different types of sources  ability to recognize and demonstrate transferability of search skills  ability to replicate searches  ability to document successful results  ability to access the actual source

28 1.Select an appropriate database 2.Conduct a search in the database 3.Refine the search to improve results 4.Select an article 5.Use EndNote Web to save citation 6.Find the full text of the article


30 Nursing faculty hear about lesson study. Take it to another level

31 Nursing Lesson Study Librarians: Eric Jennings Hans Kishel Bryan Vogh Nursing Faculty: Angie Stombaugh Arin VanWormer Rita Sperstad

32 Evidence-based practice basing decisions on the best research available

33 Strength of evidence NURSING Source:

34 NURSING Students will be able to retrieve various levels of scholarly information and apply or evaluate its usefulness to clinical practice Overall goal

35 NURSING The student will demonstrate understanding of nursing information structure and literature 1. Nursing 240

36 NURSING The student will demonstrate effective search strategies to retrieve one scholarly piece of evidence from CINAHL to support their clinical PICO question. 2. Nursing 230

37 NURSING The students will demonstrate advanced search strategies to select high quality pieces of evidence to support their clinical PICO question 3. Nursing 330

38 NURSING The students will demonstrate use of “best practice” evidence to evaluate nursing practice in the clinical setting 3. Nursing 472

39 NURSING Embedded throughout Post-test, compared to control group that did not go through progression Assessment

40 From course requirement to outcomes-based Serve as campus model for integration D IGESTIF  Liberal Education Revision

41 D IGESTIF  Outcomes

42 Thank you for coming Questions? Supplemental materials available at

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