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OrganizationFrequency American Anthropological Association 222 Society for Applied Anthropology 165 Society for American Archaeology 145 Register of Professional.

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Presentation on theme: "OrganizationFrequency American Anthropological Association 222 Society for Applied Anthropology 165 Society for American Archaeology 145 Register of Professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 OrganizationFrequency American Anthropological Association 222 Society for Applied Anthropology 165 Society for American Archaeology 145 Register of Professional Archaeologists 89 Society for Historical Archaeology 68 **National Association for the Practice of Anthropology 60 Southeastern Archaeological Conference 53 **Society for Medical Anthropology 38 **Archaeology Division 30 ** indicates AAA section * All respondents. 1 AAA/CoPAPIA Masters Alumni Survey 2009

2 2 OrganizationFrequency Southeastern Archaeological Conference53 Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists18 Midwest Archaeological Conference17 Alaska Anthropological Conference15 Mid-Atlantic Archaeological Conference12 Bay Area Association of Practicing Anthropology10 Southern Anthropological Society9 Sun Coast Organization of Practicing Anthropologists8 Southwestern Anthropological Association8 North Carolina Archaeological Council8 High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology6

3 Yes Somewhat Do not meet needs 35% (156 )41% (180)24% (108) AAA/CoPAPIA Masters Alumni Survey 20093 n=444 Percentages do not include 196 who checked “N/A”

4 YesSomewhatNoN/A Female, MA, Archaeological focus 30%29%14%26% Male, MA, Archaeological focus 46%31%6%17% Female, MA, Cultural, Applied, Physical or other focus 11%23%26%41% Male, MA, Cultural, Applied, Physical or other focus 13%29%16%43% AAA/CoPAPIA Masters Alumni Survey 20094 Note: “Archaeological focus” includes archaeology, historic preservation, CRM. “Cultural, applied, physical or other focus” includes specialties other than archaeology -- predominantly cultural and applied, specialties such as medical and urban; including small numbers of physical and linguistic specialists.

5 Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A (a)Membership in general serves my chosen career or occupation. (n=730) 17%26%21%10%12%14% (b) Membership costs are a factor in my joining or not joining. (n=733) 38%28%12%6%5%11% (c) Employer supports membership or travel (financially or otherwise). (n=728) 9%18%10%11%32%21% (d) Meetings are relevant to my needs and important to my career. (n=731) 20%24%21%13%10%13% (e) There are clear opportunities for service to the profession. (n=723) 13%25%29%11%7%15% (f) An applied/practicing national membership is a better value than an academically based national membership. (n=723) 16%19%33%6%5%20% AAA/CoPAPIA Masters Alumni Survey 20095

6 Meetings are Relevant to My Needs & Important to My Career (MA and PhD, by Sex and Specialization) 6 AAA/CoPAPIA Masters Alumni Survey 2009 Degree Type Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree NA MA, Archaeological Focus (n=143) 17%30%23%8% 14% MA, Cultural, Applied, Physical or Other Focus (n=310) 6%18%25%14%15%21% PhD, Archaeological Focus (n=27) 26%48%19%0%4% PhD, Cultural, Applied, Physical or Other Focus (n=65) 31%38%12%2%12%5% Note: “Archaeological focus” includes archaeology, historic preservation, CRM. “Cultural, applied, physical or other focus” includes specialties other than archaeology -- predominantly cultural and applied, specialties such as medical and urban; including small numbers of physical and linguistic specialists.

7 Top-ranked reasons to join an Anthropological association 7 AAA/CoPAPIA Masters Alumni Survey 2009 DescriptionFrequencyPercentage Networking of various kinds (professional, collegial) 14445% Access to journals and publications 7423% Continuing education, keeping up with current trends and knowledge in the field 6721% Conference attendance 5918% Professional development opportunities, trainings and workshops, certification opportunities, career advancement 5116% Relevance of organization to current employment 5016% Affordability of services 4815% Employment services 3511% Ability to publish in journals and publications 144% Internet-based resources 134% Advocacy of profession 83%

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