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Applying to Grad School in Anthropology T. Rogers & H. Miller, Nov. 2003.

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1 Applying to Grad School in Anthropology T. Rogers & H. Miller, Nov. 2003

2 What are your Interests? What do you want to do?  definitely pick subfield  cultural/social  linguistics  archaeology  biological  medical  try to identify what it is about the subject you like  try to identify your topics of interest -- e.g. for biological anthro:  health & nutrition  skeletal biology  paleoanthropology  forensic anthropology  molecular anthropology  look for a supervisor whose broad research areas match your interest

3 Looking for a Potential Grad Supervisor  Check websites for research interests  Attend conferences to see current research & meet people  Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology  Canadian Archaeological Association  Check association websites and member directories  E-mail to confirm s/he is taking students  $75 + per application!  Ask how program is set- up and what prof expects from you  Meet the person  can you work with this person for 2 years?  Talk to current grad students  what do they think of supervisor?

4 Some Bio Anth/Archy Grad Schools SFU – MA/PhD  archaeology  Yang - ancient DNA  Skinner – teeth U of Alberta – MA/PhD  Lovell – osteo/paleopath  Beattie – osteo/forensics U of Calgary – MA/PhD  archaeology  Katzenberg – isotope/nutrition U of Sasak – MA/PhD  Walker – osteoarchaeology U of Manitoba – MA/PhD  Hoppa – growth & develop U of T full funding  1 yr Masters  4 yr PhD  entrance scholarships  TA ships  RA ships Western Ont – MA/PhD  osteoarchaeology  White & Nelson chemical/isotope/DNA Trent – MA  archaeology  osteoarchaeology Laurier – MA  archaeology

5 More Grad Schools For info on anthropology grad schools, check internet and/or link from Dr. Smith’s website: “Archaeology WWW Pages” (see especially the list of Canadian University Departments)

6 How to apply  Acceptance committees  Grades  minimum & recommended  Academic achievement  papers  experience  volunteer  fieldschool  paid  awards  Statement/letter of interest  Curriculum Vitae (CV)  References  ask someone who knows your work  can provide examples of your brilliance, judgment, abilities  ask if they can provide a good reference

7 Writing the statement of interest  Your goals  academic or other?  How does degree desired relate to goals?  Research interests  general statement -- e.g. skeletal biology with an interest in past populations (bioarchaeology)  particular research? -- e.g. sex determination, growth and development  Not too specific but not too vague  not a fishing expedition  Ask prof to review statement & provide comments

8 Writing a CV (Curriculum Vitae)  Name (on every page)  Address, Phone & Email  be sure to give summer addresses too!  Education  highest degree 1st Then the remaining sections, as appropriate. Order depends on which are your strongest sections - put these first. (Be sure to have your name & page numbers (1 of 3, etc.) on every page of your CV!) Other possible sections :  Scholarships  Awards (academic or otherwise)  Publications or Reports  Talks, Lectures  Field Experience  Lab Experience  Other Volunteer/Work Experience related to Anthro  Volunteer/Work Experience not related to Anthro  Papers for Independent Projects (in classes or outside of them)  Anthro Organizational Affiliations (CAPA, OAS, CAA, etc.)  Skills (computer, languages)

9 Letters of Recommendation Ask AT LEAST 2 WEEKS in advance (especially for 1 st letter) Remind prof by email or phone a few days before letter must be sent Provide for professor (IN WRITING):   Specific Date Due and What is Needed (letter? form?)   Addressed Envelope (pre-stamped if it needs to be mailed)   Information provided from places applying   what do the institutions want from the prof?   Your CV (Curriculum Vitae)   Statement of Intent of some kind   preferably a draft of what you’ll send to the grad school or scholarship committee   If you like -- Past work done for the professor   essays, etc., to remind them of your work

10 Apply for Funding  SSHRC & Canada Graduate Scholarships  Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council  MA/MSc $17,500 for 12 months  internal deadlines – must apply thru university  Natalia Krencil (U of T grad secretary) 416 978-5416  OGS Ontario Graduate Scholarship  $15,000 12 months

11 Funding from University where you are applying  Check web site for department!  Talk to the Grad Secretary  Entrance scholarships  some apply with entrance application  some apply after acceptance  Check web site for School/Dean of Graduate Studies, call them  other scholarships  many small scholarships specific to university

12 Good Luck

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