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Introduction to Archaeology Anth 130 Napa Valley College Spring 2015 Monday and Wednesday 11-12:15 Professor: Jessica Penman MA.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Archaeology Anth 130 Napa Valley College Spring 2015 Monday and Wednesday 11-12:15 Professor: Jessica Penman MA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Archaeology Anth 130 Napa Valley College Spring 2015 Monday and Wednesday 11-12:15 Professor: Jessica Penman MA

2 A little About Me! From Napa-went to West Park Elementary, Redwood Middle School and Napa High School Graduated with my BA in Anthropology and Classics from University of Arizona Graduated with my MA in Egyptian Archaeology from University College London Work as the collections and volunteer manager at the Napa Valley Museum Participated in digs in Egypt, Italy, California and Palestine Has a puppy named Indiana Jones ( and cat named Mico)


4 What is Archaeology? What video games think IWhat I think I do What I actually do do

5 Archaeologist: No I don’t dig up dinosaurs

6 What people think Archaeologists look like

7 What Archaeologist Actually Look Like

8 Impressive Monuments

9 Perfectly Preserved Bodies Bog People- Denmark Iceman, Italy Egyptian Mummies, Egypt

10 Amazing Tombs Lord of Sipán, Peru Tutankhamun, Egypt Cave of Glowing Skulls, Honduras

11 Lost Cities Copan, Honduras Angkor Wat, Cambodia Machu Picchu, Peru

12 Reality Intrusive Burial, Orvieto, Italy Pieces of mummy, El Hibeh, Egypt

13 Reality Ancient Egyptian Mud brick Houses Etruscan Road, Italy

14 Reality South Asasif, Egypt

15 What is Archaeology? A science that deals with past human life and activities by studying bones, tools, ext., of ancient people Remains of the culture of a people the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.

16 Archaeology as Anthropology In the US archaeology is considered a subfield of Anthropology Other subfields of Anthropology include – Linguistic Anthropology – Cultural Anthropology – Biological Anthropology

17 Long view of History Look at remains from as recent as 10 years ago to as long as thousands of years ago. Allows archaeologists to see the “big picture” when it comes to human history Tackle big questions: why do cultures evolve? Why do they change in certain ways? Why are some cultures similar and some so different?

18 Want to know EVREYONE’S past Only the rich and powerful left behind written records for most of human history Everyone leaves behind garbage Archaeology is the study of peoples trash

19 Activity!

20 Topics that we will cover in class History of Archaeology Archaeology Theory past and present Human origins Different types of societal structure Excavation techniques/site analysis Important archaeological sites and finds from around the world The job of an archaeologist

21 Professor information Jessica Penman Email: Phone: 707-256-7413 Office: McCarthy Library, Room 1735-E Office Hour: Wednesday 10-11am

22 Classroom Rules No food or drink-bottled water with a lid is ok No cell phones! No computers-notes must be taken by hand-if you need help with note taking the library has lots of services There will be no bullying or disrespect of other peoples opinion s Plagiarism will not be tolerated

23 Class Breakdown Assignment% of GradeYour GradeMultiplied byTotal Archaeology Magazine Weekly Reports 10% 0.1 Test One20% 0.2 Test Two20% 0.2 Test Three20% 0.2 Research Paper20% 0.2 Class participation10% 0.1 Total100% Add Final Column

24 Archaeology Magazine Weekly Writing “Like” Archaeology Magazine on Facebook Choose one of the stories from the week and write a 150-200 word write up Include: what was found, where, by who, why it is important and any other important information MLA citation is required for the article 12pt times/times new roman font Due every Thursday before class Each week one or two students will present about their article to the class

25 3 Tests Test 1: February 18 th Tests 2: March 25 th Test 3: Finals Week Test will have multiple choice, matching, short answer, and essay questions Tests are not cumulative There will be no make up tests If you need to take a test in the testing center please see me

26 Research Paper Due April 6, 2015 Paper must be 5-7 pages All citation must be done in MLA format Research tops will be given out after the second test Students can turn in a draft of their paper to be reviewed by March 16th Must have 5 academic sources

27 Attendance If you miss two classes you can be dropped by college policy! If you have to miss class it is your responsibility to get the lecture notes (make friends in class it is the easiest way!) There is no way to make up missed activities in lectures Tardiness will result in a loss of points and will not be tolerated.

28 Required Material Book: Archaeology Essentials Second Edition-Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn Note book for notes (computers are not allowed in my class!) Handouts and assigned readings given during lecture Pencils

29 By the end of the class you will be able to Understand field techniques in archaeology Apply theory and methods to investigate prehistoric and historic cultures Analyze current cultural practices in light of archaeological theories Analyze museum preparation and display of archaeological materials Interpret political issues of artifact interpretation, provenance and ownership

30 Tips for success! Make a friend! Do the readings! They will go over things we do not have time to cover in class and will be on the tests! Come to class! Be engaged! Have fun!

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