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Computer Science Department TK1913 C Programming Semester 1 04/05 Group: Lecturer: Time & Venue: FTSM.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science Department TK1913 C Programming Semester 1 04/05 Group: Lecturer: Time & Venue: FTSM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science Department TK1913 C Programming Semester 1 04/05 Group: Lecturer: Time & Venue: FTSM

2 TK1913-C Programming2 TK1913-C Programming 2 Course Objectives At the end of the course, you should be able to: gain knowledge about syntax and methods of developing programs using C apply several techniques and tools in designing and coding programs know the process of syntax, logic and semantic debugging in the Linux environment gain experience in solving programming problems in class and real programming problems through the exposure of industry problems and project activities

3 TK1913-C Programming3 TK1913-C Programming 3 Why is this course important? programming is the core of everything to do with computers, computing, networked systems, management information systems, multimedia and so on (all computer-based things) everything that runs on a computer is a program and somebody has to write it. To understand how computers can be used, how applications work, how systems are configured, it is necessary for you to understand what programs are and how they are constructed. it is a necessary basis for understanding the rest of IT-related courses that you will attend in future PROGRAM after all, what makes you an IT student is that you should be able to PROGRAM!!!

4 TK1913-C Programming4 TK1913-C Programming 4 Knowlegde, Practice, Skills

5 TK1913-C Programming5 TK1913-C Programming 5 Conduct This course comprises the following: Lecture Tutorial Lab Project

6 TK1913-C Programming6 TK1913-C Programming 6 Items to collect You will be given the following: Lecture Manual This manual contains the necessary information and handouts about the lecture that you will attend Tutorial Manual This manual contains guidelines, questions and handouts for your tutorial session Lab Manual This manual contains guidelines, questions and handouts for your lab session

7 TK1913-C Programming7 TK1913-C Programming 7 Evaluation Final Exam50% Tutorial Exercises10% Lab Exercises 20% Individual Project 20%

8 TK1913-C Programming8 TK1913-C Programming 8 References Main References Marini Abu Bakar, Norleyza Jailani dan Sufian Idris, 2002. Pengaturcaraan C, Prentice-Hall. Forouzan, B. A., 2001. A Structured Programming Approach Using C, Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning Additional References Hanly J. R., Koffman E. B., 2002, Problem Solving and Program Design in C (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley. Corriveau, J.P., 1998, A Step-by-Step Guide to C Programming, Prentice- Hall International. Inc. Deitel, H. M. and Dietel, P. J., 2000. C How To Program (3rd Edition), Prentice-Hall. Kelly, Al and Pohl, Ira., 2000. C by Dissection: The Essentials of C Programming (4th Edition), Addison-Wesley Pub Co.

9 TK1913-C Programming9 TK1913-C Programming 9 Kind Reminder Don’t forget to check your lab and tutorial groups!! Classes will be started as soon as in week 1. Don’t miss the bus!

10 TK1913-C Programming10 TK1913-C Programming 10 Ready to Begin ??? Are you ready to begin?? You can take a deep breath now… sit back and relax. We’ll start our journey soon. Eager to start?

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